Do comperable emails exist from the liberal side.


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From what I hear there are three or four emails with all kind of lies about Obama spreading around the internet. He is a muslam, he refuses to put his hand over his hart, he refuses to recite the pledge of allegence.

Are there comperable emails about McCain or Clinton that I just have not heard?
I have not seen any.

I get plenty of the anti Obama ones from co workers though. I don't mix politics and work so they have no idea....
I think we could attack McCain's druggie wife and let them know that he's going to raise taxes.
Funny thing the other day on a local talking heads show the Republican rep from our state leglislature was ragging on Mitch McConnels democrat opponent about being elitist for giving 1 mill to his campaign, makes a total of almost 2 mill he has raised. While McConnel has about a 18 milion war chest :)
Yes there are, as well as whole websites dedicated to things like "How McCain was a Traitor" and other gems of dubious 'wisdom'.
Yes there are, as well as whole websites dedicated to things like "How McCain was a Traitor" and other gems of dubious 'wisdom'.

Are they from the left. The "McCain was a Traitor" websites that I am aware of are right-wing phenomena funded by the same group of guys (not the Swift Boaters) that ran a Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry organization.
Are they from the left. The "McCain was a Traitor" websites that I am aware of are right-wing phenomena funded by the same group of guys (not the Swift Boaters) that ran a Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry organization.
Yes, most are from the left, they are to "teach them a lesson" for those swift-boaters who shamed themselves over Kerry. The ones I am talking about call into question the time he spent as a prisoner of war and whether he received 'special treatment' from his captors.
Yes, most are from the left, they are to "teach them a lesson" for those swift-boaters who shamed themselves over Kerry.

Do you have any examples? As I said, the only group that I am aware of is the Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain which is run by the same bunch of guys that ran a similar organization against Kerry.
Do you have any examples? As I said, the only group that I am aware of is the Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain which is run by the same bunch of guys that ran a similar organization against Kerry.
No, I deleted the e-mails.

You say it is run by the same people, do you have evidence?

Most of the rightwing "traitor" things are about immigration and campaign reform. Most of the lefty sites are about his service.
No, I deleted the e-mails.

You say it is run by the same people, do you have evidence?

Most of the rightwing "traitor" things are about immigration and campaign reform. Most of the lefty sites are about his service.

Here is the organizational form for Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain:

Jerry Kiley is the primary guy behind it.

I can't find the organizational forms for the Vietnam Vets Against John Kerry but here is their website:

You see that Jerry Kiley is one of the founders along with a guy by the name of Ted Sampley who has long been a menace to McCain.

It's the same folks.
I’ll come up with them, but how do you get them distributed?

I want to start a rumor that McCain has come out for the draft


Mabye call in to Sean Hannity's show? And send them to any out of the closet republicans you know.

And the Libertarians even get in on it.

I've received the e-mails in my junk box. I guess if I get them again I'll keep them next time.

Most of the talk about "lobbyist friends", how he voted against "veterans education", along with mentioning the "special treatment".

There are so many reasons already that a true Libertarian shouldn't vote for McCain, that calling him a traitor is absolutely and completely unnecessary.

Mabye call in to Sean Hannity's show? And send them to any out of the closet republicans you know.

Yeah, they need to be widely distributed, like the Obama is a muslim one. I actually know people, who I thought were smart, who believe that. I’d like to do a whole rift on how McCain was “Caught on Tape!” saying that Bush made a huge mistake by not asking the American people to sacrifice, and now our military is stressed to the breaking point, and we’re gonna need to bring back the draft.

Oh, get out of the way of the stampede to pull the lever for Obama if any middle class mommy and daddy think that McCain is going to send their boy!