DNC broke and tired

J Craft

New member
President Trump spoke of the good economic news to dead silence from Democrats. Job creation is up, with 2.4 million jobs created since the 2016 election—Democrats sat. They sat when the president announced we had defeated ISIS, touted low unemployment rates, fighting crime, uniting the country, and working together on a bipartisan basis. They were a legion of grumpy cats; still incensed that Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016. Yeah, they’re not over it. Another area of heartburn could be the Democratic Party’s rather atrocious fundraising hauls. Filed during the State of the Union in the hopes of getting buried, Ken Vogel of The New York Times picked it up where he noted the Democratic National Committee had raised a little over $5 million in December, finishing the year $6 million in debt. The Republican National Committee has no debt and raised over twice as much as the their Democratic counterparts. For 2017, the RNC raised $132.5 million to the DNC’s $65.9 million. Regarding cash on hand, the RNC has close to $40 million ($38.8 million to be exact), while the DNC only has $6.3 million.
This, along with a booming economy, and Trump’s positive pro American leadership, does not bode well for democrats midterm hopes.
[h=1]Thing- the grim dems and their idiot leadership are another reason they will not fair well in the midterms.

Boom Grows to 250 Companies That Are Giving Tax Cut Bonuses to Workers[/h][h=2]News comes on same day House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi again claimed valuable perks are just middle-class 'crumbs'[/h]
President Trump spoke of the good economic news to dead silence from Democrats. Job creation is up, with 2.4 million jobs created since the 2016 election—Democrats sat. They sat when the president announced we had defeated ISIS, touted low unemployment rates, fighting crime, uniting the country, and working together on a bipartisan basis. They were a legion of grumpy cats; still incensed that Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016. Yeah, they’re not over it. Another area of heartburn could be the Democratic Party’s rather atrocious fundraising hauls. Filed during the State of the Union in the hopes of getting buried, Ken Vogel of The New York Times picked it up where he noted the Democratic National Committee had raised a little over $5 million in December, finishing the year $6 million in debt. The Republican National Committee has no debt and raised over twice as much as the their Democratic counterparts. For 2017, the RNC raised $132.5 million to the DNC’s $65.9 million. Regarding cash on hand, the RNC has close to $40 million ($38.8 million to be exact), while the DNC only has $6.3 million.

Sadly, those job creation numbers are just not true.

"In the nine months beginning in February, the economy has added 163,000 jobs per month on average. In the three years before Trump took office, job growth was higher (250,000 per month in 2014, 226,000 per month in 2015 and 187,000 per month in 2016)."

Sadly, those job creation numbers are just not true.

"In the nine months beginning in February, the economy has added 163,000 jobs per month on average. In the three years before Trump took office, job growth was higher (250,000 per month in 2014, 226,000 per month in 2015 and 187,000 per month in 2016)."


Why do you bother, you will never accept the facts no matter how many times you present and document the truth
Sadly, those job creation numbers are just not true.

"In the nine months beginning in February, the economy has added 163,000 jobs per month on average. In the three years before Trump took office, job growth was higher (250,000 per month in 2014, 226,000 per month in 2015 and 187,000 per month in 2016)."


Top Ex-White House Economist Admits 94% Of All New Jobs Under Obama Were Part-Time

by Tyler Durden
Sun, 12/25/2016 - 10:34

[FONT=lucida_granderegular]Just over six years ago, in December of 2010, we wrote "Charting America's Transformation To A Part-Time Worker Society", in which we predicted - and showed - that in light of the underlying changes resulting from the second great depression, whose full impacts remain masked by trillions in monetary stimulus and soon, perhaps fiscal, America is shifting from a traditional work force, one where the majority of new employment is retained on a full-time basis, to a "gig" economy, where workers are severely disenfranchised, and enjoy far less employment leverage, job stability and perks than their pre-crash peers. It also explains why despite the 4.5% unemployment rate, which the Fed has erroneously assumed is indicative of job market at "capacity", wage growth not only refuses to materialize, but as we showed yesterday, the growth in real disposable personal income was the lowest since 2014.

President Trump spoke of the good economic news to dead silence from Democrats. Job creation is up, with 2.4 million jobs created since the 2016 election—Democrats sat. They sat when the president announced we had defeated ISIS, touted low unemployment rates, fighting crime, uniting the country, and working together on a bipartisan basis. They were a legion of grumpy cats; still incensed that Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016. Yeah, they’re not over it. Another area of heartburn could be the Democratic Party’s rather atrocious fundraising hauls. Filed during the State of the Union in the hopes of getting buried, Ken Vogel of The New York Times picked it up where he noted the Democratic National Committee had raised a little over $5 million in December, finishing the year $6 million in debt. The Republican National Committee has no debt and raised over twice as much as the their Democratic counterparts. For 2017, the RNC raised $132.5 million to the DNC’s $65.9 million. Regarding cash on hand, the RNC has close to $40 million ($38.8 million to be exact), while the DNC only has $6.3 million.

I hate to contradict either you or the NYT but the DNC cannot both be $6million in debt and have $6.3million......
I wish Hillary was inside

President Trump spoke of the good economic news to dead silence from Democrats. Job creation is up, with 2.4 million jobs created since the 2016 election—Democrats sat. They sat when the president announced we had defeated ISIS, touted low unemployment rates, fighting crime, uniting the country, and working together on a bipartisan basis. They were a legion of grumpy cats; still incensed that Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016. Yeah, they’re not over it. Another area of heartburn could be the Democratic Party’s rather atrocious fundraising hauls. Filed during the State of the Union in the hopes of getting buried, Ken Vogel of The New York Times picked it up where he noted the Democratic National Committee had raised a little over $5 million in December, finishing the year $6 million in debt. The Republican National Committee has no debt and raised over twice as much as the their Democratic counterparts. For 2017, the RNC raised $132.5 million to the DNC’s $65.9 million. Regarding cash on hand, the RNC has close to $40 million ($38.8 million to be exact), while the DNC only has $6.3 million.

I wouldn’t put a lot of stock in those numbers for a couple of reasons.

1) Hillary way outspent Trump and he won. Despite what people say money doesn’t always guarantee results

2) I believe that rank and file democrats have turned on the DNC because of their screw job on Bernie. I believe they are putting their dollars elsewhere.

The GOP faces definite headwinds heading into 2018. The democrat party should be poised to take back seats, but right now they don’t seem to know how to do that.
Thanks for clearing that up NAnc

at the 1:40 mark she actually asks "does anyone have any question"

"uh I have one NAnc, wtf did you just say"
Thing- the grim dems and their idiot leadership are another reason they will not fair well in the midterms.

Boom Grows to 250 Companies That Are Giving Tax Cut Bonuses to Workers

News comes on same day House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi again claimed valuable perks are just middle-class 'crumbs'
Funny...when you delve into each and every company who tries to make the tax giveaway appear to benefit employees, the truth gets a lot closer to Pelosi's claim.

That $1000 bonus we keep hearing about, is only doled out to those with 20 years in. Home Depot cuts hours every winter, just after the Black Friday/Christmas rush. They rarely hire full time, and the few skilled positions (kitchen design) typically see large turnover because they eventually earn too much per hour. HD simply pulls a monkey from appliances, and 'teaches' them to design kitchens.

HD stock traded at about $175/share before Xmas

All the hoopla in the world isn't going to turn this tax giveaway to corps. into anything else.

. HD simply pulls a monkey from appliances, and 'teaches' them to design kitchens.

All the hoopla in the world isn't going to turn this tax giveaway to corps. into anything else.

speaking of people in that light, you know, us deplorables is why you lose so much. We are all of opinion, and we all have our place in this society. Even "monkeys".
Don't make fun of people you don't know, that's just basic human decency

and the tax break is for everybody, everybody, you cant give million dollar tax breaks to people who only make 40k, but you can make it so these fine people barely getting by pay NO taxes, which is essentially what Trumps plan does.

Educate yourself on subjects you wish to publically opine on, would make you look so much more credible
President Trump spoke of the good economic news to dead silence from Democrats. Job creation is up, with 2.4 million jobs created since the 2016 election—Democrats sat. They sat when the president announced we had defeated ISIS, touted low unemployment rates, fighting crime, uniting the country, and working together on a bipartisan basis. They were a legion of grumpy cats; still incensed that Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016. Yeah, they’re not over it. Another area of heartburn could be the Democratic Party’s rather atrocious fundraising hauls. Filed during the State of the Union in the hopes of getting buried, Ken Vogel of The New York Times picked it up where he noted the Democratic National Committee had raised a little over $5 million in December, finishing the year $6 million in debt. The Republican National Committee has no debt and raised over twice as much as the their Democratic counterparts. For 2017, the RNC raised $132.5 million to the DNC’s $65.9 million. Regarding cash on hand, the RNC has close to $40 million ($38.8 million to be exact), while the DNC only has $6.3 million.

If you're so worried ... then give them some money