Dixie's Signature

See, I realize why Arabs hate Jews, I understand why they want them annihilated and eradicated, I just wonder if YOU do.

You have no idea, Dixie. Israel is disliked because it was created through terrorism on Arab land and because it has oppressed the Arab population since.

You seem to believe that this is acceptable because of the actions of the Nazis in WWII.

By your fucked up, terrorism-loving perspective, any previously oppressed people have the right to oppress in return. The Vikings oppressed Eastern England. Does that give us the right to oppress modern Sweden or Denmark?

You are one sick individual, Dixie.....
Maybe Dixie was a Nazi--- he must speak a foreign language, as he didn't even spell my screen name correctly in his signature.
This is a point lost on someone like Dixie in his desperation to hide Israeli terrorism behind accusations that any criticism is criticism of the Jewish religion.

I've asked repeatedly, please tell us the last time a Jew blew themselves up to kill innocent Muslims? Which Rabbi's are calling for Jews around the world to kill Muslims wherever they can? Where are the synagogues full of weapons? What is the name of the last Muslim beheaded in the name of Christ on video for his loved ones to see? The last Jewish car bombing? Where was the last Muslim market targeted by a Jewish suicide bomber? What Rabbi is perverting the words of The Bible, to make all this acceptable?

I think, before you can claim Israel is a terror group, you must answer these questions, you must make a case for your position, and if you can't, then you can't, and Israel isn't the terror group you claim it to be.

Israel is a political entity, established as a secular state. Because it has a majority Jewish population has no bearing on the matter. Egypt has a majority Muslim population but criticism of the actions of the Egyptian government doesn't equate to anti-Islam. The US has a majority Christian population but that doesn't mean criticism of the US government is anti-christian.

Israel was established as a homeland for the Jews. Anyone with any level of education, fully understands this. Anyone who recognizes the Star of David, understands it represents the Jewish religion. Israeli's are not the perpetual targets of terrorism in the middle east because they have big noses! Anyone with any level of honesty and basic intelligence, clearly understands why Israel is the target of terror.

By Dixie's twisted logic, Israel is the only country above criticism, the only state that isn't responsible for its actions.

No, by Dixies logic, any country that is attacked by terrorists, has every right to unleash whatever they have on the terrorists, and I have no qualms about it.

Yesterday, Dixie, the IDF targeted a funeral party in Lebanon.

Good! I hope they killed all the relatives of the terrorist that was being buried! It cuts down on the "revenge factor" if you go ahead and kill off the families as well, particularly before they get their Martyr Checks from Iran and buy suicide bombs or IED's.
please tell us the last time a Jew blew themselves up to kill innocent Muslims?

You seem to be under the deluded impression that suicide bombing is the only method of terrorism?

Suicide tactics are used out of desperation. When your terrorism is financed and supplied by a superpower, you can target civilians far more effectively using warplanes and artillery.

Where are the synagogues full of weapons?

The US supplies Israeli weapons directly. Again, you are assuming terrorism only comes in the form committed by Muslim terrorists.

Terrorism is the targeting of civilians with the aim of inducing political change through terror.


I think, before you can claim Israel is a terror group, you must answer these questions, you must make a case for your position, and if you can't, then you can't, and Israel isn't the terror group you claim it to be.

And you need to understand what terrorism is. You concentrate on the methods used by poorly financed groups such as Hamas and ignore terrorism when it is financed by yourself.

That is because you support terrorism.

Israel was established as a homeland for the Jews. Anyone with any level of education, fully understands this.

Israel was founded as a secular state. It was formed by a with a secular Declaration of the Establishment.

But what would you know? You demonstrate on a daily basis your ignorance.

It was formed as the result of Israeli terrorism (learn some history).

Israel is the target of terrorism because it is a state formed on Arab land, through the use of terrorism and because they have oppressed the indiginous population ever since....

No, by Dixies logic, any country that is attacked by terrorists, has every right to unleash whatever they have on the terrorists, and I have no qualms about it.

Because a state has been attacked by terrorist that doesn't give it the right to terrorise back, to target civilians.

When the IRA attacked British civilians in NI, the BA didn't target civilians in Dublin. Only terrorist groups do that.

You, Dixie, are a terrorist apologist.

Good! I hope they killed all the relatives of the terrorist that was being buried! It cuts down on the "revenge factor" if you go ahead and kill off the families as well, particularly before they get their Martyr Checks from Iran and buy suicide bombs or IED's.

It was a civilian funeral for people killed in Israeli bombings, you sick fuck.

You are nothing but a terrorist sympathiser.
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Terrorism is the targeting of civilians with the aim of inducing political change through terror.

Yeah, and you've not shown where Israel has done this, so your point is not made. You continue to insist on making your invalid point as if it were some proven fact, and you've not given one example or explained how you came to your idiotic conclusion. You hide behind rhetoric, talk in platitudes, and keep claiming that I am supporting terror, without any basis whatsoever.

Israel is the target of terrorism because it is a state formed on Arab land

False. Israel was formed on Jewish land.

It was a civilian funeral for people killed in Israeli bombings, you sick fuck.

See, it's another stark difference between Israeli's and terrorists, Israeli forces wear uniforms and are easily distinguishable from civilians, Hezbo terrorists don't, they look just like regular civilians. This works out nicely for them to get idiots like you to believe innocent civilians are being killed.

This is who I blame for the "innocent" deaths...
1. Hezbollah... they attacked Israel first.
2. Lebanon... for sticking their head in the sand like you, and letting Hezbo take over.
3. The UN... for not enforcing UNR1559, which called for the disarming of Hezbollah.
4. Iran and Syria... for continued state sponsorship of the terror.
5. The Muslim faith... for not condemning the terror acts of Hezbollah.

I don't blame Israel for defending themselves!
and it is easy for Dixie to believe that all the women and children killed by the Israeli aerial bombardment of, say, the Christian neighborhoods of east Beirut weren't really Christian women and children, but actually fierce Hezbollah terrorists hiding in Christian neighborhoods and dressing up like Christian women and children....

I notice Dixie doesn't talk much anymore about the beacon of freedom and pluralistic democracy blossoming like wildflowers after a spring rain all across Iraq. I wonder why that is?
Just by your demeanor in constantly debating this issue I notice what I believe to be repressed hatred for the state of israel. I don't usually say these things lightly...

You focus on israel much more than you focus on the palestinians, and your constant use of the word terrorism with regards to israeli actions I think also speaks some volumes. I know you also oppose our iraq war but I haven't seen you call our actions terrorism, or at least, not to the degree that you use it against israel.

I think you're biased as much as the next person, perhaps more so.


I'd consider that an act of terror by US soldiers.

I've asked repeatedly, please tell us the last time a Jew blew themselves up to kill innocent Muslims? Which Rabbi's are calling for Jews around the world to kill Muslims wherever they can? Where are the synagogues full of weapons? What is the name of the last Muslim beheaded in the name of Christ on video for his loved ones to see? The last Jewish car bombing? Where was the last Muslim market targeted by a Jewish suicide bomber? What Rabbi is perverting the words of The Bible, to make all this acceptable?

I think, before you can claim Israel is a terror group, you must answer these questions, you must make a case for your position, and if you can't, then you can't, and Israel isn't the terror group you claim it to be.


Why would Jews kill in the name of Christ in the first place?

The Jews don't blow themselves up, but they do use bombs, do use weapons, and do kill people. Are we arguing that one way of killing people is worse than another?

And, I was not defending terrorism, I was simply stating that you were inflating the facts by claiming that Muslim children are suicide bombers.
Why would Jews kill in the name of Christ in the first place?

The Jews don't blow themselves up, but they do use bombs, do use weapons, and do kill people. Are we arguing that one way of killing people is worse than another?

And, I was not defending terrorism, I was simply stating that you were inflating the facts by claiming that Muslim children are suicide bombers.
I don't know about this. Sounds suspicious. My son-in-law has a bomb sniffing dog -- it's true: he's a canine unit cop -- and I may ask him to check out that "Jews For Jesus" van over in the Inner Richmond . . . .
Yeah, and you've not shown where Israel has done this, so your point is not made. You continue to insist on making your invalid point as if it were some proven fact, and you've not given one example or explained how you came to your idiotic conclusion. You hide behind rhetoric, talk in platitudes, and keep claiming that I am supporting terror, without any basis whatsoever.
Um....dude, they attacked a civilian funeral, cut off the power to a civilian population, blew up a bus full of civilian workers, etc....

False. Israel was formed on Jewish land.
How was it Jewish land? Because the Bible says so? So does that mean I can write a book that says that "God" told me that America belonged to me, and thus rule America?

See, it's another stark difference between Israeli's and terrorists, Israeli forces wear uniforms and are easily distinguishable from civilians, Hezbo terrorists don't, they look just like regular civilians. This works out nicely for them to get idiots like you to believe innocent civilians are being killed.
That's because Israeli terrorists have US money to buy uniforms.

This is who I blame for the "innocent" deaths...
1. Hezbollah... they attacked Israel first.

Wrong....Israel invaded Lebanon during the Lenbanese civil war during the '70s, taking advantage of the country being unable to defend itself and in the process acquiring 40 km of additional Israeli "lebensraum".
2. Lebanon... for sticking their head in the sand like you, and letting Hezbo take over.
If a bunch of terrorists invaded my country during a weak moment in our history, I would help out whomever was fighting them, too.
3. The UN... for not enforcing UNR1559, which called for the disarming of Hezbollah.
Why don't you blame the US for blocking over 80 reprimands and disciplinary action against the state of Israel since 1948, or every single US veto in the UN since 1986, all of which have been to stop the UN from taking action against Israel.
4. Iran and Syria... for continued state sponsorship of the terror.
The United States for continued state sponsorship of whomever is benefiting them at the present, which leads to such problems as Israel and the Taliban.
5. The Muslim faith... for not condemning the terror acts of Hezbollah.
Muslim leaders have gone on record countless times to condemn actions of terrorists. Where are the US condemnations against Israel?
I don't know about this. Sounds suspicious. My son-in-law has a bomb sniffing dog -- it's true: he's a canine unit cop -- and I may ask him to check out that "Jews For Jesus" van over in the Inner Richmond . . . .

I guess Dixie is referring to the dreaded Messianic Jews.
Why would Jews kill in the name of Christ in the first place?

The Jews don't blow themselves up, but they do use bombs, do use weapons, and do kill people. Are we arguing that one way of killing people is worse than another?

And, I was not defending terrorism, I was simply stating that you were inflating the facts by claiming that Muslim children are suicide bombers.

Apparently, you are too inept to understand what terrorism is, or anything related to the radical Islamic enemy currently terrorizing the free world. Yes, we are indeed arguing that one way of killing people is worse than another, terrorism of innocent citizens is not acceptable in a civilized world. You seem to want to lump terrorist tactics by terror organizations in with legitimate defense and security actions taken by legitimate militaries of legitimate nations. They are two completely different things.

And YES, Muslim children as young as 12 years old, have been rigged with explosive belts and sent into markets to detonate and kill Jews. These radicals believe they are doing their children a service by martyring them for Allah. I understand it's difficult for your liberal do-good brain to wrap itself around something so profoundly evil in your fellow man, but it's the truth, and you people need to wake up to it. We can't appease ourselves out of this, we can't "feel good" our way to a solution, there is not enough money, land, nuclear materials, or weapons in the world, we could give them to make them stop, they want us all dead.
Yeah, and you've not shown where Israel has done this, so your point is not made. You continue to insist on making your invalid point as if it were some proven fact, and you've not given one example or explained how you came to your idiotic conclusion. You hide behind rhetoric, talk in platitudes, and keep claiming that I am supporting terror, without any basis whatsoever.
Um....dude, they attacked a civilian funeral, cut off the power to a civilian population, blew up a bus full of civilian workers, etc....

False. Israel was formed on Jewish land.
How was it Jewish land? Because the Bible says so? So does that mean I can write a book that says that "God" told me that America belonged to me, and thus rule America?

See, it's another stark difference between Israeli's and terrorists, Israeli forces wear uniforms and are easily distinguishable from civilians, Hezbo terrorists don't, they look just like regular civilians. This works out nicely for them to get idiots like you to believe innocent civilians are being killed.
That's because Israeli terrorists have US money to buy uniforms.

This is who I blame for the "innocent" deaths...
1. Hezbollah... they attacked Israel first.

Wrong....Israel invaded Lebanon during the Lenbanese civil war during the '70s, taking advantage of the country being unable to defend itself and in the process acquiring 40 km of additional Israeli "lebensraum".
2. Lebanon... for sticking their head in the sand like you, and letting Hezbo take over.
If a bunch of terrorists invaded my country during a weak moment in our history, I would help out whomever was fighting them, too.
3. The UN... for not enforcing UNR1559, which called for the disarming of Hezbollah.
Why don't you blame the US for blocking over 80 reprimands and disciplinary action against the state of Israel since 1948, or every single US veto in the UN since 1986, all of which have been to stop the UN from taking action against Israel.
4. Iran and Syria... for continued state sponsorship of the terror.
The United States for continued state sponsorship of whomever is benefiting them at the present, which leads to such problems as Israel and the Taliban.
5. The Muslim faith... for not condemning the terror acts of Hezbollah.
Muslim leaders have gone on record countless times to condemn actions of terrorists. Where are the US condemnations against Israel?

And you really don't feel your viewpoint is "supporting terrorism?"

Um....dude, they attacked a civilian funeral, cut off the power to a civilian population, blew up a bus full of civilian workers, etc....

....As reported by media sources who have been compromised by Hezbollah propaganda.

How was it Jewish land? Because the Bible says so?

No, because HISTORY says so, dufuss!

That's because Israeli terrorists have US money to buy uniforms.

Poor Hezbo's? Geeeee.... they couldn't have used some of the $100 billion they got from Iran and Syria to buy uniforms?

Wrong....Israel invaded Lebanon during the Lenbanese civil war during the '70s

I think the parties involved have signed a few peace treaties since then, and despite Israel withdrawing from Lebanon, giving up land in the Gaza, uprooting communities in the West Bank, and exhibiting enormous patience with continued suicide bombings, there is still no peace.

If a bunch of terrorists invaded my country during a weak moment in our history, I would help out whomever was fighting them, too.

Bullshit! You are doing everything in your power to undermine our own fight against terrorists, let alone helping someone else! You don't give a rats ass about Afghans or Iraqi's fighting terrorists, you don't want us to have any part of it!

For the rest of your diatribe, save it for your Skinhead Anti-Jew Convention! I'm sick of listening to you.
Well, because he is, idiot! Read what is posted! It's pretty damn clear who he supports and who he is opposed to!
You think that anyone who critiques Israeli policy is "supporting terrorism?" That's all he's done, you know.

You seem to think that ALL international media have been "compromised" by Hezbollah propoganda. That's conspiracy theorist's material that is. Besides, all he's saying is that he doesn't disbelieve the reports we're seeing on television and in the newspapers. This means he's supporting terrorism? I think not.

You seem to want to deny that Arab landowners were displaced when Israel was founded. I'm afraid you're just plain wrong there: it's a matter of historical fact.

In short, all he's saying is that there are rationally understandable reasons why the Palestinian and Lebanese Muslims might hate Israel, and that the hands of the state of Israel aren't exactly surgery scrub clean when it comes to wanton killing of civilians.