Dixie's Signature


Atheist Missionary
"Your brain is too small to distinguish between Israelis and Jews."
Gonzojornals explains how to conceal your anti-Semitic views.

Are you trying to claim that Israel equates to Judaism?

Then you are anti-semitic, Dixie. Using your logic, your criticism of the actions of the governments of Syria and Iran equates to criticism of Islam, a semitic religion.

How's the cheerleading for Israeli terrorism going, btw?
Syria and Iran were not established as states for the persecuted Muslim peoples of the world. Yes, Israel is a Jewish state, always has been, always will be... it's why they have the Star of Freakin' David on the flag! To be so disingenuous as to try and claim Israel has nothing to do with Jewish religion, is pure anti-Semitism disguised as intellectualism.

The Arab world hates Israel because they are JEWS!
Hezbollah hates Israel because they are JEWS!
Terrorists blow themselves up in Israel because they are JEWS!
Muslims hate Israel because they are JEWS!
You hate Israel because they are JEWS!

You can parse things, explain things, make excuses for yourself, or deny outright facts of life, like Israel being a Jewish state, it doesn't hide your anti-Semitic viewpoint, or make it any more tolerable.
I say again...Israel is a Jewish state, but in terms of ethnicity, not in terms of religion or faith. The vast majority of Israelis do not practice judaism.
I was listening to CSPAN this morning and some people commented on this issue. One caller in particular struck me. He was saying that the african american community has basically sold out "the Jews" on this issue and that hte black community in general is becoming "anti-semetic". I really don't see it that way at all. There is definitely a propensity in the community to sympathize with those that are being oppressed and in this case I think most can agree that most of the victims are the Lebanese civilians who have lost homes, jobs, and have to rebuild their infrastructure once again. I do find it interesting that people are being labeled anti-semetic for verbally opposing Israels actions the same manner we were labeled "anti-American" bush's missteps in Iraq.
Syria and Iran were not established as states for the persecuted Muslim peoples of the world. Yes, Israel is a Jewish state, always has been, always will be... it's why they have the Star of Freakin' David on the flag! To be so disingenuous as to try and claim Israel has nothing to do with Jewish religion, is pure anti-Semitism disguised as intellectualism.

Wrong. The State of Israel is a secular state, with a secular Declaration of the Establishment. It has a majority Jewish population. The State of Israel is a STATE. It is not a theocracy. It's actions cannot be excused no matter what simply because the majority of the people there are Jewish, any more than someone can excuse Arab terrorism on the basis that Arabs are predominantly Muslim.

Your claims about various groups hating Israel have nothing to do with the Jewish religion itself, but with the creation of the State of Israel on Arab land.

I don't hate Israel and neither does the world.

We are merely willing to simply apply the same criteria we do for Israel that we do for other states.

It is simply rhetoric to attempt to hide Israeli terrorism behind accusations of anti-semitism and is as irrational as someone attempting to hide Hizbollah terrorism behind accusations of anti-semitism.

You are merely discriminating in the terrorism you support and using this irrational excuse to justify your support for terrorism.
The issue with Isreal and the Middle East is that Isreal is a Jewish state!
I was listening to CSPAN this morning and some people commented on this issue. One caller in particular struck me. He was saying that the african american community has basically sold out "the Jews" on this issue and that hte black community in general is becoming "anti-semetic". I really don't see it that way at all. There is definitely a propensity in the community to sympathize with those that are being oppressed and in this case I think most can agree that most of the victims are the Lebanese civilians who have lost homes, jobs, and have to rebuild their infrastructure once again. I do find it interesting that people are being labeled anti-semetic for verbally opposing Israels actions the same manner we were labeled "anti-American" bush's missteps in Iraq.

The Jewish community has much in common with the black community, from a persecutory standpoint, they are very similar. Let's say that after the Civil War, we established Mississippi as a 'black state', a 'homeland' for the persecuted black people in the region... and a few decades later, we have people denouncing Mississippi while claiming it has nothing to do with Mississippi being a 'black state' it's just the actions of the state that are being protested. Certainly that argument could be made, and perhaps even validated to some extent, but would the perception not be a clear prejudice toward the black community?

Why is it, people are so opposed to Israel? They are a democracy, they don't send their children into markets to blow up Muslims, they only retaliate when they are attacked, they've repeatedly given up land and made concessions for peace, yet have never known peace. The truth is, people oppose them for the same reason some people oppose blacks, they are bigoted, prejudiced, and anti-Semitic. The fact that they can cleverly hide behind the sophistry, doesn't detract from the facts of the matter here, Hitler never once stated that he hated Jews.
The issue with Isreal and the Middle East is that Isreal is a Jewish state!

It has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with the occupation of land.
And even if Israel weren't nominally secular, your logic is still shot, Dixie.

Even if a state were a religious state, that doesn't excuse it if it uses terrorism.
Wrong. The State of Israel is a secular state, with a secular Declaration of the Establishment. It has a majority Jewish population. The State of Israel is a STATE. It is not a theocracy.

I have never claimed it was a theocracy. You are the one who tried to claim Israel wasn't a state, but a political entity. Israel IS a state, a Jewish state, established in 1948 for the Jewish people.
The issue with Isreal and the Middle East is that Isreal is a Jewish state!

It has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with the occupation of land.

If Isreal were a muslm nation, you really belive the rest of the middle east would have such a problem with them?
The truth is, people oppose them for the same reason some people oppose blacks, they are bigoted, prejudiced, and anti-Semitic. The fact that they can cleverly hide behind the sophistry, doesn't detract from the facts of the matter here, Hitler never once stated that he hated Jews.

What?! By that token, I hate myself, my family and all of my other fellow Americans because I've stated opposition to the Iraq war. You're EQUATING dissent with racism.
If Isreal were a muslm nation, you really belive the rest of the middle east would have such a problem with them?
No, but the Palestinian Arabs displaced from their homes for the creation of said state almost certainly would. As would Jordan, most likely. Who knows? Not all "Muslim nations" -- however that's defined -- are the same. Indonesia is vastly different from Saudi Arabia, for example. More to the point, Syria is vastly different from Jordan or Sudan or Egypt.

It would depend on what kind of Muslim nation we're talking about. Sure as shit they wouldn't get along with all other Muslim nations, any more than all "Christian" nations get along with one another.

The religious distinctions in that region serve as an excuse for violence as much as a cause. More than as a cause, frankly. The real differences are cultural and historical.
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I have never claimed it was a theocracy. You are the one who tried to claim Israel wasn't a state, but a political entity. Israel IS a state, a Jewish state, established in 1948 for the Jewish people.

A state is a political entity, you numpty. It wasn't founded as a Jewish state, but as a secular state.

But this is irrelevant.

Why does the majority religion of a state's population mean that the state is immune from criticism?

Hiding Israeli actions behind accusations of anti-semitism is merely an excuse to justify terrorism.
If Isreal were a muslm nation, you really belive the rest of the middle east would have such a problem with them?

Arab armies fought against the Ottoman occupation at the turn of the century.....and they were Muslim....
If Isreal were a muslm nation, you really belive the rest of the middle east would have such a problem with them?

Arab armies fought against the Ottoman occupation at the turn of the century.....and they were Muslim....

Excellent point. Even today the Arab League finds itself paralyzed by the competing interests and traditional hostilities among its members. If it didn't have a common enemy-of-convenience in Israel it would probably disintegrate into chaos.
Excellent point. Even today the Arab League finds itself paralyzed by the competing interests and traditional hostilities among its members. If it didn't have a common enemy-of-convenience in Israel it would probably disintegrate into chaos.

The notion of Islam as a unified entity is as daft as the notion of Christianity as a unified entity.