Did you see W. this weekend?

Oliver Stone is an amazing fimmaker, all politics aside.

I ask the court to consider the piece of evidence labelled "Exhibit A", a film portraying the life and exploits of legendary Macedonian monarch, Alexander the Great, as played by the Irish hell-raising swordsman Colin Farrells, (seeing as he couldn't get Tom Cruises).

I'd almost be willing to accept an Irish Greek, but Colin Farrells? That's a step too far, no?
Thus far I have seen JFK, Nixon, Platoon, and Born on the 4th of July, and they all sucked. W looks funny though, which is a start because Nixon and Platoon suffered from being boring as hell. JFK was just too convoluted and dumb, but was easily the best of the four. Assuming W is good, has he done anything else that was good?
I ask the court to consider the piece of evidence labelled "Exhibit A", a film portraying the life and exploits of legendary Macedonian monarch, Alexander the Great, as played by the Irish hell-raising swordsman Colin Farrells, (seeing as he couldn't get Tom Cruises).

I'd almost be willing to accept an Irish Greek, but Colin Farrells? That's a step too far, no?

Liked alexander. I don't know. I like oliver stone. His films are dramatically true.
re:alexander. THe ambition of the mother put into the son. That's it. With films it's about how a basic simple dramatic conflict and then the conflicts within the conflict and then the conflicts in that conflict. Until you're limeted by time and how long people are willng to to sit. Two hours, 120 pages.
I have not seen the W move and do not intend to. 8 yrs of him as president is 8 yrs too much W.

Why didn't he have the decency to die on the pretzel ?
re:alexander. THe ambition of the mother put into the son. That's it. With films it's about how a basic simple dramatic conflict and then the conflicts within the conflict and then the conflicts in that conflict. Until you're limeted by time and how long people are willng to to sit. Two hours, 120 pages.

I reckon he just got a little too ambitious. I'm not really a fan of his but he does produce watchable films, in general.

A sword and sandals epic was just never his scene. The political stuff is his bread and butter and he's a good fit there. Personally, i thought his best film was the People vs Larry Flint, but that might be because i'm a hopeless pervert. Salvador was pretty good as well.
I reckon he just got a little too ambitious. I'm not really a fan of his but he does produce watchable films, in general.

A sword and sandals epic was just never his scene. The political stuff is his bread and butter and he's a good fit there. Personally, i thought his best film was the People vs Larry Flint, but that might be because i'm a hopeless pervert. Salvador was pretty good as well.

Yeah. I'm an ass man myself.
It's funny how things in britain get picked up in america and amplified. Like you had the mods and quadrophenia; we have the hells angels and mongols having race wars in our native american owned casinos. America kicks ass.
AHZ's compliment of Alexander is the first I've heard. When it came out, a few classmates in my Air Force tech school went and then reported that it sucked and warned us all away from it, so I have kept away so far... So, basically, I still don't like any Stone films.
It's funny how things in britain get picked up in america and amplified. Like you had the mods and quadrophenia; we have the hells angels and mongols having race wars in our native american owned casinos. America kicks ass.

We do have Hell's angels but i don't think we have many Mongols, apart from the politically incorrect crowd pointing at the Downs syndrome sufferers, that is.

Mind you over in Europe the Hell's Angels are always having harsh words with the "Bandidos". Bunch of puffs, that's what i say, as long as anonymity is guaranteed.
Thus far I have seen JFK, Nixon, Platoon, and Born on the 4th of July, and they all sucked. W looks funny though, which is a start because Nixon and Platoon suffered from being boring as hell. JFK was just too convoluted and dumb, but was easily the best of the four. Assuming W is good, has he done anything else that was good?

I personally don't think the movie is very funny. It's one of those films with a couple of laughs placed in what is otherwise a serious film that may only be funny in the sense that it's showing you a more damning interpretation of your reality.
The actress who portrayed Condi Rice was nothing more than an overt caricature of the real article.

I had the same thought at first, but there is quite a lot to the performance she gave that I'm still debating it. Even the way she moves was thought out, and I don't think the intent was mere satire. She doesn't really have much screentime, so it's hard for me to make up my mind on it.

I like Cromwell's George H.W. Bush, and he wasn't a caricature. He didn't use his "voice". He just brought his thoughts and manner and it made up for it. I believed it.
I had the same thought at first, but there is quite a lot to the performance she gave that I'm still debating it. Even the way she moves was thought out, and I don't think the intent was mere satire. She doesn't really have much screentime, so it's hard for me to make up my mind on it.

I like Cromwell's George H.W. Bush, and he wasn't a caricature. He didn't use his "voice". He just brought his thoughts and manner and it made up for it. I believed it.

I also thought Cromwell did well - I didn't say he was a caricature, just Condi Rice. You're correct that she didn't get a lot of screentime, but she used far too much blinking and obvious glaring. I'd be willing to bet that she was pushed in that direction by Oliver Stone. Most of the performances were excellent - Brolin, Dreyfuss, Burstyn, Banks, Keach, and Cromwell. I thought the make-up job for the actor who played Colin Powell was rather poor.

Oh, and AHZ - while story conflicts are certainly essential, they mean nothing if the dialogue is unconvincing. Just ask anyone who has read Ayn Rand.

However, I'm not saying that all of O. Stone's dialogue is poor, but it has tended to be overly-preachy. Perhaps he feels he has license considering the subject matter. It's a matter of taste.
No he tires easier than most at talking to a racist knuckledraggers.

Not at all. it's just that his argument about people being allowed to turn off moral reaoning when pursuing personal or career goals is a big turd. It's a pathetic attempt get us to excuse the pepetrators of the military industrial complex.
I'm not sure that's what evil is. Everybody does what you just described every day. Does that make them evil? I think that's something that's been debated for centuries.

That's not true. I can honestly say I don't htink I've ever made a selfish decision that was to the detriment of a fellow human being.