DNC broke and tired

Isn't he just being facetious to make the obvious point that the whole Putin Trump thing is stupid?

Watermark "thinks" he's a contrarian and posts shit, just to see who'll respond; when in truth, he's nothing more then a spoiled educated lazy sponge.
[h=1]Thing- the grim dems and their idiot leadership are another reason they will not fair well in the midterms.

Boom Grows to 250 Companies That Are Giving Tax Cut Bonuses to Workers[/h][h=2]News comes on same day House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi again claimed valuable perks are just middle-class 'crumbs'[/h]

And then they lay off employees, close stores, or cut hours for remaining employees.
What a load of crap. States run by democrats tend to be fiscally irresponsible. They need to flush the deep pockets of corrupt behavior. The waste, the ability to vote themselves goodies.

NO ONE SAID, no taxation. See what you just attempted? You are arguing a false premise. Stop it.
States that are run by Democrats receive negative Fed disbursements. Red states are the welfare states.
States that are run by Democrats receive negative Fed disbursements. Red states are the welfare states.

It will be ok. Those blue states believe in high taxes and welfare. Why are you whining about it? They should be applauding the elimination of SALT
Corporate cuts are 'forever'. Let's see how many years we see bonuses.

If the GOP is smart, right around August, they will produce a stand-alone bill to make the individual rates permanent

That should make the democrat party happy shouldn’t it?
Broke tired and about to get served some karma :rofl2:

States that are run by Democrats receive negative Fed disbursements. Red states are the welfare states.

This remark has what to do with liberal states that over tax their citizenry and ruin their cities how?

You changing a topic to argue against, that wasn’t a part of the discussion, does not amount to addressing what I said. I was speaking about states run by democrats that tax its citizens on anything they can, and you insert federal aid, vis-à-vis what amounts to EIC from the federal government.
If the GOP is smart, right around August, they will produce a stand-alone bill to make the individual rates permanent

That should make the democrat party happy shouldn’t it?
Why would it? By then, the deficit will be obvious, and the issue won't be finding ways to increase it.
This remark has what to do with liberal states that over tax their citizenry and ruin their cities how?

You changing a topic to argue against, that wasn’t a part of the discussion, does not amount to addressing what I said. I was speaking about states run by democrats that tax its citizens on anything they can, and you insert federal aid, vis-à-vis what amounts to EIC from the federal government.
Clearly, this discussion is a bit above your pay grade.