do atheists understand Christianity.....

The Bible has many portions modern 'Christians' have deemed no longer relevant to modern life, because they became so inconvenient, I am sure any reference to homosexuality or abortion will soon follow that path.

atheists are very sure of it......
all you have proved is that atheists and Christians do not agree about what Christianity is........

astonishing news, isn't it.......

My writing is so interesting and irresistible to you, that you routinely read threads you are banned from, and you copy and paste my writing to include in your own threads.

That is actually a little creepy
My writing is so interesting and irresistible to you, that you routinely read threads you are banned from, and you copy and paste my writing to include in your own threads.

That is actually a little creepy

/ are free to ban me from your are not free to ban me from my own......if you say something stupid, I have a right to point at it and comment.....

the simple fact is, an atheist's opinion about Christianity carries about as much weight as Satan's opinion of "good"......
Anyone who studied it for 30 seconds, and was intelligent and honest knows it.

..many ignorant people have studied it their entire lives and made ignorant statements about've chosen to make ignorant statements without bothering to study.......
apparently not this one, given how many false things he posted.......

Christianity is a religion composed of those who profess their faith in Jesus Christ as the human incarnation of one restricts that to "evangelical protestants".....

the authors of the gospels were the persons they are attributed to, despite the denials of atheists....

we have multiple copies of the early writings, which by their consistency provide us with more accurate knowledge of the original that we have ever known before........we have a better source of knowledge regarding the original text of the Bible than we have of the works of Aristotle or Socrates.......

Paul did not found Christianity.......Christianity is a body of believers dating back to the incarnation, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.....a body of believers that included Paul, the apostles and thousands of people who heard Jesus speak and experienced the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.....

Christians follow the Mosaic Law, otherwise referred to as the Ten Commandments, but as Christ stated salvation is a gift from God, not earned by obedience to the law.......

Church patristic fathers, Christian theologians of both early and late antiquity, and pretty much all of modern Christianity agree that the OT and the NT include passages of allegory and metaphor, poetry, epistle, narrative and that a study of genre is essential to understanding of the Bible.....

except for a handful of millenialists, all Christianity believes Revelation is a depiction of the Roman era and is not a map of the end times.....

since Jesus is in truth the God of both the New and the Old Testaments, it is ridiculous to pretend he had nothing to say about killing children or sexual relations between men......

the other 98 cents......

If my writing is so irresistible to you that you have to copy and paste it here, then try to write responses to what I actually wrote, not to what you wish I wrote.
do atheists understand Christianity..... ?


If my writing is so irresistible to you that you have to copy and paste it here, then try to write responses to what I actually wrote, not to what you wish I wrote.

apparently MY posting is so irresistible to YOU that you need to stop by twice whining that I spoke.......perhaps instead you should pick one of the topics you disagree with and debate it.........of course, that is what you fear the most and that is why you ban me from your threads......

for example....are there really significant numbers of Christians in the world who claim Catholics are not Christians?........keep in mind that around 50% of the 3 billion Christians in the world ARE Catholic......
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apparently MY posting is so irresistible to YOU that you need to stop by twice whining that I spoke.......perhaps instead you should pick one of the topics you disagree with and debate it.........of course, that is what you fear the most and that is why you ban me from your threads......

I virtually never read anything you write except when I get response notifications from you. Even then, I ignore it half the time. As a poster, you are way too boring for me to pay attention to.

Obviously, you find my writing irresistible and interesting given that you are reading threads you are banned from and copying and pasting my writing.
The Nag Hammadi library gives a different version of life in Roman times than the new testament. Women were equals in early christianity so the question should be, do christians understand christianity?
I virtually never read anything you write except when I get response notifications from you. Even then, I ignore it half the time. As a poster, you are way too boring for me to pay attention to.

Obviously, you find my writing irresistible and interesting given that you are reading threads you are banned from and copying and pasting my writing.

actually I could care less whether or not you read what I post......all that matters to me is that I identify and correct your lies and errors.....I would of course prefer that you not lie, but that is your choice......
The Nag Hammadi library gives a different version of life in Roman times than the new testament. Women were equals in early christianity so the question should be, do christians understand christianity?

how women were treated in Rome differs from how women were treated in places like Israel, Egypt, and Turkey......
Back then Rome controlled all of it.


obviously, but back then women were not treated equally in every part of the Roman empire.......for that matter, women in Greece were treated better than women in Rome during the time of the Roman empire......
obviously, but back then women were not treated equally in every part of the Roman empire.......for that matter, women in Greece were treated better than women in Rome during the time of the Roman empire......
That's true, the gnostics were influenced by the Greeks. Anyone could be anointed if they accumulated enough knowledge. Many rabbis were preaching a peaceful god. They were tired of 700 years of war. Anyone who's been to war knows it's a racket.
actually I could care less whether or not you read what I post......all that matters to me is that I identify and correct your lies and errors.....I would of course prefer that you not lie, but that is your choice......
You are banned from my threads for being deceitful and morally corrupt, not because you are scary smart or particularly well spoken.
That's true, the gnostics were influenced by the Greeks. Anyone could be anointed if they accumulated enough knowledge. Many rabbis were preaching a peaceful god. They were tired of 700 years of war. Anyone who's been to war knows it's a racket.

lol......gnostics were hermits.....did they even believe in women?.......