Do we all experience the world in the same way?

Compared to voting in person, and checking ID's, yes it is technically more unsecure but, again, both methods are used nationwide and have never resulted in an increase in fraud. Why would that suddenly change in 2020? Is the country suddenly populated with more people who are willing to commit voter fraud? More importantly, how is this mass fraud taking place because of dropboxes and mail-in ballots? Are people going mailbox to mailbox stealing ballots, forging signatures and mailing them in? If that were happening on the scale claimed by many republicans, then there should be an epidemic of people being caught double voting because the people expecting a mail-in ballot would have to request another one or go vote in person resulting in two ballots from each person who had theirs stolen.

thanks for acknowledging it's not secure.

it is happening on a grand scale.

judges and media ignore all of these facts.
thanks for acknowledging it's not secure.

it is happening on a grand scale.

judges and media ignore all of these facts.

That's not what I said. I said it not as secure as voting in person. But, again, both methods have been widely used for decades without issue because a)there is security built into the process and b) the logistics of committing mass voter fraud make it impossible. If you think I'm wrong about the logistics claim, I'd love to hear how you foresee mail-in voting or dropboxes being realistically used for fraud.
That's not what I said. I said it not as secure as voting in person. But, again, both methods have been widely used for decades without issue because a)there is security built into the process and b) the logistics of committing mass voter fraud make it impossible. If you think I'm wrong about the logistics claim, I'd love to hear how you foresee mail-in voting or dropboxes being realistically used for fraud.

but not on as vast a scale, which multiplies their possibility of introducing fraud.
but not on as vast a scale, which multiplies their possibility of introducing fraud.

Can you explain how mail-in ballots would be used for fraud? Are there armies of harvesters going mailbox to mailbox stealing them and nobody is aware? None of the thousands of victims noticed that they didn't receive their ballot? None of them checked online, saw that their ballot was used and reported it? None of them went to vote in person, because they didn't receive their ballot, and were busted for voting twice and exposed what was going on? Should we not be hearing about an epidemic of double voters, unmatched signatures and reports people being seen stealing ballots from mailboxes?

Explain how this works in your mind.
Can you explain how mail-in ballots would be used for fraud? Are there armies of harvesters going mailbox to mailbox stealing them and nobody is aware? None of the thousands of victims noticed that they didn't receive their ballot? None of them checked online, saw that their ballot was used and reported it? None of them went to vote in person, because they didn't receive their ballot, and were busted for voting twice and exposed what was going on? Should we not be hearing about an epidemic of double voters, unmatched signatures and reports people being seen stealing ballots from mailboxes?

Explain how this works in your mind.

He'll inject George Soros and a Jewish globalist conspiracy in there somewhere. I've seen it before.
That's fine, but Soros can't magically make fraudulent ballots appear.

Multiple courts and elected leaders from both sides have stated the 2020 election was fair. The only people denying it are WSE supporters and the Qless, neither of which will ever accept that Trump lost the election.

Notice that they also defend Trump's theft of classified materials, his involvement in the 1/6 coup and his sexual history of rape and affiliation with pedophiles.

The best indicator is their belief that vaccines are loaded with Jewish nanobots to turn Americans into liberals.
Quote Originally Posted by ZenMode View Post
Why would that suddenly change in 2020?

because many states decided to flood the mails with unsolicited ballots, opening up new opportunities for voting in someone else's name........
a person living at address "A" receives unsolicited mail in ballots for all previous residents. He fills them out as if he were those previous residents and mails them back.........

Is it possible that could happen? Technically, yes, but that's not what Trump and Republicans are claiming. They aren't claiming one-off situations where random people fill out a ballot that is wrongly mailed to them. Trump and Republicans are claiming a conspiracy to illegally change laws and a coordinated effort to commit voter fraud.

However, let's look at your concern. You're assuming a significant number of people, like tens of thousands to actually have a chance to impact an election, move and don't change the address under which they are registered to vote. You're also assuming that the those same tens of thousands of people who moved don't vote at all any more, in any state because, if they did, there would be two ballots cast in their name, they'd be busted for voting twice and the person who fraudulently submitted the mail ballot would be charged accordingly. You're also assuming that the tens of thousands of people who move into the address of the previous owner and receives someone else's ballot is the kind of person who would send in someone else's ballot and thereby risking huge fines and prison time. How often do you realistically think all the stars align to make it happen?
Is it possible that could happen?

are you joking?.......the mail was delivered by the tens of thousands.........are you going to pretend it's one-off?.......of course there was a conspiracy to change laws........they had to be changed just to mail out unsolicited many states had their legislatures actually vote on whether to do that?........MAILING THEM WITHOUT LEGISLATIVE ACTION IS A VIOLATION OF THE US CONSTITUTION........what more do you need to know?........

its not tens of thousands.....across the country its hundreds of thousands......compounded by the fact that whenever a state tries to clean up its records the demmycunts get the courts to block it claiming its racist.........WHY don't demmycunts want the names of people who have moved, people who have died removed from voting rolls?........what possible reason could there be for objecting to that?......./
are you joking?.......the mail was delivered by the tens of thousands.........are you going to pretend it's one-off?.......of course there was a conspiracy to change laws........they had to be changed just to mail out unsolicited many states had their legislatures actually vote on whether to do that?........MAILING THEM WITHOUT LEGISLATIVE ACTION IS A VIOLATION OF THE US CONSTITUTION........what more do you need to know?........

I don't think you read the entire post.
I was running low on nanobots and got a reload today along with my nanobot flu shot.

I don't wear a mask and love to spread nanobots through the air...especially to Trumpers. LOL

I've heard that you can even catch the nanobots from watching porn, particularly the gay variety. Oh noes, there goes half the JPP Reichwing contingent! :laugh:
a person living at address "A" receives unsolicited mail in ballots for all previous residents. He fills them out as if he were those previous residents and mails them back.........

... and they are rejected. You live in Michigan; you know how it works. We voted by mail in 2020. You not only have to sign the ballot's privacy sleeve that goes in the official envelope, you have to sign the outside of that envelope too. Once received (we dropped ours off at the township's secure box), your signature is compared to the one they have on file from when you registered. If they don't match, your ballot is set aside and you are notified of the discrepancy. You have till Election Day to fix it, or your ballot is discarded. So if our moron mailman, who is great for delivering mail to the wrong address, gives us our neighbors' ballots, it would do us no good to fill them out. We can't duplicate their signatures.

With all the shit in the world to fret about, you fascist Trumpanzees think *this* merits screaming about and passing more laws to prevent anyone from voting other than in person. You would think that an actual patriot would favor *more* voter participation rather than making it more and more onerous to exercise that constitutional right. You'd be wrong.
Can you explain how mail-in ballots would be used for fraud? Are there armies of harvesters going mailbox to mailbox stealing them and nobody is aware? None of the thousands of victims noticed that they didn't receive their ballot? None of them checked online, saw that their ballot was used and reported it? None of them went to vote in person, because they didn't receive their ballot, and were busted for voting twice and exposed what was going on? Should we not be hearing about an epidemic of double voters, unmatched signatures and reports people being seen stealing ballots from mailboxes?

Explain how this works in your mind.

the same reason in person i.d. voting is more secure, as you already conceded.

I already won.
the same reason in person i.d. voting is more secure, as you already conceded.

I already won.

If I was claiming that mail-in voting/dropboxes were exactly as secure as in person, then you'd win. But that isn't the discussion. You are intentionally avoiding the actual topic, how the alleged fraud would logistically occur, because you can't come up with a realistic explanation for how it would occur. The other thing I left out is the fact that a centrally coordinated conspiracy to steal an election would include hundreds of people across multiple states, at the highest levels of state government, and nobody could EVER spill the beans. Not one person can have a crisis of conscience and confess. Not ONE person involved could have ever approached the wrong person for involvement and have them tell the authorities. Not one person could have ever recorded audio/video of ANY event surrounding the conspiracy.

Hopefully you see how absolutely impossible this who ridiculous conspiracy theory actually is and how much of a liar (or just gullible moron) people like Trump, Powell, Giuliani and Lindell actually are.