Dixie's Signature

If Isreal were a muslm nation, you really belive the rest of the middle east would have such a problem with them?

Iran is a muslim nation, and they have been enemies of the arabs for thousands of years. One of the twentieth centuries bloodiest wars, was fought between arabs and persians just a couple decades ago. And arabs continue to fear the Persian "threat".
A state is a political entity, you numpty. It wasn't founded as a Jewish state, but as a secular state.

No, a "state" is not a "political entity" at all, it's a "state." The DNC and RNC are political entity, alQaeda and Hezbollah are "political entities" (who are also terrorists groups), the ACLU and NAACP are "political entities", Al Gore is even a "political entity"... Israel is an independent democratic nation, and Jewish state. It was established in 1948, expressly for the Jewish people, as their rightful homeland. The hatred, bitterness and disdain for the Israeli people has nothing to do with the intensity of their retaliations for being attacked, and everything to do with them being Jews!

You either think people are stupid enough to believe you, or you've brainwashed yourself into believing that Israel represents anything other than Judaism to anyone who is sane and objective about it. Jews are not only a religious group, they are also an ethnic group, and their homeland is Israel. They have been persecuted since the days of Christ, and they will always be persecuted, namely because people like you will find ways to conceal your persecution behind sophistry of a more 'enlightened intellectualism' and denial of basic fact.

Your support for Israel comes down to one important question: Do you think Israel has the right to exist? Yes or No? If you say that you think they have the right to exist, you can't refuse to support them fighting to exist. If you feel otherwise, I would say that is a pretty accurate definition of anti-Semitism.
They have been persecuted since the days of Christ, and they will always be persecuted, namely because people like you will find ways to conceal your persecution behind sophistry of a more 'enlightened intellectualism' and denial of basic fact.

Are you trying to be obtuse or does it come naturally. So then, when we brits and american's voice opposition the actions of our respective countries in Iraq, would you say we are "persecuting" American's and Brits? Are we being "racist" for a lack of a better word against our own countries? ............Or is there the slightest possibility that people can be critical of the actions these states have taken without regard to the ethnic or religious make up of its inhabitants?
Are you trying to be obtuse or does it come naturally. So then, when we brits and american's voice opposition the actions of our respective countries in Iraq, would you say we are "persecuting" American's and Brits? Are we being "racist" for a lack of a better word against our own countries? ............Or is there the slightest possibility that people can be critical of the actions these states have taken without regard to the ethnic or religious make up of its inhabitants?

Israel, and the plight of the Jewish people, has nothing to do with American Foreign Policy disputes at a time of war. They are two completely different issues and you can't apply the same standard of logic to both. Jews are the focus of hate, bigotry, and prejudice in the Middle East, much like blacks in the 19th and 20th century. I happen to believe in standing up for the persecuted, my ancestors were persecuted, and I think racist or anti-Semitic viewpoints are wrong across the board, I can't 'intellectualize' myself into believing it's okay to persecute Israel and claim I'm not an anti-Semite.
Israel, and the plight of the Jewish people, has nothing to do with American Foreign Policy disputes at a time of war. They are two completely different issues and you can't apply the same standard of logic to both. Jews are the focus of hate, bigotry, and prejudice in the Middle East, much like blacks in the 19th and 20th century. I happen to believe in standing up for the persecuted, my ancestors were persecuted, and I think racist or anti-Semitic viewpoints are wrong across the board, I can't 'intellectualize' myself into believing it's okay to persecute Israel and claim I'm not an anti-Semite.
By that reasoning, however, we should be on the side of the Palestinian Arabs. The Israelis are by far the stronger party in that confrontation.
Why is it, people are so opposed to Israel? They are a democracy, they don't send their children into markets to blow up MuslimsQUOTE]

Name one child who has been a suicide bomber....Muslim suicide bombers are adults capable of making the decision.
By that reasoning, however, we should be on the side of the Palestinian Arabs. The Israelis are by far the stronger party in that confrontation.

Well, we HAVE been on the side of the Palestinians, that's what the "two state solution" was all about. The problem is, the Palestinians do not believe Israel has a right to exist, and nothing we can do will appease that.
Name one child who has been a suicide bomber....Muslim suicide bombers are adults capable of making the decision.

I would argue, they are SOMEONE'S children! I don't see the old fart leaders blowing themselves up, I see young confused and troubled Muslim youth, who have been brainwashed by the adults. But listen to yourself... you are justifying the acts of a terrorist! ...suicide bombers have every right as adults to make that choice... This is an unacceptable viewpoint, no one has the right to commit terrorism on innocent people, in a civilized society. That's what this whole deal is about!
Syria and Iran were not established as states for the persecuted Muslim peoples of the world. Yes, Israel is a Jewish state, always has been, always will be... it's why they have the Star of Freakin' David on the flag! To be so disingenuous as to try and claim Israel has nothing to do with Jewish religion, is pure anti-Semitism disguised as intellectualism.

Wrong. The State of Israel is a secular state, with a secular Declaration of the Establishment. It has a majority Jewish population. The State of Israel is a STATE. It is not a theocracy. It's actions cannot be excused no matter what simply because the majority of the people there are Jewish, any more than someone can excuse Arab terrorism on the basis that Arabs are predominantly Muslim.

Your claims about various groups hating Israel have nothing to do with the Jewish religion itself, but with the creation of the State of Israel on Arab land.

I don't hate Israel and neither does the world.

We are merely willing to simply apply the same criteria we do for Israel that we do for other states.

It is simply rhetoric to attempt to hide Israeli terrorism behind accusations of anti-semitism and is as irrational as someone attempting to hide Hizbollah terrorism behind accusations of anti-semitism.

You are merely discriminating in the terrorism you support and using this irrational excuse to justify your support for terrorism.

the creation of the State of Israel on Arab land ?

Israel now occupies the ancient site of Judea....
the creation of the State of Israel on Arab land ?

Israel now occupies the ancient site of Judea....
But there were a lot of Arabs living on it at the time Israel was established. According to the law of the time, many of them were legal land owners. Those titles were set aside.

Strangely, the Arabs weren't happy about that. I wonder why?

Syria and Iran were not established as states for the persecuted Muslim peoples of the world. Yes, Israel is a Jewish state, always has been, always will be... it's why they have the Star of Freakin' David on the flag! To be so disingenuous as to try and claim Israel has nothing to do with Jewish religion, is pure anti-Semitism disguised as intellectualism.

The Arab world hates Israel because they are JEWS!
Hezbollah hates Israel because they are JEWS!
Terrorists blow themselves up in Israel because they are JEWS!
Muslims hate Israel because they are JEWS!
You hate Israel because they are JEWS!

You can parse things, explain things, make excuses for yourself, or deny outright facts of life, like Israel being a Jewish state, it doesn't hide your anti-Semitic viewpoint, or make it any more tolerable.

Israel wasn't established because Jews were persecuted. Israel was established because 90% of the area was already Jewish because of Zionism and the Jews were commiting terrorist acts because they wanted an independent states.
Israel wasn't established because Jews were persecuted. Israel was established because 90% of the area was already Jewish because of Zionism and the Jews were commiting terrorist acts because they wanted an independent states.

LMAO... yeah, that was probably why Hitler was exterminating them. Tell me now, which rabbi's were calling for the annihilation of Islam and a Jewish Caliphate across the middle east? Tell me, when the Jews issued religious edicts calling on Jews around the world to kill the Muslim infidels?

You people keep wanting to make some moral equivalency between a terror organization and a democratic nation, and it's intellectually dishonest. Israel is not an aggressor, and never has committed acts of terror.
But there were a lot of Arabs living on it at the time Israel was established. According to the law of the time, many of them were legal land owners. Those titles were set aside.

Strangely, the Arabs weren't happy about that. I wonder why?


I don't know why... it's kind of like they were Americans living on sacred Cherokee Holy Ground... Shouldn't the Sons and Daughters of Judea be allowed to go home? The Arabs you say were "legal land owners" were not the legitimate heirs to the land and not entitled to claim ownership of it.

After the emancipation of the slaves, plantation owners in the south had land taken from them and dispersed among the former slaves, are you saying they shouldn't have been given this land? Do you think plantation owners were happy about it? Do you think that some of them put sheets on their heads and had cross-burning parties because they didn't mind giving up their culture and society? See, I realize why Arabs hate Jews, I understand why they want them annihilated and eradicated, I just wonder if YOU do.
And even if Israel weren't nominally secular, your logic is still shot, Dixie.

Even if a state were a religious state, that doesn't excuse it if it uses terrorism.

Just by your demeanor in constantly debating this issue I notice what I believe to be repressed hatred for the state of israel. I don't usually say these things lightly...

You focus on israel much more than you focus on the palestinians, and your constant use of the word terrorism with regards to israeli actions I think also speaks some volumes. I know you also oppose our iraq war but I haven't seen you call our actions terrorism, or at least, not to the degree that you use it against israel.

I think you're biased as much as the next person, perhaps more so.
I don't know why... it's kind of like they were Americans living on sacred Cherokee Holy Ground... Shouldn't the Sons and Daughters of Judea be allowed to go home? The Arabs you say were "legal land owners" were not the legitimate heirs to the land and not entitled to claim ownership of it.

After the emancipation of the slaves, plantation owners in the south had land taken from them and dispersed among the former slaves, are you saying they shouldn't have been given this land? Do you think plantation owners were happy about it? Do you think that some of them put sheets on their heads and had cross-burning parties because they didn't mind giving up their culture and society? See, I realize why Arabs hate Jews, I understand why they want them annihilated and eradicated, I just wonder if YOU do.
After two thousand + years of being owned by many different nations, how can you claim it was their right? Especially since the only historical evidence of their struggle is from the religious text written by them.

Let's see you give up your home to some Cherokee.
all states are political entities, all political entities are not states.

This is a point lost on someone like Dixie in his desperation to hide Israeli terrorism behind accusations that any criticism is criticism of the Jewish religion.

Israel is a political entity, established as a secular state. Because it has a majority Jewish population has no bearing on the matter. Egypt has a majority Muslim population but criticism of the actions of the Egyptian government doesn't equate to anti-Islam. The US has a majority Christian population but that doesn't mean criticism of the US government is anti-christian.

By Dixie's twisted logic, Israel is the only country above criticism, the only state that isn't responsible for its actions.

Yesterday, Dixie, the IDF targeted a funeral party in Lebanon.

I hope you enjoy apologising for terrorism, Dixie.
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