Do republicans care more about foreign car makers than US


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I am beginning to feel like the Republicans, especially the southern Republicans care more about BMW, Toyota, Honda Hyundai and Mercedes more than they care about NOT bailing out the big three. Foreign car makers get HUGE taxpayer subsidies in the REPUBLICAN states they set up in which is the SAME thing as us giving the big three a bailout. I know that the Big Three have a bad business model now, but I think that means less than protecting foreign auto makers and killing the UAW soley because the Republicans HATE unions.
They dont care about anything but the money these corps give them and helping by Union busting.
They dont care about anything but the money these corps give them and helping by Union busting.
If all they cared about was the cash, they'd have voted to give them money long ago.

The long-term viability of companies you have to extend this kind of aid to should be paramount in the heads of the people voting to give them our money.
If all they cared about was the cash, they'd have voted to give them money long ago.

The long-term viability of companies you have to extend this kind of aid to should be paramount in the heads of the people voting to give them our money.

same with the finiancial industry bailout.
If all they cared about was the cash, they'd have voted to give them money long ago.

The long-term viability of companies you have to extend this kind of aid to should be paramount in the heads of the people voting to give them our money.

What they're about to do tonight is inexcusable, and I hope it is what they are remembered for.

They're being given an opportunity to save a trillion+ for the low, low price of $14 billion, and they're saying "no."
If I was trying to present GM as a business case to investors I would be laughed out of the room. I do not think they are viable in the long term.

Now the game these rebutlikens are playing is eunich politics though.
Paramount to the Republicans vote tonight is the elimination of the UAW. The Conservatives in this country have hated unions since the triangle shirtwaist factory fire and beyond. They hate unions. They want people to be unable to band together and have the same bargaining power as the companies. Pure and simple this is union busting where using armed thugs have failed.
Paramount to the Republicans vote tonight is the elimination of the UAW. The Conservatives in this country have hated unions since the triangle shirtwaist factory fire and beyond. They hate unions. They want people to be unable to band together and have the same bargaining power as the companies. Pure and simple this is union busting where using armed thugs have failed.

Yeah I think it is more an anti union thing than anything else.
I just heard that the sticking point came down to a couple of years. Republicans wanted the UAW to lower wages in the next few months, and the UAW wanted to honor the current labor contract on wages through 2011.

This is just surreal. There won't BE any wages if the bailout doesn't pass. Couldn't they have just split the difference & gone w/ 2010?

Incredible. The market will probably lose $14 billion in the 1st 2 minutes tomorrow. This is really frustrating to watch.
I just heard that the sticking point came down to a couple of years. Republicans wanted the UAW to lower wages in the next few months, and the UAW wanted to honor the current labor contract on wages through 2011.

This is just surreal. There won't BE any wages if the bailout doesn't pass. Couldn't they have just split the difference & gone w/ 2010?

Incredible. The market will probably lose $14 billion in the 1st 2 minutes tomorrow. This is really frustrating to watch

I agree, the market is not likely going to take this well.
We might have to wait until Jan. 20th for economic common sense to kick in.

This same move could be done after January 20th. It is not the Presidency that is the problem (for once). It is the Republicans in the Senate.... who will have the same power the next two years (at least). Provided the Dems don't try to eliminate the fillabuster.
This same move could be done after January 20th. It is not the Presidency that is the problem (for once). It is the Republicans in the Senate.... who will have the same power the next two years (at least). Provided the Dems don't try to eliminate the fillabuster.

The vote was 35-51. A lot of people seem to have abstained.

If the Democrats can whip nearly everyone in their caucus to vote and the few dissenting Republicans vote for it it can be done. If not, I fully support going nuclear on this issue.