Do we need a Liberal Administration right now?

It should be no secret, Vladdy Putin wants to 'reunite' the Soviet Union, and he has boldly and aggressively invaded the sovereign nation of Georgia in the first steps to that objective. He does this with Bush and Cheney in the White House, a commonly considered right-wing hawkish war administration. What might Putin dare with a liberal anti-war president in charge?

One of the things Americans really need to consider is world events, and what is happening globally. The republic of Georgia doesn't mean anything to us, we have no strategic presence in that part of the world, and there isn't much we can do about it. But what happens when he rolls tanks into Ukraine and Poland? Will a Liberal-bound Obama administration be able to tear itself from the anti-war crowd long enough to take action, when action needs to be taken?

Or will we have a quasi-Carter foreign policy of indifference and daisies? Will we have the balls to confront aggression in the world, and show force when necessary, to combat oppression? Or will we simply sink into the background and allow Putin to color eastern Europe red? I am sure the left-wing blame America libs will all be clamoring for President Obama to take no action, to stay out of it, and not get involved. But is this what Mainstream America thinks is best? Are we really ready to disconnect from leadership on the world stage like that, and allow the Communist Russians and Chinese to take over half the world... again?

We still haven't heard the last of Islamic Extremism, and we are going to be faced with the Ol' Hammer and Sickle again... WITH a liberal anti-war president... in a recession... great! Just fuckin' great!

We deserve what we get!
It should be no secret, Vladdy Putin wants to 'reunite' the Soviet Union, and he has boldly and aggressively invaded the sovereign nation of Georgia in the first steps to that objective. He does this with Bush and Cheney in the White House, a commonly considered right-wing hawkish war administration. What might Putin dare with a liberal anti-war president in charge?

One of the things Americans really need to consider is world events, and what is happening globally. The republic of Georgia doesn't mean anything to us, we have no strategic presence in that part of the world, and there isn't much we can do about it. But what happens when he rolls tanks into Ukraine and Poland? Will a Liberal-bound Obama administration be able to tear itself from the anti-war crowd long enough to take action, when action needs to be taken?

Or will we have a quasi-Carter foreign policy of indifference and daisies? Will we have the balls to confront aggression in the world, and show force when necessary, to combat oppression? Or will we simply sink into the background and allow Putin to color eastern Europe red? I am sure the left-wing blame America libs will all be clamoring for President Obama to take no action, to stay out of it, and not get involved. But is this what Mainstream America thinks is best? Are we really ready to disconnect from leadership on the world stage like that, and allow the Communist Russians and Chinese to take over half the world... again?

We still haven't heard the last of Islamic Extremism, and we are going to be faced with the Ol' Hammer and Sickle again... WITH a liberal anti-war president... in a recession... great! Just fuckin' great!

We deserve what we get!

What's the conservative president Bush gonna do about it? He looked into putin's soul and got a woodie.
Well Skippy, the thing is... to put it as Nixon would, you're not gonna have George Bush to kick around anymore. I know some libs still will... hell, some of them will probably have it carved on their tombstone... Met an untimely death due to GEORGE W. BUSH!

The fact remains, when Obama is sitting in the Oval Office, it's going to get a little hard to blame Bush and Cheney for things. Especially with a majority Democrat Congress! ....Oh, I'm sure we will hear all of this 'intellectual pontification' on how all of the worlds problems are the result of Bush's 'failed' presidency... but will this be the mantra for an inept administration, incapable of dealing with the problems on the world stage? Are we simply in for 4 years of excuses and inaction, and blaming everything on the previous administration? Is THIS the ever-illusive "Hope and Change" Americans are voting for?
What's the conservative president Bush gonna do about it? He looked into putin's soul and got a woodie.


Remember that quote, Dix?

Fact is, as you said, Putin is doing this regardless of who is in office. And trying to paint Dems as wimps on foreign policy just isn't going to cut it anymore. After 8 years of staggeringly bad foreign policy, people want competence & good judgment.

"Boo" just isn't going to work anymore. You're getting Democrats, dammit!
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"Or will we have a quasi-Carter foreign policy of indifference and daisies?"

Speaking of daisies, I'm not really into perfumes. I usually just wear body lotion from The Body Shop. But I happened to spray on some of Marc Jacobs "Daisy" this weekend, and I couldn't stop smelling my wrist all day. So the next morning, I went to Nordstroms and got the perfume, body lotion, and shower gel. I smell so good. I love this stuff. Very soft and feminine and not at all overpowering, which I find most perfumes to be.
I thought this has more to do with Georgia's move towards the west including approval of more oil pipelines and patriot missiles on there soil.
It should be no secret, Vladdy Putin wants to 'reunite' the Soviet Union, and he has boldly and aggressively invaded the sovereign nation of Georgia in the first steps to that objective. He does this with Bush and Cheney in the White House, a commonly considered right-wing hawkish war administration. What might Putin dare with a liberal anti-war president in charge?

One of the things Americans really need to consider is world events, and what is happening globally. The republic of Georgia doesn't mean anything to us, we have no strategic presence in that part of the world, and there isn't much we can do about it. But what happens when he rolls tanks into Ukraine and Poland? Will a Liberal-bound Obama administration be able to tear itself from the anti-war crowd long enough to take action, when action needs to be taken?

Or will we have a quasi-Carter foreign policy of indifference and daisies? Will we have the balls to confront aggression in the world, and show force when necessary, to combat oppression? Or will we simply sink into the background and allow Putin to color eastern Europe red? I am sure the left-wing blame America libs will all be clamoring for President Obama to take no action, to stay out of it, and not get involved. But is this what Mainstream America thinks is best? Are we really ready to disconnect from leadership on the world stage like that, and allow the Communist Russians and Chinese to take over half the world... again?

We still haven't heard the last of Islamic Extremism, and we are going to be faced with the Ol' Hammer and Sickle again... WITH a liberal anti-war president... in a recession... great! Just fuckin' great!

We deserve what we get!

I'm just curious what ol' Dix thinks an appropriate response would be? Of course, he probably won't come right out and say he wants to go to war with Russia (nor will McCain) but he won't offer any practical way to deal with the issue (nor will McCain).

Instead we get the above, just using this as an opportunity to belittle the sane people of the world that don't view war as the solution to all foreign policy issues.
One of the things Americans really need to consider is world events, and what is happening globally. The republic of Georgia doesn't mean anything to us, we have no strategic presence in that part of the world, and there isn't much we can do about it. But what happens when he rolls tanks into Ukraine and Poland? Will a Liberal-bound Obama administration be able to tear itself from the anti-war crowd long enough to take action, when action needs to be taken?

Boy, do I agree, let's elect another republican administration similar to this one and if Putin acts up we'll invade Switzerland. That would work in the tough republican mantra, 'get em before they are armed and dangerous!'
Boy, do I agree, let's elect another republican administration similar to this one and if Putin acts up we'll invade Switzerland. That would work in the tough republican mantra, 'get em before they are armed and dangerous!'

They'll welcome us as liberators, and shower us with chocolates. 6 months tops....
I'm going to go with yes we need a liberal.
1. to stop the warmachine
2. preach that science is the way to go, not choice of fictional comic being
3. Not arrest someone for taking a potential cure for colon cancer. MJ
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It should be no secret, Vladdy Putin wants to 'reunite' the Soviet Union, and he has boldly and aggressively invaded the sovereign nation of Georgia in the first steps to that objective. He does this with Bush and Cheney in the White House, a commonly considered right-wing hawkish war administration. What might Putin dare with a liberal anti-war president in charge?

One of the things Americans really need to consider is world events, and what is happening globally. The republic of Georgia doesn't mean anything to us, we have no strategic presence in that part of the world, and there isn't much we can do about it. But what happens when he rolls tanks into Ukraine and Poland? Will a Liberal-bound Obama administration be able to tear itself from the anti-war crowd long enough to take action, when action needs to be taken?

Or will we have a quasi-Carter foreign policy of indifference and daisies? Will we have the balls to confront aggression in the world, and show force when necessary, to combat oppression? Or will we simply sink into the background and allow Putin to color eastern Europe red? I am sure the left-wing blame America libs will all be clamoring for President Obama to take no action, to stay out of it, and not get involved. But is this what Mainstream America thinks is best? Are we really ready to disconnect from leadership on the world stage like that, and allow the Communist Russians and Chinese to take over half the world... again?

We still haven't heard the last of Islamic Extremism, and we are going to be faced with the Ol' Hammer and Sickle again... WITH a liberal anti-war president... in a recession... great! Just fuckin' great!

We deserve what we get!

Putin is not in any way, shape, or form a commie. He is a fascist. If Putin were president of America Dix would wear a huge smile on his face every day knowing that liberal democracy was finally gone from America.
It should be no secret, Vladdy Putin wants to 'reunite' the Soviet Union, and he has boldly and aggressively invaded the sovereign nation of Georgia in the first steps to that objective. He does this with Bush and Cheney in the White House, a commonly considered right-wing hawkish war administration. What might Putin dare with a liberal anti-war president in charge?

One of the things Americans really need to consider is world events, and what is happening globally. The republic of Georgia doesn't mean anything to us, we have no strategic presence in that part of the world, and there isn't much we can do about it. But what happens when he rolls tanks into Ukraine and Poland? Will a Liberal-bound Obama administration be able to tear itself from the anti-war crowd long enough to take action, when action needs to be taken?

Or will we have a quasi-Carter foreign policy of indifference and daisies? Will we have the balls to confront aggression in the world, and show force when necessary, to combat oppression? Or will we simply sink into the background and allow Putin to color eastern Europe red? I am sure the left-wing blame America libs will all be clamoring for President Obama to take no action, to stay out of it, and not get involved. But is this what Mainstream America thinks is best? Are we really ready to disconnect from leadership on the world stage like that, and allow the Communist Russians and Chinese to take over half the world... again?

We still haven't heard the last of Islamic Extremism, and we are going to be faced with the Ol' Hammer and Sickle again... WITH a liberal anti-war president... in a recession... great! Just fuckin' great!

We deserve what we get!
The Ukraine will fight the Russians as well as they can, IF he rolls in to Poland, you world events genius, NATO will, by treaty defend Poland, a full member of NATO. This is the best you right wingers can do huh? Fear fear fear. There is no reason to vote for the republican party other than they are the party that knows they should be very fearfull of the world.
The Ukraine will fight the Russians as well as they can, IF he rolls in to Poland, you world events genius, NATO will, by treaty defend Poland, a full member of NATO. This is the best you right wingers can do huh? Fear fear fear. There is no reason to vote for the republican party other than they are the party that knows they should be very fearfull of the world.

I'm scared Soc. You talk big, but what if they come here and rape all the men and make all the women wear those fur hats? I'd rather be dead than wear one of those hats Soc.
I'm scared Soc. You talk big, but what if they come here and rape all the men and make all the women wear those fur hats? I'd rather be dead than wear one of those hats Soc.
I bet you would look marvelous in a fur hat. Something in a white fox or ermine.