Dixie's Election '08 Summary

Hey, in case you haven't noticed, pinheads hurling insults at me does not effect me in the slightest. I do not need your approval, nor do I seek it. I couldn't care less if you think my points are valid or if you think I am insane, it makes absolutely no difference to me whatsoever. So, you just keep on slinging the shit at me, and have fun with it, you seem to really enjoy it. Make sure to post your insults and smears on every thread you see me post in! I completely understand how bankrupt of ideas you are, and how wholly inadequate you are to discuss the issues with me. If I were you, I would probably resort to the same thing, it's better than demonstrating what a mental midget you are.

Yes Dixie, we've noticed that hurling insults don't affect you. We've also noticed that hurling truth, fact, reason and logic have little affect either. LOL
Being endowed with rights is the foundation of our nation. Not God.

"Creator" could refer to the Christian God if you wanted it to. It could refer to nature and evolution. It could refer to Allah, or Zeus. The term is deliberately left vague because it's not important that it be specific, only that the creator endow rights.

And don't forget the Flying Spaghetti Monster!!!!