Djokovic’s (anit-vax) revenge

You are known by the company you keep. It's true here, too. Yakuda. Good choice. ROTFLMFAO!!!

Vaccines do not prevent disease. Which proves again you have no clue about any of this. Vaccines are intended to build immunity. That's always been the definition. The efficacy is a measure of how effective the vaccine is in building enough immunity to prevent infection. I'd stick to drilling teeth, doc.

If vaccines don't prevent disease how was small pox brought under control? You are fucking idiot.
I know what natural immunity is.
Then you know that Djokovic's immunity was at least as good as anyone that was vax'd.
And I know that anyone who is anti-vaxx is a moron.
I wouldn't call them morons. I know several very well educated people that felt it was worth the risk of not getting vaccinated. One is an ER doc in Douglas, GA, your area.
Besides I'm not anti-vax. I got it so I could go to my place in HI. We were the first group allowed there with proof of the vaccine.
There were reasons that restrictions were put in place. It wasn't for shits and giggles, it was because public health experts were trying to save peoples lives.
All well and good. So why not show proof of having been vax'd OR having had the disease, therefore superior immunity?
So go ahead and troll, but when you troll with this kind of BS I'll be right there behind you.
Troll? You claim you understand natural immunity which I assume you also understand Djokovic was at least as immune as anyone that was vax'd. Who's the troll here?
I had Covid twice. Both mild.
Good for you. I had it verified once, probably once more before anyone knew about it. And I was vax'd.
Probably because I was vaccinated.
So what? You want a medal? A purple heart? Congressional medal of honor?
This is why I placed this in 'politics' because to deny Djokovic entry knowing full well he was as immune as one can get was pure politics. There is no other way to explain it.
This is not about being anti-vax. It's about the injustice that was done to Novak. And now he can give a middle finger to the elitists (like you).
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Plays tennis...;)

Have they ever done a psychiatric profile explaining why people choose fuzzy ball over dimple ball?

I eschewed school sports and chose boxing as my competitive sport.
At about the same time, I guess, I chose golf as my recreational sport.

For the former, I needed an alternative to school jock culture which I hated.
The recidivists at Rip Valenti's gym seemed angelic in comparison,
plus unlike as with the school jocks, I was actually allowed to hit them.

For the latter, I had cigar smoking, Cadillac driving uncles acting as my role models.
They also, needless to say, taught me how to read a racing form.
[Types become stereotypes for a good reason, trust me.]

It never once occurred to me to try tennis.
I wouldn't even have needed to join a club or anything like that.
We had well maintained public courts in the playgrounds in Boston.
Still do, as far as I know.

There doesn't seem to be anything notably perverse about tennis as a sport.
Just as with golf, there's more fresh air than in the pool rooms or bowling alleys, right?
It just never entered my head for some reason.
Can you give a scientific explanation why someone who has natural immunity should have been required to have a vaccine?

Hey genius, please tell us every virus you think you are immune to!

Were you naturally immune to Polio? Chickenpox? Hepatitus A & B? Measels? Small Pox? Mumps? Rubella? Diphtheria? Whooping Cough?

Or were you vaccinated like all other US school Children and US Service Members?

Did your parents refuse to get you vaccinated for all of these diseases I mentioned?

Did you die from any of your vaccinations?

So when did you go full Retard and become an anti-vaxer? WHY DID YOU?

Have you ever had a Cold or the flu?

I'm thinking you have no idea whether you are immune or not to any given thing!

I'm thinking you are just trolling for the attention of the other TRUMPTARDS! PERHAPS TOP WILL GIVE YOU A THANKS FOR BEING TRUMPTARDED!

You like running with the pack of Trumptards! KNOCK YOUR FUCKING SELF OUT DUDE! :laugh:

Knock yourself down a bottle of some of Donald Trump's Bleach while you are at it, or how about some fucking HORSE medicine?

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Have they ever done a psychiatric profile explaining why people choose fuzzy ball over dimple ball?
We had a tennis club w/ a swimming pool down the street. I sucked at swimming but was the club champ in tennis.
The closest golf course was at least a half hour away by car.
For access to the closest boxing gym I would've needed a ride with a parent. Too far away to even bike to.
I eschewed school sports
FFS, get your story straight! You said you played baseball.
Hey genius, please tell us every virus you think you are immune to!

Were you naturally immune to Polio? Chickenpox? Hepatitus A & B? Measels? Small Pox? Mumps? Rubella? Diphtheria? Whooping Cough?

Or were you vaccinated like all other US school Children and US Service Members?

Did you die from any of your vaccinations?

Have you ever had a Cold or the flu?

You and concart have completely lost the point of the OP.
Novak Djokovic had better immunity than anyone vaccinated. He was denied entry into the U.S. and Aus. for political reasons.
Add to that, illegal immigrants have never been required to have proof of any vaccination.
If that's not political, what is?
Have they ever done a psychiatric profile explaining why people choose fuzzy ball over dimple ball?

I eschewed school sports and chose boxing as my competitive sport.
At about the same time, I guess, I chose golf as my recreational sport. You have the best stories about growing up, though...I was always at one school or another or practice...the

For the former, I needed an alternative to school jock culture which I hated.
The recidivists at Rip Valenti's gym seemed angelic in comparison,
plus unlike as with the school jocks, I was actually allowed to hit them.

For the latter, I had cigar smoking, Cadillac driving uncles acting as my role models.
They also, needless to say, taught me how to read a racing form.
[Types become stereotypes for a good reason, trust me.]

It never once occurred to me to try tennis.
I wouldn't even have needed to join a club or anything like that.
We had well maintained public courts in the playgrounds in Boston.
Still do, as far as I know.

There doesn't seem to be anything notably perverse about tennis as a sport.
Just as with golf, there's more fresh air than in the pool rooms or bowling alleys, right?
It just never entered my head for some reason.
i don't think they've done a study....I am neither a good tennis player or golfer....but I love to watch both.... And I collect tennis balls from the local might be able to guess why...I get hundreds...You'd be surprised the number of people who want fresh tennis balls quite often...;) Any way...You've got to be impressed by the stamina and talent it takes to play at the professional level...
I guess you didn't see Coco Gauff's championship match...Stunning and so emotional...
Anyway...You love boxing...I love swimming...I'm sure there are studies somewhere to analyze why someone loves to hit people (something i would never do)...and why others love to spend most of their life going back and forth in a huge vat of chlorinated water (maybe something you don't enjoy)...I'll have to research that sometime... We do what makes up happy...and less stressed...;)
We had a tennis club w/ a swimming pool down the street. I sucked at swimming but was the club champ in tennis.
The closest golf course was at least a half hour away by car.
For access to the closest boxing gym I would've needed a ride with a parent. Too far away to even bike to.
FFS, get your story straight! You said you played baseball.

I did play baseball in Boston's old park league, not at school.

I actually went to two high schools,
one year at a private prep school,

and when I threatened to drop out of high school altogether,
my parents let me back into the public schools.

I tried to play sports at the private prep school but
was disqualified for constantly fighting with the jocks.
Had I stayed, I'd have been expelled for sure.

By the time I went to public high school, I'd taken up boxing.
Never got into school fights there.

Private school was fine as an adult in college,
not as a kid in high school.

Oh, right, we were talking about baseball.

I could hit.
As a fielder, I could hit.

Offspring #1 was exactly the same.
I heard that they had to keep promoting him and his best shot was shown as Moderna's "Shot of the Day"...

LOL. That makes me chuckle.
You and concart have completely lost the point of the OP.
Novak Djokovic had better immunity than anyone vaccinated. He was denied entry into the U.S. and Aus. for political reasons.
Add to that, illegal immigrants have never been required to have proof of any vaccination.
If that's not political, what is?

No one, including you, knows FUCK about Diokovic's immunity! How would they?

Illegal Immigrants? Man get the fuck out of here! No One knows FUCK about their vaccinations either How would they?

What kind of a racist Trumptard are you, to even make a comparison like that?

You really hate minorities don't you?

Here in Dallas, these White-flighters move to counties north of Dallas to keep a distance from minorities.

You are the first one I ever knew of to move all the way to ALASKA though!:whoa:

Great, now go freeze your nuts off and become a recluse! Enjoy your cabin fever SIR! Enjoy all that WHITENESS 6 months a year!

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No one, including you, knows FUCK about Diokovic's immunity! How would they?
He had documented proof of having had COVID and recovered. He HAD to have better immunity than those w/ only the vaccination.
Illegal Immigrants? Man get the fuck out of here? No One knows FUCK about their vaccinations either how would they?
Exactly. Legal immigrants must have documentation of all kinds of vaccinations. Illegals don't.
You really hate minorities don't you.
What makes you say that?
Here in Dallas, these White-flighters move to counties north of Dallas to keep a distance from minorities.
You are the first one I ever knew of to move all the way to ALASKA though!:whoa:
Anchorage demographics:

White: 66.0% (62.6% non-Hispanic)
Two or more races: 8.1%
Asian: 8.1% (3.3% Filipino, 1.2% Korean, 1.1% Hmong, 0.41% Chinese, 0.35% Thai)
American Indian and Alaska Natives: 7.9% (1.4% Iñupiat, 1.1% Yup'ik, 0.8% Aleut)
Black or African American: 5.6%
Other race: 2.3%
Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders: 2.0% (1.4% Samoan)
Hispanic or Latino (of any race): 7.6% (4.4% Mexican, 1.2% Puerto Rican, 0.71% Dominican)

Ask but the answers may be too uncomfortable for you.