Dixie's Election '08 Summary

Oh don't be so dramatic. It's not like were in michigan!

Ohh yeah you do have a valid point there. such about antioch shutting down at Yellow Springs though. I will probably be going by Athens in a few weeks.
I also lived in Worthington and Lima for a time.
Lima sucked a green weenie. the only thing it had going for it was the Qwepie burger place.
Obama could lose every state in the south and still win by a considerable margin. In fact, that's probably how he's planning it, because the south is so far out of mainstream American belief.

If he does this, it we be the first time in American history it has ever been done.

Obama was born to parents who were indeed Muslim.
Obama's mother was a secular humanist. Obama's father was an exchange student from Africa who was indeed Muslim. However, Obama's father did not play a large role in his life.

So Momma was nothing, and Daddy was Muslim, but Obama is a Christian?

If John McCain were born to racist parents who were members of the Klan, would you take his word that he had no such beliefs?
Only a racist like yourself would actually think that being a Muslim was anything comparable to being a member of the Klan. It shows how bigoted you are against certain religions and your positive view of the Klan at the same time.

I don't think that being a Muslim is like being a member of the Klan, and I didn't say any such a thing, you attributed that to my remarks, like you assume all kind of wrong shit about things all the time, I can't help that you are a retarded person. I merely pointed out a fact, if we were discussing John McCain, the whole situation would be different, because you people have a double-standard.

If McCain went to a church that promoted ethnic cleansing he wouldn't be in the race. Which shows you how very different the two situtations are, you fucking moron. There is a big difference between an African-American centered church and one that promotes Nazism, fucking racist.

And you wouldn't think a guy who goes to church with a raging black activist and associates with terrorists would be in the race, but there he is! To me, there ain't much difference between the message "whites are the cause of all our problems" and "jews are the cause of all our problems" can you explain what the difference is?

Modern conservatism is a racist philosophy that exists entirely because liberals gave blacks civil rights back in the sixties.

You are full of shit. There is nothing about conservatism that is inherently racist. In fact, conservative principles assume we are all equally entitled to prosperity in our capitalist society, it makes no differentiation between races of people. Liberalism is constantly segregating people into groups, "these" people can't do for themselves, they are too stupid or "those" people are uneducated and need our help.

He's a moderate. His beliefs are not vastly different from McCains. He would have been considered a radical conservative before the eighties.

No, Obama is a Liberal, and everyone with an ounce of brains understands he is a Liberal. You are afraid of the label because you know full well the vast majority of this country is not Liberal and a Liberal stands a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected.
That's funny, then I guess the former Muslim I know is actually just lying to me.

Maybe so.

Much the same as Jews are always going to be Jews,
Dixie, are you a grandwizard in the Klan? Or just a layman?

...I do not call all southerners racist but your posts are laden with racism, Dixie.

What does me pointing out that Muslims are Muslim like Jews are Jewish, have to do with the Klan? What is the least bit racist about my statement? It is just a fact. Oh... here's one... black people mostly have darker skin than white people. Ooooo... I am so racist for saying that, huh? You fucktard.

Would it matter if Obama were a Muslim anyway? Are you this bigoted and ignorant Dixie?

I think it would matter to a large segment of the voting public. No ignorance, just the fact that we are currently in a war with radical Muslims who want to kill us all. If radical Christians wanted to kill us all, I probably wouldn't vote for a Christian candidate. No offense, nothing personal, I just don't think it would be a good idea. You can vote for who you like, if you want to vote for the black Muslim, that is up to you!
Dixie gets thrown the big, hanging softball with the big letters saying "prove you're not an ignorant rube," and he whiffs it....
Dixie gets thrown the big, hanging softball with the big letters saying "prove you're not an ignorant rube," and he whiffs it....

Hey, in case you haven't noticed, pinheads hurling insults at me does not effect me in the slightest. I do not need your approval, nor do I seek it. I couldn't care less if you think my points are valid or if you think I am insane, it makes absolutely no difference to me whatsoever. So, you just keep on slinging the shit at me, and have fun with it, you seem to really enjoy it. Make sure to post your insults and smears on every thread you see me post in! I completely understand how bankrupt of ideas you are, and how wholly inadequate you are to discuss the issues with me. If I were you, I would probably resort to the same thing, it's better than demonstrating what a mental midget you are.
if he does this, it we be the first time in American history it has ever been done.

Lincoln is one that comes off the top of my head.

So Momma was nothing, and Daddy was Muslim, but Obama is a Christian?

So momma was a Christian, and daddy was a Christian, and watermarks and atheist?

Go eat shit you fucking racist.
I don't think that being a Muslim is like being a member of the Klan, and I didn't say any such a thing, you attributed that to my remarks, like you assume all kind of wrong shit about things all the time, I can't help that you are a retarded person. I merely pointed out a fact, if we were discussing John McCain, the whole situation would be different, because you people have a double-standard.

No, there would not be. Conservatives are the only people with the double standard.

And you wouldn't think a guy who goes to church with a raging black activist and associates with terrorists would be in the race, but there he is! To me, there ain't much difference between the message "whites are the cause of all our problems" and "jews are the cause of all our problems" can you explain what the difference is?

I could explain it but you wouldn't get it.

You are full of shit. There is nothing about conservatism that is inherently racist. In fact, conservative principles assume we are all equally entitled to prosperity in our capitalist society, it makes no differentiation between races of people. Liberalism is constantly segregating people into groups, "these" people can't do for themselves, they are too stupid or "those" people are uneducated and need our help.

American conservatism as a philosophy is a reaction to two things: the civil rights movement and freeing the slaves. It exists with only two components: hatred and fear. There is no other unifying element.

No, Obama is a Liberal, and everyone with an ounce of brains understands he is a Liberal. You are afraid of the label because you know full well the vast majority of this country is not Liberal and a Liberal stands a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected.

1. Obama leads in the polls.
2. Obama is not a liberal. If he were a liberal, I would be more enthusiastic about his candidacy. You are just so far to the right that anything that sounds remotely sane is 'liberal' to you.

Maybe so.

I think I would know. Your comments were bigoted in the extreme.

What does me pointing out that Muslims are Muslim like Jews are Jewish, have to do with the Klan? What is the least bit racist about my statement? It is just a fact. Oh... here's one... black people mostly have darker skin than white people. Ooooo... I am so racist for saying that, huh? You fucktard.

It is not a fact, it is a prejudice. This is like you coming in and saying "All black people are dumb as hell!" And me calling that you bigoted for saying that, and you responding responding "What? It's not in the least bit racist. It's just a fact. LIke black people have darker skin that white people. Ooooo... I am so racist for saying that, huh? You fucktard."

I think it would matter to a large segment of the voting public. No ignorance, just the fact that we are currently in a war

The United States is not at war. Show me the bill where this was passed.

with radical Muslims who want to kill us all.

I'm sure there are a few radical Muslims that want to kill quite a few people, but there are more conservatives that want to destroy America and hate everything about it.

If radical Christians wanted to kill us all, I probably wouldn't vote for a Christian candidate.

There are radical Christians that want to kill me

It seems you can't vote for McCain or Obama anymore.

No offense, nothing personal, I just don't think it would be a good idea. You can vote for who you like, if you want to vote for the black Muslim, that is up to you!

It sure is.
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Lincoln is one that comes off the top of my head.

Well, Obama isn't Lincoln, this isn't 1864, the Nation is not in Civil War and the South hasn't seceded from the Union, but other than that, you make a valid point. I don't think Obama can win the general election without carrying any Southern states, if he does, it will be the first time in modern history it has been done.

So momma was a Christian, and daddy was a Christian, and watermarks and atheist?

Go eat shit you fucking racist.

I'm not a racist, and I wish you would stop calling me one. If you have some evidence to support this charge, let's hear it, otherwise, you are just hurling insults because you lack the intelligence to debate me.

No, there would not be. Conservatives are the only people with the double standard.

No double standard with Conservatism, it relies on every man to strive for success in life, there is no discrimination. You can keep saying this, just as you can keep calling me "racist" over and over, it doesn't lend any credibility to your accusations and frankly, makes you look a bit retarded.

I could explain it but you wouldn't get it.

In other words, you can't explain it because I am right and you are wrong.

American conservatism as a philosophy is a reaction to two things: the civil rights movement and freeing the slaves. It exists with only two components: hatred and fear. There is no other unifying element.

Again, you are completely full of shit. Conservative philosophy is not a "reaction" to anything, it has been around long before slaves were freed, or Civil Rights. There is no hatred or fear involved in Conservative principles, however, that is the root of all Liberalism.

1. Obama leads in the polls.
2. Obama is not a liberal. If he were a liberal, I would be more enthusiastic about his candidacy. You are just so far to the right that anything that sounds remotely sane is 'liberal' to you.

Obama is a Liberal, in fact, he is one of the most Liberal Congressmen. Polls are unfortunately not how we elect presidents, in case you weren't aware of that.

I think I would know. Your comments were bigoted in the extreme.

Bigotry is when you believe your ideas are the only valid viewpoint. I clearly understand that everyone doesn't share my viewpoint. You, on the other hand, don't seem to be able to accept that fact, and continue to hurl insults at me instead of debating the issues.

It is not a fact, it is a prejudice. This is like you coming in and saying "All black people are dumb as hell!" And me calling that you bigoted for saying that, and you responding responding "What? It's not in the least bit racist. It's just a fact. LIke black people have darker skin that white people. Ooooo... I am so racist for saying that, huh? You fucktard."

No, prejudice is when you show favoritism toward one group over another, like you do with affirmative action, entitlements and welfare. I would never say "all black people are dumb as hell" because that is a generalization and it is indeed prejudiced and stereotypical. Saying that Muslims are Muslim like Jewish are Jews, is a statement of fact.

The United States is not at war. Show me the bill where this was passed.

Whatever. First, we are in an unjust war for oil that Bush started, next we aren't in a war at all, show me the bill! Make up your retarded mind!

I'm sure there are a few radical Muslims that want to kill quite a few people, but there are more conservatives that want to destroy America and hate everything about it.

I love America and don't want to see it destroyed. I believe in the power of democracy and freedom, and think this is the greatest nation to ever grace this planet. I don't know what the fuck you are talking about, sounds like you are "mirroring" to me. That's when you essentially take the points made against you and twist them around to throw at the ones who made the points. All I ever hear out of liberals is how everything is America's fault, and if that doesn't constitute "hate" for ones country, I don't know what does. Liberals are also the ones leading the Crusade to remove any association with God, which is the cornerstone of our democracy according to the very founding declaration of independence.

There are radical Christians that want to kill me

It seems you can't vote for McCain or Obama anymore.

Well, I am probably not going to vote for either one anyway, so....
Well, Obama isn't Lincoln, this isn't 1864, the Nation is not in Civil War and the South hasn't seceded from the Union, but other than that, you make a valid point. I don't think Obama can win the general election without carrying any Southern states, if he does, it will be the first time in modern history it has been done.

Obama will not win any deep south states. He will, however, win the big ones such as Florida, Virginia, and, of course, Illinois. Georgia, the more northern states and such, they are also all possibilities. McCain really does not stand any chance at all.

I'm not a racist, and I wish you would stop calling me one. If you have some evidence to support this charge, let's hear it, otherwise, you are just hurling insults because you lack the intelligence to debate me.

I do not hurl unwarranted insults.

No double standard with Conservatism, it relies on every man to strive for success in life, there is no discrimination. You can keep saying this, just as you can keep calling me "racist" over and over, it doesn't lend any credibility to your accusations and frankly, makes you look a bit retarded.

And Nazism just wanted Germany to go back to the way it was, where Women stayed at home and the Jews stayed in their Goddamn place.

In other words, you can't explain it because I am right and you are wrong.


Again, you are completely full of shit. Conservative philosophy is not a "reaction" to anything, it has been around long before slaves were freed, or Civil Rights. There is no hatred or fear involved in Conservative principles, however, that is the root of all Liberalism.

Modern conservatism is actually quite new. Conservatism in the forties was entirely and totally different. Anyone not completely ignorant of history could tell you that. No, modern conservatism is a coalition put together by Nixon and Reagan. It is, basically, McCarthyism + George Wallace. Lets kill liberalism by naming it socialism, and lets not have problems with black rioting anymore because if they do we'll shoot them in the head and put them in the ground where they belong.

Obama is a Liberal, in fact, he is one of the most Liberal Congressmen.

Yes, just as Kerry was suddenly the most 'liberal' congressman in 2004. That magazine has basically sold all of its credibility and has proven that it just wants to get Republicans elected.

Polls are unfortunately not how we elect presidents, in case you weren't aware of that.

Of course I'm aware of it you dumbfuck. Thanks for stating the obvious. Polls give us clues as to how people will vote. McCain is starting the race handicapped serious.

Bigotry is when you believe your ideas are the only valid viewpoint.


a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

At the link they'll read it aloud for you, being as how these words might be a tad bit too large for you.
I clearly understand that everyone doesn't share my viewpoint. You, on the other hand, don't seem to be able to accept that fact, and continue to hurl insults at me instead of debating the issues.

"I am rubber, you are glue..."

No, prejudice is when you show favoritism toward one group over another,


The word prejudice refers to prejudgment: making a decision before becoming aware of the relevant facts of a case or event.

like you do with affirmative action, entitlements and welfare.

Oh yes, I prejudge all the time whenever I ask employers with all white workforces under the federal governments employment why they haven't hired any of the blacks in their area whenever 50% of the people in the area are black. I also prejudge whenever I give starving mothers food stamps, and medicine to seniors. O terrible me.

I would never say "all black people are dumb as hell" because that is a generalization and it is indeed prejudiced and stereotypical.

I'll agree that it is a prejudiced generalization but not that you would never say it.

Saying that Muslims are Muslim like Jewish are Jews, is a statement of fact.

WTF? You apparently understand the concept in the preceding sentence and then you go and outright contradict it. Saying that Muslims are like Jews is a prejudice, since you are prejudging them without really knowing anything at all about them. To you, all Muslims are evil terrorists and all Jews are rich bankers who are trying to take over the world.

Whatever. First, we are in an unjust war for oil that Bush started, next we aren't in a war at all, show me the bill! Make up your retarded mind!

Could you please quote me on where I have stated that we are in a war for oil?

I love America and don't want to see it destroyed. I believe in the power of democracy and freedom, and think this is the greatest nation to ever grace this planet. I don't know what the fuck you are talking about, sounds like you are "mirroring" to me. That's when you essentially take the points made against you and twist them around to throw at the ones who made the points. All I ever hear out of liberals is how everything is America's fault, and if that doesn't constitute "hate" for ones country, I don't know what does. Liberals are also the ones leading the Crusade to remove any association with God, which is the cornerstone of our democracy according to the very founding declaration of independence.

1. No you don't.
2. It is you who do that.
3. Maybe trying to preserve our democracy against conservatives who are in government and working to destroy everything that makes it great is hating America. That's the key difference between I and you: you think America is whoever is in government, and I think America is a greater concept.
4. America was founded on freedom, not religious intolerance. That's why Christianity was not once mentioned in the constitution or declaration of indedence. Conservatives want to rewrite everything and destroy our religiou freedoms by taking "creator" in the declaration and construing it to mean "The Christian God", whenever it could just as well mean "nature" for atheists.
Obama will not win any deep south states. He will, however, win the big ones such as Florida, Virginia, and, of course, Illinois. Georgia, the more northern states and such, they are also all possibilities. McCain really does not stand any chance at all.

Georgia is considered deep south, and I doubt he wins in Georgia, or any other Southern state, including Florida. In fact, when it's all said and done, Obama will be about like McGovern in '72. These are our predictions, and it's all fine to make them, just so long as we understand, neither of us know what the outcome will be.

I do not hurl unwarranted insults.

Well, yes, you continue to call me "racist" with nothing to back it up. You misinterpreted a comment I made and construed racism in it, and since you are too stubborn to realize what a judgmental bigot you are, you keep re-emphasising the error. I'm not racist, I can't be! I am 1/16 Native American, and I have some African-American in my blood as well. How the fuck can I be a racist? Pretty damn self-defeating if I am!

No, modern conservatism is a coalition put together by Nixon and Reagan. It is, basically, McCarthyism + George Wallace. Lets kill liberalism by naming it socialism, and lets not have problems with black rioting anymore because if they do we'll shoot them in the head and put them in the ground where they belong.

You are full of shit and don't know what you are talking about. I am sorry, but that is about as blunt as I can put it. You've read some liberal brainwash propaganda, which told you to believe this shit, and you being the retard you are, believe every single bit of it.

Yes, just as Kerry was suddenly the most 'liberal' congressman in 2004. That magazine has basically sold all of its credibility and has proven that it just wants to get Republicans elected.

No, this is from Judicial Watch, they actually score congressmen based on their actual votes and give them Conservative and Liberal ratings. Yes, Kerry was dethroned as King Liberal by Obama, you guys just keep nominating liberals, even though you know full well they can't win. You'll nominate them, and start immediately trying to run away from your Liberalism.

Of course I'm aware of it you dumbfuck. Thanks for stating the obvious. Polls give us clues as to how people will vote. McCain is starting the race handicapped serious.

McCain's problem is, he is trying to out liberal the liberal, and conservatives are turned off by this.

a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

Damn if it don't sound just like you!

Oh yes, I prejudge all the time whenever I ask employers with all white workforces under the federal governments employment why they haven't hired any of the blacks in their area whenever 50% of the people in the area are black. I also prejudge whenever I give starving mothers food stamps, and medicine to seniors. O terrible me.

Well it's good that you admit your prejudice, most people won't. For the record, any time you pre-judge based on race, you are being "racially prejudiced" and that is exactly what you do with regard to affirmative action and welfare, you make assumptions based on race alone. That is "racist".

WTF? You apparently understand the concept in the preceding sentence and then you go and outright contradict it. Saying that Muslims are like Jews is a prejudice, since you are prejudging them without really knowing anything at all about them. To you, all Muslims are evil terrorists and all Jews are rich bankers who are trying to take over the world.

You know... maybe they dropped you on your head when you were a baby or something, because you have terrible reading comprehension skills. Please read, I NEVER said "Muslims are like Jews" and I think such a comparison is invalid and absurd, they are basically the religious opposite of each other. Where do you come up with this shit you think I say? Do you hear little voices in your head? I never made one comment of generalization, never said one word about "rich banker" Jews or "all terrorist" Muslims, those are attributes you assigned to what I said. Please have the courtesy to READ the actual post, and stop claiming I am saying things that I haven't said.

Could you please quote me on where I have stated that we are in a war for oil?

I don't have time for your stupidity. Okay... we're NOT in a war! YEA! Seems like you'd be happy to know that, can you call Nancy Pelosi and Cyndi Sheehan for me? Can we sue Scott McClellan for fraud? What a fucking hard headed piece of shit! All we've heard for 8 years is this incessant bitching about the war, now all of a sudden, there is no war? What the fuck are you smoking?

1. No you don't.
2. It is you who do that.
3. Maybe trying to preserve our democracy against conservatives who are in government and working to destroy everything that makes it great is hating America. That's the key difference between I and you: you think America is whoever is in government, and I think America is a greater concept.
4. America was founded on freedom, not religious intolerance. That's why Christianity was not once mentioned in the constitution or declaration of indedence. Conservatives want to rewrite everything and destroy our religiou freedoms by taking "creator" in the declaration and construing it to mean "The Christian God", whenever it could just as well mean "nature" for atheists.

1. "No you don't" is an opinion, not a point.
2. Again, not a point, an opinion.
3. You don't know or understand the first thing about what I think, don't claim that you do!
4. "We are endowed by our Creator, certain inalienable rights..." Belief in a power greater than ourselves, which endows us with the rights we claim in the Constitution, is the cornerstone of our nation. It has nothing to do with Christianity, or any religious dogma, it is the basis on which we claim to be a free nation. Socialist scum suckers like you, want to destroy this, tear it down, erase it forever, because it is much easier to destroy America with God out of the way. It is the foundation of our country, and when you ca n remove the foundation successfully, the rest will crumble.
Ohh yeah you do have a valid point there. such about antioch shutting down at Yellow Springs though. I will probably be going by Athens in a few weeks.
I also lived in Worthington and Lima for a time.
Lima sucked a green weenie. the only thing it had going for it was the Qwepie burger place.

Actually Antioch obtained the funding to keep it's doors open. That sure did piss off the local Cons! LOL

I live not to far from Worthington in Delaware. I work in Dublin.

Yea Lima sucks and Qwepie is about all's its got going. My sister lives there, she works at the local Ford plant. I was born just down the road in Wapak.
Georgia is considered deep south, and I doubt he wins in Georgia, or any other Southern state, including Florida. In fact, when it's all said and done, Obama will be about like McGovern in '72. These are our predictions, and it's all fine to make them, just so long as we understand, neither of us know what the outcome will be.

Well, yes, you continue to call me "racist" with nothing to back it up. You misinterpreted a comment I made and construed racism in it, and since you are too stubborn to realize what a judgmental bigot you are, you keep re-emphasising the error. I'm not racist, I can't be! I am 1/16 Native American, and I have some African-American in my blood as well. How the fuck can I be a racist? Pretty damn self-defeating if I am!

You are full of shit and don't know what you are talking about. I am sorry, but that is about as blunt as I can put it. You've read some liberal brainwash propaganda, which told you to believe this shit, and you being the retard you are, believe every single bit of it.

No, this is from Judicial Watch, they actually score congressmen based on their actual votes and give them Conservative and Liberal ratings. Yes, Kerry was dethroned as King Liberal by Obama, you guys just keep nominating liberals, even though you know full well they can't win. You'll nominate them, and start immediately trying to run away from your Liberalism.

McCain's problem is, he is trying to out liberal the liberal, and conservatives are turned off by this.

Damn if it don't sound just like you!

Well it's good that you admit your prejudice, most people won't. For the record, any time you pre-judge based on race, you are being "racially prejudiced" and that is exactly what you do with regard to affirmative action and welfare, you make assumptions based on race alone. That is "racist".

You know... maybe they dropped you on your head when you were a baby or something, because you have terrible reading comprehension skills. Please read, I NEVER said "Muslims are like Jews" and I think such a comparison is invalid and absurd, they are basically the religious opposite of each other. Where do you come up with this shit you think I say? Do you hear little voices in your head? I never made one comment of generalization, never said one word about "rich banker" Jews or "all terrorist" Muslims, those are attributes you assigned to what I said. Please have the courtesy to READ the actual post, and stop claiming I am saying things that I haven't said.

I don't have time for your stupidity. Okay... we're NOT in a war! YEA! Seems like you'd be happy to know that, can you call Nancy Pelosi and Cyndi Sheehan for me? Can we sue Scott McClellan for fraud? What a fucking hard headed piece of shit! All we've heard for 8 years is this incessant bitching about the war, now all of a sudden, there is no war? What the fuck are you smoking?

1. "No you don't" is an opinion, not a point.
2. Again, not a point, an opinion.
3. You don't know or understand the first thing about what I think, don't claim that you do!
4. "We are endowed by our Creator, certain inalienable rights..." Belief in a power greater than ourselves, which endows us with the rights we claim in the Constitution, is the cornerstone of our nation. It has nothing to do with Christianity, or any religious dogma, it is the basis on which we claim to be a free nation. Socialist scum suckers like you, want to destroy this, tear it down, erase it forever, because it is much easier to destroy America with God out of the way. It is the foundation of our country, and when you ca n remove the foundation successfully, the rest will crumble.

Dixie....why do you hate America?
Being endowed with rights is the foundation of our nation. Not God.

"Creator" could refer to the Christian God if you wanted it to. It could refer to nature and evolution. It could refer to Allah, or Zeus. The term is deliberately left vague because it's not important that it be specific, only that the creator endow rights.
Being endowed with rights is the foundation of our nation. Not God.

"Creator" could refer to the Christian God if you wanted it to. It could refer to nature and evolution. It could refer to Allah, or Zeus. The term is deliberately left vague because it's not important that it be specific, only that the creator endow rights.

I get really tired of having to correct your misconceptions and misinterpretations of what I have posted. You are either mentally retarded and have some reading comprehension problem, or you want so badly for me to be saying something opposite of what I actually say, that your mind causes you to read some things I never wrote. Not sure which one it is.

I never said "GOD" was the cornerstone of our nation. Here are my EXACT words... "We are endowed by our Creator, certain inalienable rights..." Belief in a power greater than ourselves, which endows us with the rights we claim in the Constitution, is the cornerstone of our nation. It has nothing to do with Christianity, or any religious dogma, it is the basis on which we claim to be a free nation.

Now, I think I made it clear, and actually went out of my way to say, 'Christian God' has nothing to do with it. Indeed, it can mean whatever the individual wants it to mean, whatever it is you believe in greater than self. Nature? Science? Buddha? Karma? Atheism? Jehovah? Allah? It can be all kinds of things other than "God", but also... "God" can mean all kinds of things, again, this interpretation comes from the individual.

The important thing is, "Our Creator" means whatever it is that we individually believe in, greater than ourselves. Our nation doesn't receive it's inalienable rights from a King, or a Charter, it doesn't rely on a Court or Legislation, in this, our nation is unique, and I believe it is what makes America the greatest nation in human history. Man can not take away our rights, as they were endowed to us by Our Creator.

During the debate over how to word this in our Declaration, and indeed, how to construct a constitution without encroaching or favoring any particular religious belief, and to insure the free religious practices of all, Jefferson talked about an imaginary "wall of separation" between the government and religion. This has been distorted by Socialists who seek to strip our nation of any connection to "the Creator" and more effectively implement Socialist policy. You see, Socialism works best in a Godless society. They want you to believe the "wall of separation" forbids things like school prayer and "In God We Trust" on our money, or a state courthouse displaying a 10 Commandments monument.

These are symbolic of our founding premise, and not religiously specific. Indeed, the mandate from Our Creator is what makes America different from any other nation, and I contend, the greatest of all nations. If Socialists can destroy that, they can destroy America, it's that simple. Yet many pinheads continue to say they "can see the point" of the Socialist initiatives, and we continue to see the erosion of our foundation.
They want you to believe the "wall of separation" forbids things like school prayer and "In God We Trust" on our money, or a state courthouse displaying a 10 Commandments monument.

Dixie, the 10 commandments being displayed in the lobby of the Alabama Supreme Court was EXACTLY what our forefathers were trying to guard against. Imagine being a muslim, buddhist or wiccan and on your way into court you see a massive granite monument that starts with "You shall have no other gods before Me". Just what kind of justice would you expect in that courtroom? And the main reason the ruling came down to remove it was not just that it was a religious monument in the lobby of a state building, but that Judge Roy Moore had expressly forbidden ANY other diplays in the lobby. (he had also stated in an interview with an Anniston newspaper that he would not guarantee a fair trial to anyone who was not judeo-christian)

The US Constitution expressly forbids the state favoring one religion. I sorta think have a 2 ton monument to one religion and not allowing anything else pretty much fails into that category.

I signed the petition to have that monument removed and help distribute the petitions so others could sign it. And I am proud of that fact.