Do the Classics promote White Privilege?

In the world of classics, the exchange between Dan-el Padilla Peralta and Mary Frances Williams has become known simply as “the incident.” Their back-and-forth took place at a Society of Classical Studies conference in January 2019 — the sort of academic gathering at which nothing tends to happen that would seem controversial or even interesting to those outside the discipline. But that year, the conference featured a panel on “The Future of Classics,” which, the participants agreed, was far from secure. On top of the problems facing the humanities as a whole — vanishing class sizes caused by disinvestment, declining prominence and student debt — classics was also experiencing a crisis of identity. Long revered as the foundation of “Western civilization,” the field was trying to shed its self-imposed reputation as an elitist subject overwhelmingly taught and studied by white men. Recently the effort had gained a new sense of urgency: Classics had been embraced by the far right, whose members held up the ancient Greeks and Romans as the originators of so-called white culture. Marchers in Charlottesville, Va., carried flags bearing a symbol of the Roman state; online reactionaries adopted classical pseudonyms; the white-supremacist website Stormfront displayed an image of the Parthenon alongside the tagline “Every month is white history month.”

Homer = Hitler
What sort of debate is to be had on this topic? LOL Yeah, white people are awesome. What the fuck do you want? What is your intent? Do I have to tie my hands behind my back because your ancestors failed to progress? You people have an inferiority complex that's now called a social science. LOL The globalists are trying to bait everyone into a race war and the blacks are easy to rile up. That's what this article is

wow. Incoherent babbling.
What sort of debate is to be had on this topic? LOL Yeah, white people are awesome. What the fuck do you want? What is your intent? Do I have to tie my hands behind my back because your ancestors failed to progress? You people have an inferiority complex that's now called a social science. LOL The globalists are trying to bait everyone into a race war and the blacks are easy to rile up. That's what this article is

No serious discussion was sought, nor will one occur.

Liberals operate in four modes:

1) Lecturing

2) Condemning

3) Rioting

4) Purging
Black culture is head hunters and cannibalism

LOL Shrunken heads FTW

Plate lips!! LOL

Let's extend our neck 6 inches with these gold bands

I guess I can see why they have to take down white man's history
Black culture is head hunters and cannibalism

LOL Shrunken heads FTW

Plate lips!! LOL

Let's extend our neck 6 inches with these gold bands

I guess I can see why they have to take down white man's history

Some people say Trump supporters are just stupid and I don't like that assessment. But you people on this thread so far are extremely stupid.
Black culture is head hunters and cannibalism

LOL Shrunken heads FTW

Plate lips!! LOL

Let's extend our neck 6 inches with these gold bands

I guess I can see why they have to take down white man's history

Ibn Khaldun founded anti Black racism.

He waa a Moor Arab, which African Americans try to claim too.

But, of course Arabs aren't under attack for their foundations of racism against Blacks, nor their Arab Slave Trade.
I would not be shocked if all movies made before 1970 soon turn up with a warning announcement before the movie runs, which can not be fast fowarded.

Later it will be all movies made before 1990....then still later....