Do republicans care more about foreign car makers than US

Paramount to the Republicans vote tonight is the elimination of the UAW. The Conservatives in this country have hated unions since the triangle shirtwaist factory fire and beyond. They hate unions. They want people to be unable to band together and have the same bargaining power as the companies. Pure and simple this is union busting where using armed thugs have failed.

I really bothered to stop and wonder if the R's would actually take down the backbone of American manufacturing, and destroy our economy even further, in order to take out the UAW.

that was last week.

This week I can't believe I actually bothered to stop and wonder. Of course they would.

Of course they would. How could I ever have been so stupid as to wonder? Of course they would. Not only of course they would, but they did it while smiling. They love it. It's the best hard most of them have had since they had to stop pinching the asses of 17 year old male interns, post-Foley fallout.

They loved it.
The vote was 35-51. A lot of people seem to have abstained.

If the Democrats can whip nearly everyone in their caucus to vote and the few dissenting Republicans vote for it it can be done. If not, I fully support going nuclear on this issue.

I agree, but the problem is, what will be left by 1/20? If these companies go under, no one can bring them back. It'll be too late.
I'll believe the TARP money is going to come through when I see it.

Well, they keep hinting at it. If they're going to do it, the time to announce it is right now, before the market opens.

I have a hunch they're going to wait for another 1,000 pt. drop, though.
Well, they keep hinting at it. If they're going to do it, the time to announce it is right now, before the market opens.

I have a hunch they're going to wait for another 1,000 pt. drop, though.

If that's what they're waiting for they'll get it soon enough. I think they'll ask to be able to use the rest of the $700 billion (roughly $350 billion left) to give away to the financial fucks in exchange for loaning $15 billion to GM and Chrysler.
This same move could be done after January 20th. It is not the Presidency that is the problem (for once). It is the Republicans in the Senate.... who will have the same power the next two years (at least). Provided the Dems don't try to eliminate the fillabuster.
Not necessarily. They only have to turn one or two to their side to meet cloture. It will be far easier to meet cloture than ever before.
If that's what they're waiting for they'll get it soon enough. I think they'll ask to be able to use the rest of the $700 billion (roughly $350 billion left) to give away to the financial fucks in exchange for loaning $15 billion to GM and Chrysler.

I hadn't thought of that. Jesus it's amazing that the most hated President of our lifetimes, and the biggest 8 year party failure we have seen, still has enough power to do this, even after being told to go drown themselves by the American people.

It really makes me feel that there is something seriously wrong with our system.
I agree, but the problem is, what will be left by 1/20? If these companies go under, no one can bring them back. It'll be too late.

While I agree completely that this is f'ed up, if GM and Chrysler go down, it doesn't mean they can't come out of Chapter 11. Again, this was the incredibly stupid route to take and now the road will be much harder. But we have overcome such events in the past. Its just that normally we don't inflict the wound upon ourselves with such vigor.

My guess is that Bush will force the TARP funds towards Detroit.
Paramount to the Republicans vote tonight is the elimination of the UAW. The Conservatives in this country have hated unions since the triangle shirtwaist factory fire and beyond. They hate unions. They want people to be unable to band together and have the same bargaining power as the companies. Pure and simple this is union busting where using armed thugs have failed.
Companies cannot band together and fix wages or prices, nor do they. I work in a non-union industry and either my employer or I are free to terminate our employment agreement, why would anyone else like coworkers need to be involved?
I am beginning to feel like the Republicans, especially the southern Republicans care more about BMW, Toyota, Honda Hyundai and Mercedes more than they care about NOT bailing out the big three. Foreign car makers get HUGE taxpayer subsidies in the REPUBLICAN states they set up in which is the SAME thing as us giving the big three a bailout. I know that the Big Three have a bad business model now, but I think that means less than protecting foreign auto makers and killing the UAW soley because the Republicans HATE unions.
Tax subsidies? As far as I know they get tax breaks to setup shop there and those are usually temporary with an expiration.
Also they setup shop in non-Southern states, Ohio for instance:

Southern or rather more Conservative states have less taxes, less regulation and lower gov spending, which is attractive to investors looking to setup shop there and create jobs. Don't hate them for that.
Left-wing states need to stop electing Liberal Democrats who do not create a favorable job environment.
Tax subsidies? As far as I know they get tax breaks to setup shop there and those are usually temporary with an expiration.
Also they setup shop in non-Southern states, Ohio for instance:

Southern or rather more Conservative states have less taxes, less regulation and lower gov spending, which is attractive to investors looking to setup shop there and create jobs. Don't hate them for that.
Left-wing states need to stop electing Liberal Democrats who do not create a favorable job environment.
This is true they get property tax breaks and in states where they have them, gross reciepts breaks, though probably not a car manufacturer, and when they get the breaks but the city or state still needs revenues they raise the taxes on the REST of the tax payers which you can call by any name you want, when the company doesn't pay taxes and the taxes get raised on the rest of the population that is a subsidy.
This is true they get property tax breaks and in states where they have them, gross reciepts breaks, though probably not a car manufacturer, and when they get the breaks but the city or state still needs revenues they raise the taxes on the REST of the tax payers which you can call by any name you want, when the company doesn't pay taxes and the taxes get raised on the rest of the population that is a subsidy.

If you want businesses in your area to provide jobs there has to be some incentive to bring them there in the first place. Temporary tax breaks is just one of them. More people working, more people making money, more people buying property, more people paying taxes means more funds for the government.
If you want businesses in your area to provide jobs there has to be some incentive to bring them there in the first place. Temporary tax breaks is just one of them. More people working, more people making money, more people buying property, more people paying taxes means more funds for the government.

But tax breaks don't create jobs when workers live overseas, and companies only maintain a presence here to sell us things we don't have money for.
But tax breaks don't create jobs when workers live overseas, and companies only maintain a presence here to sell us things we don't have money for.

That is a whole other debate. I hate it that companies move their manufacturing jobs overseas. This I partly blame on unions but mostly blame on the companies' know, getting excessive profits. Query me this though: Why would Toyota maintain assembly plants here in the US when they could do it cheaper elsewhere?
This is true they get property tax breaks and in states where they have them, gross reciepts breaks, though probably not a car manufacturer, and when they get the breaks but the city or state still needs revenues they raise the taxes on the REST of the tax payers which you can call by any name you want, when the company doesn't pay taxes and the taxes get raised on the rest of the population that is a subsidy.
To subsidize means to receive money, which they are not doing, they are just paying less.
Certainly it isn't fair, I can agree with that, but from another perspective as you only pay tax on profit, they are still paying more tax than Detroit automakers are.

I don't understand why the Dems don't call on Michigan to create the same tax breaks, they are just too addicted to tax revenue.
That is a whole other debate. I hate it that companies move their manufacturing jobs overseas. This I partly blame on unions but mostly blame on the companies' know, getting excessive profits.
Every company strives for more profits, but that also enables them to sell goods cheaper and you have to admit that clothes and toys for instance have been more affordable relative to inflation.

Query me this though: Why would Toyota maintain assembly plants here in the US when they could do it cheaper elsewhere?
2 reasons.
Shipping cost is higher for larger items.
Cars are not just cheap plastic moldings, they require a more skilled workforce.
I agree, but the problem is, what will be left by 1/20? If these companies go under, no one can bring them back. It'll be too late.

I think they have enough cash to survive that long.

If they do fail, though, this will be viewed as one of the greatest turning points in Americas Republican lead dive into irrelevance.