Division in the Tea Party

how do you bring in the pork as a Junior Senator?
Miller has said, “This concept that we have of senators and representatives being elected to bring back the pork is the reason that we’re at the point we’re at.”

Miller has signed the pledge by Citizens Against Government Waste saying that he will not request any earmarks if he is elected. That would basically limit Alaska funding to projects requested by the president.

“This will be the biggest change Alaska will ever see in terms of earmarking,” said Tom Schatz, president of CAGW, quoted by The National Journal. CAGW says Alaska in 2009, for the 11th year in a row, had the highest per capita earmark spending level in the country.

But in 2010 Alaska dropped to 4th place on Schatz’s list, as the delegation managed to only get about $100 more per capita for Alaskans than the national average, as compared to nearly $300 more per capita the previous year.

Under the Schatz definition of pork, Alaska took home $221 million in 2009 and $92 million in 2010, according to his website.

Schatz continually attacked Sen. Ted Stevens over the years as irresponsible and gave him the “Porker of the Month” award on more than one occasion. He criticized Stevens for projects ranging from the Anchorage airport to the supercomputer in Fairbanks and North Pole recreation facilities.

Schatz said Alaska secured 1,452 pork-barrel projects worth $3.4 billion between 1995 and 2008. In 2008, Schatz gave Stevens the “Cold Hard Cash” Oinker Award for getting $165.7 million in military pork-barrel projects.

Read more: Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Miller would reverse course on earmarks for Alaska

Cawacko, I guess Joe better decide which side of his face he is talking out of!
Miller has said, “This concept that we have of senators and representatives being elected to bring back the pork is the reason that we’re at the point we’re at.”

Miller has signed the pledge by Citizens Against Government Waste saying that he will not request any earmarks if he is elected. That would basically limit Alaska funding to projects requested by the president.

“This will be the biggest change Alaska will ever see in terms of earmarking,” said Tom Schatz, president of CAGW, quoted by The National Journal. CAGW says Alaska in 2009, for the 11th year in a row, had the highest per capita earmark spending level in the country.

But in 2010 Alaska dropped to 4th place on Schatz’s list, as the delegation managed to only get about $100 more per capita for Alaskans than the national average, as compared to nearly $300 more per capita the previous year.

Under the Schatz definition of pork, Alaska took home $221 million in 2009 and $92 million in 2010, according to his website.

Schatz continually attacked Sen. Ted Stevens over the years as irresponsible and gave him the “Porker of the Month” award on more than one occasion. He criticized Stevens for projects ranging from the Anchorage airport to the supercomputer in Fairbanks and North Pole recreation facilities.

Schatz said Alaska secured 1,452 pork-barrel projects worth $3.4 billion between 1995 and 2008. In 2008, Schatz gave Stevens the “Cold Hard Cash” Oinker Award for getting $165.7 million in military pork-barrel projects.

Read more: Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Miller would reverse course on earmarks for Alaska

Cawacko, I guess Joe better decide which side of his face he is talking out of!
“One-third of our state’s economy is based on federal spending. To say we’re going to do away with that, I don’t think is in the interest of Alaska. In fact, I think it would bankrupt our state,” McAdams told KTUU in Anchorage.

In addition to earmarks, Alaska also gets the most federal money per capita from the federal government, a statistic that Alaska politicians of both parties have always tried to downplay, arguing that because it’s a young state, Alaska has a lot of catching up to do with the Lower 48.

But budget hawks Outside don’t see it that way.

“It’s encouraging to me what happened in Alaska with Miller,” South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint told The Wall Street Journal. “It should be a wake-up call to Republicans that politicians who go to Washington to bring home the bacon aren’t wanted — even in a state like Alaska that has gotten so much pork under senators like Ted Stevens. Voters are saying ’We’re not willing to bankrupt the country to benefit ourselves.’”

Read more: Fairbanks Daily News-Miner - Miller would reverse course on earmarks for Alaska
Uh, no dude. You haven't seen one thing that says the tea party movement supports eliminating social security or even touching medicaid or medicare. That's the whole argument people like Mott have made that they haven't made any specific proposals.

So please save your they're pushing Grandma off the cliff rhetoric of killing the safety net.

Eh, perhaps you should take another look? This is from August 29/10. Tea Party-backed Senate candidate Joe Miller.

(Excerpt) Unemployment benefits, Social Security and Medicare are not constitutional, according to the man likely to win the Republican Senate nomination in Alaska.

Joe Miller currently leads Sen. Lisa Murkowski in a bid to become the next Republican candidate for Senator of Alaska.

"You have also taken some fairly controversial -- some would say very extreme -- positions," CBS' Bob Schieffer told Miller Sunday. "First you say you want to phase out Medicare. You want to privatize Social Security. I have to say there are a lot of people in Alaska who are on Medicare and are getting Social Security. Isn't that position going to be a problem for you in the election, in this general election?" asked Schieffer.

"I would suggest to you that if one thinks that the Constitution is extreme then you would also think that the founders are extreme," answered Miller.

"We just simply want to get back to basics. Restore essentially the constitutional foundation of our country," he said. (End)

Here it is straight from the horse's (ass's) mouth. :)
Eh, perhaps you should take another look? This is from August 29/10. Tea Party-backed Senate candidate Joe Miller.

(Excerpt) Unemployment benefits, Social Security and Medicare are not constitutional, according to the man likely to win the Republican Senate nomination in Alaska.

Joe Miller currently leads Sen. Lisa Murkowski in a bid to become the next Republican candidate for Senator of Alaska.

"You have also taken some fairly controversial -- some would say very extreme -- positions," CBS' Bob Schieffer told Miller Sunday. "First you say you want to phase out Medicare. You want to privatize Social Security. I have to say there are a lot of people in Alaska who are on Medicare and are getting Social Security. Isn't that position going to be a problem for you in the election, in this general election?" asked Schieffer.

"I would suggest to you that if one thinks that the Constitution is extreme then you would also think that the founders are extreme," answered Miller.

"We just simply want to get back to basics. Restore essentially the constitutional foundation of our country," he said. (End)

Here it is straight from the horse's (ass's) mouth. :)

Congrats you found one person! IF he wins I'm sure that one Senator from Alaska is going to do away with S.S. and Medicare. Update the DNC ads to show Joe Miller pushing granny off the cliff.
Like we've been saying...They believe their own strawman arguments.

Check out the link I posted. It even has a video for those who have a problem comprehending the written word.

A tea party supported candidate wants to phase out Medicare and privatize Social Security claiming they're unconstitutional. Can it be any clearer?
OK. Let's look at health care. With unemployment running at 10% that's 10% who do not have an employer health care plan. With the world's economy stagnating people's real income is declining meaning they have less to pay for doctors and other medical necessities.

Do we wait until more and more people lose medical coverage before we do something?

Some of those tea baggers also want to cut unemployment insurance and medicare and medicaid. What, exactly, are they doing for the average citizen other than ensuring complete devastation should one fall on hard times?

Rather than fill the social cracks that some people fall through the tea baggers want to remove any and all safety nets leaving a country full of citizens scratching and clawing their way through life like a pack of animals.

Do you know what that does to a country? Take a look at countries without adequate social programs. People have to survive and will do what's necessary, regardless of what is legal.

Yes, the tea party and their supporters are clueless. Subject people to the standards of living suitable for animals and they will act like animals.

Take a few dollars and go to a country that has poor social programs. Mexico. Many in the Caribbean. Mingle among the general population. See how long you maintain your possessions.

When people are hungry and/or ill and/or see their family members suffering they will do whatever they have to do.

The tea baggers and their supporters need to open their back gate and get out of their yard and see reality. They better realize that in a dog-eat-dog world they are food, also.


So you found one person yet look at your quote in bold. That's plain hyperbole and bascially fear mongering and in your case here flat out lying.
Eh, perhaps you should take another look? This is from August 29/10. Tea Party-backed Senate candidate Joe Miller.

(Excerpt) Unemployment benefits, Social Security and Medicare are not constitutional, according to the man likely to win the Republican Senate nomination in Alaska.

Joe Miller currently leads Sen. Lisa Murkowski in a bid to become the next Republican candidate for Senator of Alaska.

"You have also taken some fairly controversial -- some would say very extreme -- positions," CBS' Bob Schieffer told Miller Sunday. "First you say you want to phase out Medicare. You want to privatize Social Security. I have to say there are a lot of people in Alaska who are on Medicare and are getting Social Security. Isn't that position going to be a problem for you in the election, in this general election?" asked Schieffer.

"I would suggest to you that if one thinks that the Constitution is extreme then you would also think that the founders are extreme," answered Miller.

"We just simply want to get back to basics. Restore essentially the constitutional foundation of our country," he said. (End)

Here it is straight from the horse's (ass's) mouth. :)

well now, one has to consider is he speaking for all of america or is he speaking for the constituency of alaska?
Congrats you found one person! IF he wins I'm sure that one Senator from Alaska is going to do away with S.S. and Medicare. Update the DNC ads to show Joe Miller pushing granny off the cliff.

One tea bag candidate honest about what they want to do. Notice few of the others state specifics but is it really that difficult to figure out?

The Tea Bag folks support "Strict Constructionism" which means they believe virtually every Federal Program is unconstitutional because none of the current programs are mentioned in the Constitution and that includes Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment and every other Federal Program designed to help people.

That is not a straw man argument. It is a fact.

The problem is, by the Tea Bag folks not being specific, people think the only programs that will be cut are the programs they, themselves, do not like.

The retired guy doesn't care about unemployment.
The young guy doesn't care about medicare.
I doubt the "any child left behind" program is a major concern to gay San Franciscans. :)

By deliberately being vague everyone can imagine/day dream how great the Tea Bag Rep will be in Congress.

As Spock said to Captain Kirk in the "Amok Time" episode, "Sometimes wanting is better than having."
well now, one has to consider is he speaking for all of america or is he speaking for the constituency of alaska?

What difference does it make? If he is elected to the Federal Government and involved in law-making the laws he puts forward/supports will affect all of America as they will be Federal Laws.
One tea bag candidate honest about what they want to do. Notice few of the others state specifics but is it really that difficult to figure out?

The Tea Bag folks support "Strict Constructionism" which means they believe virtually every Federal Program is unconstitutional because none of the current programs are mentioned in the Constitution and that includes Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment and every other Federal Program designed to help people.

That is not a straw man argument. It is a fact.

The problem is, by the Tea Bag folks not being specific, people think the only programs that will be cut are the programs they, themselves, do not like.

The retired guy doesn't care about unemployment.
The young guy doesn't care about medicare.
I doubt the "any child left behind" program is a major concern to gay San Franciscans. :)

By deliberately being vague everyone can imagine/day dream how great the Tea Bag Rep will be in Congress.

As Spock said to Captain Kirk in the "Amok Time" episode, "Sometimes wanting is better than having."


Not to make you feel special but dude I am embarrassed to have lived in Vancover as a kid and to have a grandmother, uncle-in-law and brother-in-law all be from Canada and somehow "country mates" with your hyperbole lying ass.

Now admittedly why I even bother to respond to a Canadian who cannot vote in the U.S. doesn't speak highly of yours truly. I'll have to accept that negativity about myself. But your paranora (sp) is very unbecomming sir.

Not to make you feel special but dude I am embarrassed to have lived in Vancover as a kid and to have a grandmother, uncle-in-law and brother-in-law all be from Canada and somehow "country mates" with your hyperbole lying ass.

Now admittedly why I even bother to respond to a Canadian who cannot vote in the U.S. doesn't speak highly of yours truly. I'll have to accept that negativity about myself. But your paranora (sp) is very unbecomming sir.

With what are you having a problem? Does your computer have difficulty playing the video? Are the voices mumbled?

What paranoia? The Tea Party-ers support candidates who believe in less government but never come out and say exactly to what "less" they're referring. Well, all except one so far and he's on camera stating he wants to phase out medicare and privatize SS.

Has any Tea Bagger gone on record contesting what Joe Miller stands for? None that I've seen. So I suggest folks like yourself open their eyes and ears.

As for being a Canadian I have family and friends who live in the US so when it comes to embarrassment imagine I how I feel when I see people like you supporting candidates who would undo a century of social advancement. I have to go on the assumption you have no idea what you're doing, thus, my need to post and attempt to enlighten. :)
Congrats you found one person! IF he wins I'm sure that one Senator from Alaska is going to do away with S.S. and Medicare. Update the DNC ads to show Joe Miller pushing granny off the cliff.

This miller nut job is just saying in public, what many tea baggers say privately, Cawacko.

You've been on the inter tubes long enough to know that most message board tea baggers have at one time or another, said that pretty much everything FDR and LBJ passed is "unconstitutional"....from food stamps, to medicare, to social security. The New Deal is routinely panned in the wingnutospere as a horrific Marxist-Socialist experiment gone awry!

I don't think Apple is really stretching too much here.

But, if you think Miller is some sort of anomalous outlier, and that conservatives more broadly speaking are genuinely and passionately pro-food stamps, pro-medicare, and pro-unemployment insurance, and scrupulous regulators of the free markets, then this is good news! I learn something new every day!
Dixie, please give me an example of a Marxist Socialist policy that I have backed or supported?

Now is when I want you to chime in with examples to back up your claims.

you are wasting your time...

Ditzie is like Cypress.... anyone they disagree with is an extremist from the other party.
This miller nut job is just saying in public, what many tea baggers say privately, Cawacko.

You've been on the inter tubes long enough to know that most message board tea baggers have at one time or another, said that pretty much everything FDR and LBJ passed is "unconstitutional"....from food stamps, to medicare, to social security. The New Deal is routinely panned in the wingnutospere as a horrific Marxist-Socialist experiment gone awry!

funny thing about all that 'new deal' crap, that it was ruled unconstitutional numerous times til FDR threatened to pack the courts with anti-constitutional lawyers.
With what are you having a problem? Does your computer have difficulty playing the video? Are the voices mumbled?

What paranoia? The Tea Party-ers support candidates who believe in less government but never come out and say exactly to what "less" they're referring. Well, all except one so far and he's on camera stating he wants to phase out medicare and privatize SS.

Has any Tea Bagger gone on record contesting what Joe Miller stands for? None that I've seen. So I suggest folks like yourself open their eyes and ears.

As for being a Canadian I have family and friends who live in the US so when it comes to embarrassment imagine I how I feel when I see people like you supporting candidates who would undo a century of social advancement. I have to go on the assumption you have no idea what you're doing, thus, my need to post and attempt to enlighten. :)

Not quite sure how I got that "lies" emocon (is that what they are called?) on there. Then again I guess I shouldn't be surprised by anything my dumb drunk ass does.

Well considering Joe Miller is running for election in Alaska I'm not quite sure why Republican office holders elsewhere would speak out against him for a position he holds on an issue when he's not even in office yet. If Miller wins the election comes to D.C. and puts out proposals to eliminate S.S. then you'll hear something.

Outside of personal accounts in 2005 Republicans have been in office for years and done nothing to S.S. and Medicare. Hell the Republican hero Ronald Reagan raised taxes to help bolster S.S. Your rhetoric of old people dying on the streets from starvation is truly a load of crap. It's weak.