DNC broke and tired

Funny...when you delve into each and every company who tries to make the tax giveaway appear to benefit employees, the truth gets a lot closer to Pelosi's claim.

That $1000 bonus we keep hearing about, is only doled out to those with 20 years in. Home Depot cuts hours every winter, just after the Black Friday/Christmas rush. They rarely hire full time, and the few skilled positions (kitchen design) typically see large turnover because they eventually earn too much per hour. HD simply pulls a monkey from appliances, and 'teaches' them to design kitchens.

HD stock traded at about $175/share before Xmas

All the hoopla in the world isn't going to turn this tax giveaway to corps. into anything else.

how is it when you are keeping more of what is already legally yours, you consider it a "giveaway"

Do you assume that all things belong to the gobblement?
The RNC announced on Wednesday it raised nearly $133 million in 2017. That is more than double what the DEMOCRAT National Committee raised last year.

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel said the numbers reflect voters’ optimism and continued support as President Trump fulfills his promises to the American people.

The RNC is said to have almost $40 million on hand, while the DNC has under $7 million on hand with more than $6 million dollars of debt.

taxation is legal

Congratulations. You shot down an argument I am not making.

I am asking you to characterize your assertion that it is a "giveaway"

Maybe you don't understand the term you are using? Maybe you just use terms cavalierly?

Allow me to elaborate. When one is GIVEN something, it is presumed that it is something that they didn't previously have. For example, you were GIVEN an iPhone

Following so far?

Now, let's extend this to taxation.

First we will break it down into its component parts

1) First an individual EARNS their income. It is their money. They OWN it
2) The gobblement taxes it or takes it

If there is a tax cut, the government just takes less. They are not giving you anything.

The only way your terminology works is if you believe that the government has a fundamental right to your private property and through its good graces just allows you to keep what they determine you should keep.

taxation is legal

Legal, doesn't mean our paychecks were ever meant to be treated as a trough where government pigs could eat at will.

We fought a revolution on the principle that we don't have taxation without representation.

I live in a liberal state where every time they have the majority, or they can attach things sneaky in the dark of night, they continue to try and take more of our money. The saying the Democrats will tax anything that moves didn't appear in our lexicon without cause.
President Trump spoke of the good economic news to dead silence from Democrats. Job creation is up, with 2.4 million jobs created since the 2016 election—Democrats sat. They sat when the president announced we had defeated ISIS, touted low unemployment rates, fighting crime, uniting the country, and working together on a bipartisan basis. They were a legion of grumpy cats; still incensed that Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton in 2016. Yeah, they’re not over it. Another area of heartburn could be the Democratic Party’s rather atrocious fundraising hauls. Filed during the State of the Union in the hopes of getting buried, Ken Vogel of The New York Times picked it up where he noted the Democratic National Committee had raised a little over $5 million in December, finishing the year $6 million in debt. The Republican National Committee has no debt and raised over twice as much as the their Democratic counterparts. For 2017, the RNC raised $132.5 million to the DNC’s $65.9 million. Regarding cash on hand, the RNC has close to $40 million ($38.8 million to be exact), while the DNC only has $6.3 million.

-- The Left
Legal, doesn't mean our paychecks were ever meant to be treated as a trough where government pigs could eat at will.

We fought a revolution on the principle that we don't have taxation without representation.

I live in a liberal state where every time they have the majority, or they can attach things sneaky in the dark of night, they continue to try and take more of our money. The saying the Democrats will tax anything that moves didn't appear in our lexicon without cause.
When the Feds lose revenue via tax giveaways, states must raise revenue to make up for smaller Fed disbursements.

It's really not such a hard concept to understand. Somehow, someway, services are funded.
When the Feds lose revenue via tax giveaways, states must raise revenue to make up for smaller Fed disbursements.

It's really not such a hard concept to understand. Somehow, someway, services are funded.
We can always increase taxes. That's a neat trick!

-- The Left
When the Feds lose revenue via tax giveaways, states must raise revenue to make up for smaller Fed disbursements.

It's really not such a hard concept to understand. Somehow, someway, services are funded.

What a load of crap. States run by democrats tend to be fiscally irresponsible. They need to flush the deep pockets of corrupt behavior. The waste, the ability to vote themselves goodies.

NO ONE SAID, no taxation. See what you just attempted? You are arguing a false premise. Stop it.
What a load of crap. States run by democrats tend to be fiscally irresponsible. They need to flush the deep pockets of corrupt behavior. The waste, the ability to vote themselves goodies.

NO ONE SAID, no taxation. See what you just attempted? You are arguing a false premise. Stop it.

Cat-boy prides himself on ignoring replies made to his comments, JC. I mean, he boasts about it.
Isn't this how the US won the cold war, by forcing Russia to basically go bankrupt.

Capitalist lies!

The glorious Motherland only pretended to be bankrupt in order to trick the decadent Americans into a false sense of security while our great leader Vladimir Putin planned and executed the ultimate takeover of the USA through his puppet Trump!

Capitalist lies!

The glorious Motherland only pretended to be bankrupt in order to trick the decadent Americans into a false sense of security while our great leader Vladimir Putin planned and executed the ultimate takeover of the USA through his puppet Trump!


For just this time.
Your "shtick" has become tiresome, has lost it's amusement factor, and will no longer be replied to.
Your just not worth the time or effort.
For just this time.
Your "shtick" has become tiresome, has lost it's amusement factor, and will no longer be replied to.
Your just not worth the time or effort.

Isn't he just being facetious to make the obvious point that the whole Putin Trump thing is stupid?