do atheists understand Christianity.....

I haven't been through the entire thread, but I would pose a counter-question,

Do Christians understand Christianity?

I know more secular humanists with values somewhat resembling New Testament values
than I know Evangelicals with comparable values.

Then again, my neighborhood isn't exactly overrun with Evangelicals,
so maybe I've just been exposed to the wrong ones, largely on the internet.
The ones that I met in the Army weren't especially bright, but that was a long time ago.
Fabian and Larry sirrek

Yellow Celica - Him and his friend were the neighborhood terror.

Queens Vocational, why is he getting picked on? The principal, I feel bad.
Let him hang out with the hoods. They’ll protect him. It can’t get any stupider. ;)

The in-laws, she’s a nurse. He’s a banker and he shows up at the sweatshop.
This is hardcore, Nothing more than suck a deek.

apparently not this one, given how many false things he posted.......

Christianity is a religion composed of those who profess their faith in Jesus Christ as the human incarnation of one restricts that to "evangelical protestants".....

the authors of the gospels were the persons they are attributed to, despite the denials of atheists....

we have multiple copies of the early writings, which by their consistency provide us with more accurate knowledge of the original that we have ever known before........we have a better source of knowledge regarding the original text of the Bible than we have of the works of Aristotle or Socrates.......

Paul did not found Christianity.......Christianity is a body of believers dating back to the incarnation, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.....a body of believers that included Paul, the apostles and thousands of people who heard Jesus speak and experienced the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.....

Christians follow the Mosaic Law, otherwise referred to as the Ten Commandments, but as Christ stated salvation is a gift from God, not earned by obedience to the law.......

Church patristic fathers, Christian theologians of both early and late antiquity, and pretty much all of modern Christianity agree that the OT and the NT include passages of allegory and metaphor, poetry, epistle, narrative and that a study of genre is essential to understanding of the Bible.....

except for a handful of millenialists, all Christianity believes Revelation is a depiction of the Roman era and is not a map of the end times.....

since Jesus is in truth the God of both the New and the Old Testaments, it is ridiculous to pretend he had nothing to say about killing children or sexual relations between men......

the other 98 cents......

Take away the concept Jesus was the incarnation of God which actually only developed after the Roman Empire converted from Paganism political might to spiritual power of suggestion. That old Eastern wisdom of mind over matter philosophy that went westward since China developed I Ching, India developed Hiduism etc.

Point being, did Jesus recognize the universal constant within biological separation reproductions are only timed apart as spontaneously here simultaneously changing population now and each lifetime is specifically never staying the total sum adapting in space mutually tmed apart now. Sure clocks and calendars are essential for preparing for worst case scenarios, but the worst case scenario possible is no more great great grandchildren added again within this generation.
apparently not this one, given how many false things he posted.......

Christianity is a religion composed of those who profess their faith in Jesus Christ as the human incarnation of one restricts that to "evangelical protestants".....

the authors of the gospels were the persons they are attributed to, despite the denials of atheists....

we have multiple copies of the early writings, which by their consistency provide us with more accurate knowledge of the original that we have ever known before........we have a better source of knowledge regarding the original text of the Bible than we have of the works of Aristotle or Socrates.......

Paul did not found Christianity.......Christianity is a body of believers dating back to the incarnation, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.....a body of believers that included Paul, the apostles and thousands of people who heard Jesus speak and experienced the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.....

Christians follow the Mosaic Law, otherwise referred to as the Ten Commandments, but as Christ stated salvation is a gift from God, not earned by obedience to the law.......

Church patristic fathers, Christian theologians of both early and late antiquity, and pretty much all of modern Christianity agree that the OT and the NT include passages of allegory and metaphor, poetry, epistle, narrative and that a study of genre is essential to understanding of the Bible.....

except for a handful of millenialists, all Christianity believes Revelation is a depiction of the Roman era and is not a map of the end times.....

since Jesus is in truth the God of both the New and the Old Testaments, it is ridiculous to pretend he had nothing to say about killing children or sexual relations between men......

the other 98 cents......

Take away the concept Jesus was the incarnation of God which actually only developed after the Roman Empire converted from Paganism political might to spiritual power of suggestion. That old Eastern wisdom of mind over matter philosophy that went westward since China developed I Ching, India developed Hiduism etc.

Point being, did Jesus recognize the universal constant within biological separation reproductions are only timed apart as spontaneously here simultaneously changing population now and each lifetime is specifically never staying the total sum adapting in space mutually tmed apart now. Sure clocks and calendars are essential for preparing for worst case scenarios, but the worst case scenario possible is no more great great grandchildren added again within this last generation arrived.
Take away the concept Jesus was the incarnation of God which actually only developed after the Roman Empire converted from Paganism political might to spiritual power of suggestion. That old Eastern wisdom of mind over matter philosophy that went westward since China developed I Ching, India developed Hiduism etc.

Point being, did Jesus recognize the universal constant within biological separation reproductions are only timed apart as spontaneously here simultaneously changing population now and each lifetime is specifically never staying the total sum adapting in space mutually tmed apart now. Sure clocks and calendars are essential for preparing for worst case scenarios, but the worst case scenario possible is no more great great grandchildren added again within this last generation arrived.

it would really be cool if your sentences used verbs.....
it would really be cool if your sentences used verbs.....

when you cannot defeat what was said, attack how it was stated hoping people follow your lead since their reality is as vulnerable as yours. Humanity by consensus governs ancestries cradle to grave with speculation over biological displacement anyways.