Djokovic’s (anit-vax) revenge

He had documented proof of having had COVID and recovered. He HAD to have better immunity than those w/ only the vaccination.
Exactly. Legal immigrants must have documentation of all kinds of vaccinations. Illegals don't.
What makes you say that?

Anchorage demographics:

White: 66.0% (62.6% non-Hispanic)
Two or more races: 8.1%
Asian: 8.1% (3.3% Filipino, 1.2% Korean, 1.1% Hmong, 0.41% Chinese, 0.35% Thai)
American Indian and Alaska Natives: 7.9% (1.4% Iñupiat, 1.1% Yup'ik, 0.8% Aleut)
Black or African American: 5.6%
Other race: 2.3%
Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders: 2.0% (1.4% Samoan)
Hispanic or Latino (of any race): 7.6% (4.4% Mexican, 1.2% Puerto Rican, 0.71% Dominican)

Ask but the answers may be too uncomfortable for you.

Yeah right! We read you LOUD AND CLEAR DUDE!

You aren't fooling anyone.

The truth is you are scared of vaccines- a real scaredy cat! Basically a chicken shit, and a very irresponsible person for posting reckless anti-vax BULLSHIT!

ANd then showing what a racist you are by bringing up the Immigration problem and tying those two things together like a TRUMPTARDED IDIOT!

Sorry, but I've had my fill of idiots like you already!

God Damn! 2024 can't get here soon enough for me!
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I did play baseball in Boston's old park league, not at school.

I actually went to two high schools,
one year at a private prep school,

and when I threatened to drop out of high school altogether,
my parents let me back into the public schools.

I tried to play sports at the private prep school but
was disqualified for constantly fighting with the jocks.
Had I stayed, I'd have been expelled for sure.

By the time I went to public high school, I'd taken up boxing.
Never got into school fights there.

Private school was fine as an adult in college,
not as a kid in high school.

Oh, right, we were talking about baseball.

I could hit.
As a fielder, I could hit.

Offspring #1 was exactly the same.

Heels up 2.0
Yeah right! We read you LOUD AND CLEAR DUDE!

You aren't fooling anyone.

The truth is you are scared of vaccines- a real scaredy cat! Basically a chicken shit,
and a very irresponsible person for posting reckless anti-vax BULLSHIT!
Not sure how that reconciles w/ me being vax'd, but ok.
ANd then showing what a racist you are by bringing up the Immigration problem
Good to see you agree there's a problem. I guess that makes you rayciss too.
and tying those two things together like a TRUMPTARDED IDIOT!
I'm ok if they're not required to be vaccinated. I just don't think it's fair to those that immigrate legally from other 3rd world countries like Germany that have to be fully vax'd.
Sorry, but I've had my fill of idiots like you already!
I understand. My wife feels the same way sometimes.

God Damn! 2024 can't get here soon enough for me!
What's happening in 2024?
Then you know that Djokovic's immunity was at least as good as anyone that was vax'd. I wouldn't call them morons. I know several very well educated people that felt it was worth the risk of not getting vaccinated. One is an ER doc in Douglas, GA, your area.
Besides I'm not anti-vax. I got it so I could go to my place in HI. We were the first group allowed there with proof of the vaccine.
All well and good. So why not show proof of having been vax'd OR having had the disease, therefore superior immunity? Troll? You claim you understand natural immunity which I assume you also understand Djokovic was at least as immune as anyone that was vax'd. Who's the troll here? Good for you. I had it verified once, probably once more before anyone knew about it. And I was vax'd. So what? You want a medal? A purple heart? Congressional medal of honor?
This is why I placed this in 'politics' because to deny Djokovic entry knowing full well he was as immune as one can get was pure politics. There is no other way to explain it.
This is not about being anti-vax. It's about the injustice that was done to Novak. And now he can give a middle finger to the elitists (like you).

Right. So the job of immigration is to assess the strength of the protection, the general health of the individual, when they were sick, ec. etc or have a vaccine mandate that he could have complied with in five minutes. Fuck him.
Fuck him.
He gets the last laugh. 24 majors. Oldest ever to win the U.S Open. He' won't be caught, at least for a generation or two. Maybe never.
The elites tried to short circuit his career and failed.
And he's still not done, playing some of the best tennis I've seen from him. Absolutely ripped through the competition losing only two sets.
This must hurt.
I know you think he's a moron, etc., but I admire how he stood his ground and his principles, possibly losing the chance to be considered the GOAT. lol
In the end he knew there was no more risk of him infecting others than anyone vax'd and he was spot on correct. And you know it too .
Novak has a very strict diet regimen which does not include putting what he considers poison in his body, right or wrong.
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Not sure how that reconciles w/ me being vax'd, but ok.
Good to see you agree there's a problem. I guess that makes you rayciss too. I'm ok if they're not required to be vaccinated. I just don't think it's fair to those that immigrate legally from other 3rd world countries like Germany that have to be fully vax'd.
I understand. My wife feels the same way sometimes.

What's happening in 2024?

I am sorry Moose, but you set yourself up for criticism Sir, by carrying Trump's torch!

Why? You deplore him as much as any Democrat does!

You legacy Republicans are going to have to stop carrying Trump's torch, and distance yourselves from his Rage and inflammatory politics, if you want to be treated a legitimate party and expect to win elections again!

I'm just sayin' Moose!

I want to see you Legacy Republicans come back and discuss real issues that matter to the public. We miss you guys, and we miss the competition.


That shit is over, and there is no going back for us. We'll just fucking ignore you and write you off as a loser like Donald Trump. Fair warning Sir!
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I am sorry Moose, but you set yourself up for criticism Sir, by carrying Trump's torch!

Why? You deplore him as much as any Democrat does!

You legacy Republicans are going to have to stop carrying Trump's torch, and distance yourselves from his Rage and inflammatory politics, if you want to be treated a legitimate party and expect to win elections again!

I'm just sayin' Moose!

I want to see you Legacy Republicans come back and discuss real issues that matter to the public. We miss you guys, and we miss the competition.


That shit is over, and there is no going back for us. We'll just fucking ignore you and write you off as a loser like Donald Trump. Fair warning Sir!

Blah blah blah

Same old tired shit every day. Maybe you can ask your handlers to program a new schtick into you
Blah blah blah

Same old tired shit every day. Maybe you can ask your handlers to program a new schtick into you

I am so glad that my message keeps your panties all up in your ass crack!

It just means I am on the right side of all the issues!

I am on the side of the winners- and you are on the side of the losers! :laugh:

That's all that means!
I am so glad that my message keeps your panties all up in your ass crack!

It just means I am on the right side of all the issues!

I am on the side of the winners- and you are on the side of the losers! :laugh:

That's all that means!

Keep up the good work!! SUPER're ready to move on to level 6....
I'll forgive you since your background is ins. and/or finance but this is pretty simple.
All a vaccine does is mimic the disease enough to produce antibodies. If a person actually gets the disease and recovers from it he has the antibodies to the actual disease. This is why natural immunity is better.
I can show you scientific literature that show natural immunity is more effective than vaccinated immunity.
If what I said is true, and I don't know how you can counter that, do you believe it was fair to exclude Djokovic from Aus. and the U.S. knowing full well he was every bit as immune if not more as anyone that was vaccinated? After he gave documented proof that he had already recovered from coronavirus?

From Johns Hopkins. If people who got the vax can still get covid, why can't that be true of those with natural immunity, which is not bulletproof?

"New studies show that natural immunity to the coronavirus weakens (wanes) over time, and does so faster than immunity provided by COVID-19 vaccination."
From Johns Hopkins. If people who got the vax can still get covid, why can't that be true of those with natural immunity, which is not bulletproof?

[FONT=&]"New studies show that natural immunity to the coronavirus weakens (wanes) over time, and does so faster than immunity provided by COVID-19 vaccination."

Irrelevant to Djokovic’s situation. He tested positive 1 month before the Australian Open and had recovered.
As to the US Open he wasn’t allowed to play in , the pandemic was already over. Brandon kept the restriction in place far longer than most other countries.
Doesn’t matter anyway. Djokovic got his revenge against you elitists and can laugh in your faces while giving you the middle finger.
And he’ll win more majors causing you to cry even more.
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Can you give a scientific explanation why someone who has natural immunity should have been required to have a vaccine?

more durable then a vaxx immunity.but get it or not is your decision..vaxx mandate wind up with this absurdity.
And vaxx mandates were unConstituional by the government, as ruled by SCOTUS
Especially a super-fit 35-year-old – Djokovic’s age in 2022 – who is about as far from a plague-carrying rat as you can get.

Worth noting that the highest level athletes often suffer from poor immune systems. Their bodies put all their effort into athletics, and not into immunity.
Worth noting that the highest level athletes often suffer from poor immune systems. Their bodies put all their effort into athletics, and not into immunity.

I would love to see a link to that... you do realize that excellent health is pretty important to being a superior athlete ...thanks in advance...