Dixie's Election '08 Summary

Okay, since I have a history of pissing people off, may as well piss you all off in one thread. Everyone is supporting someone, and I am currently supporting no one for president. My completely independent position enables me to be objective in evaluating the field of yahoo's jockeying for the Leader of the Free World position.

I am going to present my analysis in no particular order, because it really doesn't matter which one is ultimately elected, they are essentially the same thing, dressed in different garb. They all tell you what they are "for" and what they are "against" and make promises they can't keep to get your vote. They are politicians, playing the political game, doing the kabuki dance to win the popularity contest in November, nothing more.

Barack Obama

If someone would have told me, in the midst of the insane meltdown of the left in 2000 and 2004, the 2008 candidate would be a "reformed" Muslim black liberal, with connections to terrorists and no real background, would be the nominee of the Democrat party, I would have never believed it. I knew they were insane, but I really thought that maybe Lieberman or someone could talk them down from the ledge, and bring them back inside the real world. No such luck, they looked around and found a guy who's name rhymes with Osama, who claims to be a Christian, but disavows his pastor, and also claims that his Muslim upbringing has no influence on his beliefs. It must have been some liberalized new-age Muslim-ism or something, because Muslims are generally not the kind of people who change their beliefs. His background, what little we know, is filled with associations with slum lords and terrorists, and he 'cut his political teeth' in the most corrupt political environment our nation has ever known, Illinois. But he looks good, speaks well, and he's black enough to pull that 10% of the black vote back from the Republicans this time, so he's their guy!

Hillary Clinton

I would have also never believed Hillary would be the "dark horse" in 2008! I am not often wrong, but apparently I was wrong about Hillary having another ace up her sleeve, I would've sworn we would've seen a picture of Obama having sex with his mother or at least a recording of he and Screwy Louie Farrakhan talking like buddies, or something! I still don't think it's out of the question, maybe they are waiting until just before the convention to throw it out there, then maybe, the Rev. Wright was all they ever had, and the Clinton's have played all their aces. Let's see... Race... Muslim/Terror... Extremist Black Activism... nope, that's only three aces, they should still have one more. If not, Hillary is just playing for power here, to help 'shape and mold' the platform Obama will run on in November. Yes, Universal Hillarycare will certainly be the cornerstone, you can count on that.

John McCain

Again, I think I went on record that I didn't believe McCain would win the Republican nomination. I really thought, after 2004, the leadership in the party would get the message, and return the party to its conservative roots, instead, they went the opposite way and started trying to follow the left. This lead them to John McCain, as his head was right up the lefty's ass, so he was the obvious choice. His only possible hope is on the issue of Iraq, and it might be enough to get him elected, but I really do feel sorry for John if that happens. You think Bush had it bad? At least he had a contingent of core conservatives who liked him and stood in his corner, poor John is hated by conservatives almost as much as the leftists.

Ron Paul

Okay, he has absolutely no chance, but what the hell. I was really impressed that he made it onto republican ballots, and actually had a decent showing in a few primary races. He is an idiot, but I think it shows just how desperate the Conservative voters are to have a conservative candidate. Ron is the "Ralph Nader" of the republican party, he has some things in common with conservatives, but mostly he is a fruit loop. He is too idealistic with his ideas, and breaks sharply with most conservatives on the issue of Iraq. Kiss of death there, and thus the Ron Paul Express screeches to a grinding halt.

Bob Barr

Now, let me say, I like Bob as a person. I had the opportunity to get to know him well when he was my representative, and had many one-on-one talks with him about his political views. He has a passionate and principled conviction unlike many politicians, and I really like that about him, but unfortunately, it is far to acidic and bombastic for general consumption, and he is seen as an "extremist" to many. Extremists can't be elected President.

Cynthia McKinney

Of all the potential attacks against Obama - and there are certainly plenty at this point - it figures that you'd go with "he's a closet Muslim, people!"

It's just soooooo Alabama...
Dixie, as a dude who voted for Bush twice, thought the Iraq war was a brilliant idea, a dude who said two years ago that the insurgency was defeated, a dude who bet (and then welched) on Maineman on the proposition that the Democrats wouldn't gain any seats in congress in 2006....I really don't think you have any credibility with respect to political analysis or predictions.

Stick to NASCAR internet forums, where your time would be better spent sharing your wisdom
Wow Dixie used the two stupidest arguments against Obama and slammed Ron Paul without elaboration.

That post is going to get DESTROYED.
Wow Dixie used the two stupidest arguments against Obama and slammed Ron Paul without elaboration.

That post is going to get DESTROYED.

"My completely independent position enables me to be objective"

I stopped reading at that part. But, I did laugh.
Dixie, as a dude who voted for Bush twice, thought the Iraq war was a brilliant idea, a dude who said two years ago that the insurgency was defeated, a dude who bet (and then welched) on Maineman on the proposition that the Democrats wouldn't gain any seats in congress in 2006....I really don't think you have any credibility with respect to political analysis or predictions.

Stick to NASCAR internet forums, where your time would be better spent sharing your wisdom

Dixie pwnt!:readit:
Barr really isn't a radical. He's a pragmatist.

I agree, I never said Barr was radical. His pragmatism sometimes comes across as 'extreme' and he gets a bum rap. He is really very practical and has a good understanding of conservative principles. At this point in time, he is one candidate who could possibly win my vote in November, but I have to see what he says first, I don't agree with Bob on all issues.
Of all the potential attacks against Obama - and there are certainly plenty at this point - it figures that you'd go with "he's a closet Muslim, people!"

It's just soooooo Alabama...

I couldn't have said it better myself.

As for McCain. Obviously Dixie doesn't know the differance between a reactionay and a conservative.

You know, Dixie may have been right about Bush getting re-elected, much to my astonishment. What he can't argue is Bush's utter ineptitude, incompetence and what has widely been regarded as the most corrupt administration since Harding.

What makes me feel very good about this country is after the complete awfulness of one of the worst Presidency's in my life time we have 3 excellent candidates, soon to be two, to choose from. I'm very happy about being offered such 3 very capable, rational and competent individuals. Which ever way the election goes, unlike 2000 and 2004, were going to have a very good President. :)
Gwad. There's one sane man left in the Reputtal party and Dixie calls him a fruit loops? Aint that the pot calling the kettle black.

Dixie. I'm in the same boat as another Alabaman who said "I was a Republican until they went insane."

Heard Charles is going to run as a Democratic candidate for Governor in Alabama. I think he'd make ya'll a fine Governor!
Barack Obama

If someone would have told me, in the midst of the insane meltdown of the left in 2000 and 2004, the 2008 candidate would be a "reformed" Muslim black liberal

Oh yes, the black part was really important to you and deserved inclusion in your list of negative traits.

with connections to terrorists

This is completely absurd. Obama worked on a committee with Ayers - who, BTW, is not an Al-Quaeda operative, feels badly about his past, and was only released on a technicality. Maybe Obama should google everyone before he talks to them.

"Hey, is it possible that this professor I'm talking to was once a member of the Weathermen thirty years ago and isn't in prison right now because of a legal technicality?"

and no real background,

Besides graduating from Harvard magna cum laude with, becoming a distinguished professor on constitutional law, being elected to the Illinois legislator for ten years, and being elected US senator. Well, that's not an acheivement at all, especially for a man dogged by accusations from racists and people who see his name and say "Well golly! He must be a Muslim!"

Dixie could do all of that in a heartbeat.

would be the nominee of the Democrat party, I would have never believed it.

If someone would've told me whenever I was a kid that 1/3rd of the world worshipped a Jewish zombie and would attack me like I was satan if I didn't also, I would've thought they were crazy. But crazy things happy all the time.

I knew they were insane,

Well it's good you know something Dix.

but I really thought that maybe Lieberman

Lieberman is a traitor to the caucus who needs to have his ass kicked on the street.

or someone could talk them down from the ledge, and bring them back inside the real world.

This from Dix? LOL!

No such luck, they looked around and found a guy who's name rhymes with Osama,

When trivialities like this are turning out to be the biggest complaint against him, I'd say he's doing pretty good.

who claims to be a Christian,

He is a Christian, and that's his biggest problem.

but disavows his pastor,

His crazy ass pastor. Putting this in here is disingenous as hell.

and also claims that his Muslim upbringing has no influence on his beliefs.

His "Muslim upbringing"? Do you guys even give a fuck about the issues in Alabama? Or do you vote entirely based on prejudice?

It must have been some liberalized new-age Muslim-ism or something, because Muslims are generally not the kind of people who change their beliefs.

1. He's not a Muslim. He never was.
2. It wouldn't have mattered if he was.
3. You are so full of prejudice it's incredible Dix.

His background, what little we know, is filled with associations with slum lords and terrorists,

It's kind of overdoing things to say that working on a committee fifteen years ago with Bill Ayers is a past "filled with associations with terrorists". But oh wait - you were trying associate him with Al Quaeda weren't you?

You know what, people like you are disgusting, wretched subhumans, Dixie, and you deserve nothing more than to be spat on for the scum that you are for the rest of your life.

and he 'cut his political teeth' in the most corrupt political environment our nation has ever known, Illinois.

Yep Illinois makes Tammany Hall look like a Boy Scout meeting, except without the pedophiles.

But he looks good, speaks well, and he's black enough to pull that 10% of the black vote back from the Republicans this time, so he's their guy!


You know what, people like you are disgusting, wretched subhumans, Dixie, and you deserve nothing more than to be spat on for the scum that you are for the rest of your life.
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First of all, The "thats so Alabama" insults a few of us from Alabama with good sense.

Second of all, LMFAO!!! This was a funny read.