do atheists understand Christianity.....


fully immersed in faith..
Catholics are every bit as Christian as Evangelical Protestants.

Evangelicals are a small minority of world Christianity and do not get to speak for the faith as a whole.

The authors of the New Testament were not the apostles. They were anonymous, educated Greek-speakers writing four to six decades after Jesus was executed.

The NT was not written in English, a language which did not exist in the first century. Translating two thousand year old archaic Greek into modern vernacular English involves subjective interpretation of original meaning and intent.

We do not know exactly what was in the original New Testament. What we have are surviving hand written copies from the Middle Ages, a thousand years later than the original Gospels. We can assume these copies are fairly accurate representations of the original Greek Gospels, but there have almost certainly been changes and additions over the centuries

Jesus did not found Christianity, Paul did.

The Old Testament, Tanakh, is Jewish scripture. Torah is Jewish law. Paul's ministry made explicitly clear that gentiles are not necessarily required to conform to the Jewish law.

Church patristic fathers and Christian theologians of late antiquity generally thought it was preposterous and stupid to read Genesis and the rest of Torah literally. They considered correct biblical reading to utilize allegory and metaphor.

Revelations was a first century composition which referenced the Roman Empire, written for people of that era. It was not forecasting a future world government led by China or European Union.

I am pretty sure Jesus never said anything explicitly about abortion or gays.

Just my two cents.

apparently not this one, given how many false things he posted.......

Christianity is a religion composed of those who profess their faith in Jesus Christ as the human incarnation of one restricts that to "evangelical protestants".....

the authors of the gospels were the persons they are attributed to, despite the denials of atheists....

we have multiple copies of the early writings, which by their consistency provide us with more accurate knowledge of the original that we have ever known before........we have a better source of knowledge regarding the original text of the Bible than we have of the works of Aristotle or Socrates.......

Paul did not found Christianity.......Christianity is a body of believers dating back to the incarnation, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.....a body of believers that included Paul, the apostles and thousands of people who heard Jesus speak and experienced the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.....

Christians follow the Mosaic Law, otherwise referred to as the Ten Commandments, but as Christ stated salvation is a gift from God, not earned by obedience to the law.......

Church patristic fathers, Christian theologians of both early and late antiquity, and pretty much all of modern Christianity agree that the OT and the NT include passages of allegory and metaphor, poetry, epistle, narrative and that a study of genre is essential to understanding of the Bible.....

except for a handful of millenialists, all Christianity believes Revelation is a depiction of the Roman era and is not a map of the end times.....

since Jesus is in truth the God of both the New and the Old Testaments, it is ridiculous to pretend he had nothing to say about killing children or sexual relations between men......

the other 98 cents......
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1. Anybody really want to 'turn your cheek' on 9/11/2001?
2. Walking on Water ... mmmm, hard to believe that.
Now, Religious Quacks like PMP will try to explain it all away. They'll use some religious Word Salad and at the end will claim 'God is Great' and it's ALL TRUE.
People said "Jesus is coming back". Then, after like 50 years, they had to come up with another Storyline.
"Jesus died for your Sins" was the best they could come up with. Yes. Lame. But better than nothing.
So perfect in keeping people docile and servile, the Kings of Europe used it for a thousand years.
I just practice Freedom of Religion and Freedom From Religion!

I never question anyone's faith or lack of it.

It's pointless to take issues with anyone on these subjects because it is their American Right to believe whatever they want regarding Religion.

I have atheist, and christian friends, relatives, associates, and neighbors- and we are all friends with each other and we want it to stay that way, so we never really discuss religion much around each other.
I just practice Freedom of Religion and Freedom From Religion!

I never question anyone's faith or lack of it.

It's pointless to take issues with anyone on these subjects because it is their American Right to believe whatever they want regarding Religion.

I have atheist, and christian friends, relatives, associates, and neighbors- and we are all friends with each other, so we never really discuss religion much around each other.

You could say the same thing about Politics.
:) It's a Discussion Board. We can air our differences here ... with out a fight ensuing. :|

I was basically referring to my personal friends, relatives, associates etc.

Here- I don't have many friends to speak of. So I just say what I have to say.
I just practice Freedom of Religion and Freedom From Religion!

I never question anyone's faith or lack of it.

It's pointless to take issues with anyone on these subjects because it is their American Right to believe whatever they want regarding Religion.

I have atheist, and christian friends, relatives, associates, and neighbors- and we are all friends with each other and we want it to stay that way, so we never really discuss religion much around each other.

I ask Jewish and Muslim friends about their faith because I am genuinely curious.

They do not mind a respectful kind of curiosity. Talking about religion only becomes problematic or belligerent when the fanatically religious or militantly atheist get involved.
It's not irrelevant.

Your posts perfectly demostrates the premise of my thread.

So-called Christians do not even understand some of the basics of their own religion.

You were not aware that the bible as we know it and a New Testament canon did not exist until at least the third or fourth century.

You did not know that the first century early Christianity of the apostles, their companions, and their ministries did not have a bible or New Testament canon as we know it, though they did have an oral tradition and an incipient written tradition.

all you have proved is that atheists and Christians do not agree about what Christianity is........

astonishing news, isn't it.......
apparently not this one, given how many false things he posted.......

Christianity is a religion composed of those who profess their faith in Jesus Christ as the human incarnation of one restricts that to "evangelical protestants".....

the authors of the gospels were the persons they are attributed to, despite the denials of atheists....

we have multiple copies of the early writings, which by their consistency provide us with more accurate knowledge of the original that we have ever known before........we have a better source of knowledge regarding the original text of the Bible than we have of the works of Aristotle or Socrates.......

Paul did not found Christianity.......Christianity is a body of believers dating back to the incarnation, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.....a body of believers that included Paul, the apostles and thousands of people who heard Jesus speak and experienced the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.....

Christians follow the Mosaic Law, otherwise referred to as the Ten Commandments, but as Christ stated salvation is a gift from God, not earned by obedience to the law.......

Church patristic fathers, Christian theologians of both early and late antiquity, and pretty much all of modern Christianity agree that the OT and the NT include passages of allegory and metaphor, poetry, epistle, narrative and that a study of genre is essential to understanding of the Bible.....

except for a handful of millenialists, all Christianity believes Revelation is a depiction of the Roman era and is not a map of the end times.....

since Jesus is in truth the God of both the New and the Old Testaments, it is ridiculous to pretend he had nothing to say about killing children or sexual relations between men......

the other 98 cents......

The Bible has many portions modern 'Christians' have deemed no longer relevant to modern life, because they became so inconvenient, I am sure any reference to homosexuality or abortion will soon follow that path.