Did You Ever See Batshit Crazy?

How is that possible; since guns aren't allowed to be carried by citizens?
You must need more laws.
And cops get machine gunned to death by criminals!

Surely gun control would have stopped that?

The mass shooting in Cumbria?

Gun control dosn't work!
The UK shows this!
Being a Canadian busy body America hater nullifies your opinion on domestic issues!
Keep your nose out, cannuk bag lady!

Not an American hater. A nutter disliker. And as for opinions on domestic issues psycho's opinions, such as yours, are on the way out. Didn't you see O'Reilly lamenting the end of the old, white man's influence shortly after the election? You know, that hidden racist, superiority attitude that's not so gently being crammed back down their throats.

Times are changing. Some adapt. Others, like Beck, go spastic. The path you walk is your choice.
Not an American hater. A nutter disliker. And as for opinions on domestic issues psycho's opinions, such as yours, are on the way out. Didn't you see O'Reilly lamenting the end of the old, white man's influence shortly after the election? You know, that hidden racist, superiority attitude that's not so gently being crammed back down their throats.

Times are changing. Some adapt. Others, like Beck, go spastic. The path you walk is your choice.
Listen you fucked up old busy body, you are not a resident in the greatest nation on earth the USA!!
So mind your own fucking buisness.

Race has nothing to do with any discussions I have entered into.

This is America. You get your own retarded country in order before criticizing your betters!
Listen you fucked up old busy body, you are not a resident in the greatest nation on earth the USA!!
So mind your own fucking buisness.

Race has nothing to do with any discussions I have entered into.

This is America. You get your own retarded country in order before criticizing your betters!

You really should look into taking some psychosis medication. A doctor's visit would be money well spent. :)
Listen you fucked up old busy body, you are not a resident in the greatest nation on earth the USA!!
So mind your own fucking buisness.

Race has nothing to do with any discussions I have entered into.

This is America. You get your own retarded country in order before criticizing your betters!

Aren't you the one criticizing our government in every post?
No need hater!!
You want Americans to suffer, hence insisting they adopt a crappy healthcare system.

Too late. You got a health care system and it's going to become more and more government controlled so live with it. Your way, "pay or suffer", is slowly going into the trash can of history. You are going to help your fellow citizen whether you like it or not. Get used to it.

Now go to your room until you can act like an adult! :mad:
Too late. You got a health care system and it's going to become more and more government controlled so live with it. Your way, "pay or suffer", is slowly going into the trash can of history. You are going to help your fellow citizen whether you like it or not. Get used to it.

Now go to your room until you can act like an adult! :mad:

Well at least you are honest about your anti freedom agenda

To be clear it will be a "pay and suffer"
what is governments duty to the people?

We all have our own opinions, but I tend to agree with the Europeans on this one. When there's an opportunity for the government help provide the essentials of life, it, a tool of the people, should.

Obviously, there are exceptions. Government controlled food production, for example, was tried by the Soviet Union as was a dismal failure.

And with our tax brackets as they are, this ideology could only go so far.
We all have our own opinions, but I tend to agree with the Europeans on this one. When there's an opportunity for the government help provide the essentials of life, it, a tool of the people, should.

Obviously, there are exceptions. Government controlled food production, for example, was tried by the Soviet Union as was a dismal failure.

And with our tax brackets as they are, this ideology could only go so far.
I guess to alot of people having the government provide a house, a car, food, etc would relieve alot of stress, but according to the documents and debates of the founders, the government is only to provide national defense and protect our rights.
what is governments duty to the people?

Ahhh, glad you asked.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Ahhh, glad you asked.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Promote doesn't mean "provide".