Do we need a Liberal Administration right now?

Actually, Condi was on vacation while Sarkozy and the EU negotiated the cease-fire agreement. You see, we're not exactly an honest broker in this conflict and were in no position to mediate a resolution.

To the extent we were involved, it was lower level staff, specifically, Matthew Bryza, a career diplomat at the State Department who has served under GHWB, Clinton and GWB and would, as a career diplomat, likely stay on under the next president, whomever that may be.

By the way, you might want to change your undies you pants-shitter.

Actually Condi was on vacation and cut it short to fly in and help negotiate a cease fire resolution, and is still working to get that implemented. Under an Obama Administration, we would likely still be hearing grandiose speeches about how this needs to be resolved quickly. Whatever pinhead crony he appointed SoS, would probably still be trying to find Georgia on a map, if he wasn't already sitting in Plains, GA with Jimmah Cahtah, waiting for the rest of the dignitaries to arrive so they could have refreshments and talk it over.

And my undies are fine, I think that smell is coming from your direction.
I just thought this would be another good time to remind you – you’ll die without seeing another righty appointed to the Supreme Court. And you'll die with a Democratic majority in the House. And you'll die with a Democratic majority in the Senate.

And to thank you for that, again. Couldn’t have done it without you and your kind dixcks!

Thank you Miss Cleo, I will remember to drop a quarter in your cup on my way out.
I just thought this would be another good time to remind you – you’ll die without seeing another righty appointed to the Supreme Court. And you'll die with a Democratic majority in the House. And you'll die with a Democratic majority in the Senate.

And to thank you for that, again. Couldn’t have done it without you and your kind dixcks!

I just thought this would be another good time to remind you – you’ll die without seeing another righty appointed to the Supreme Court. And you'll die with a Democratic majority in the House. And you'll die with a Democratic majority in the Senate.

And to thank you for that, again. Couldn’t have done it without you and your kind dixcks!

Unless Dixie is a senior citizen, you are getting a little ahead of yourself, aren't you?

I think the Dems will win both the White House and a larger majority in both houses this November.

But 2012?

And 2016?

And 2020?

A lot can change in a decade. Nixon was a humiliation for the republicans. But it wasn't long before they were back in the Oval Office.
Unless Dixie is a senior citizen, you are getting a little ahead of yourself, aren't you?

I think the Dems will win both the White House and a larger majority in both houses this November.

But 2012?

And 2016?

And 2020?

A lot can change in a decade. Nixon was a humiliation for the republicans. But it wasn't long before they were back in the Oval Office.

Yes, and republicans will be back again, because I know the dirty little secret. Democrats have no clue how to lead. All of the negatives they have concocted are based on smoke and mirrors, an illusion to make people think Republicans are bad and Democrats are good. Even when they are given power by the American people, they claim they don't have enough power to implement change. Their entire strategy and plan is to criticize and complain about Republicans, and their lack of power to do anything about them. When they obtain power, they tend to do the same smoke and mirror tricks to fool the people into thinking the Democrats are their friend. Eventually, the tricks stop working because the American people aren't stupid, just gullible. Then Republicans take the majority again, and straighten out their mess. It's all a cyclical thing.

I notice Miss Cleo didn't include the White House in her predictions of my untimely demise. Curious, that.
Yes, and republicans will be back again, because I know the dirty little secret. Democrats have no clue how to lead. All of the negatives they have concocted are based on smoke and mirrors, an illusion to make people think Republicans are bad and Democrats are good. Even when they are given power by the American people, they claim they don't have enough power to implement change. Their entire strategy and plan is to criticize and complain about Republicans, and their lack of power to do anything about them. When they obtain power, they tend to do the same smoke and mirror tricks to fool the people into thinking the Democrats are their friend. Eventually, the tricks stop working because the American people aren't stupid, just gullible. Then Republicans take the majority again, and straighten out their mess. It's all a cyclical thing.

I notice Miss Cleo didn't include the White House in her predictions of my untimely demise. Curious, that.

The White House is always more mercurial, and it’s possible that there is still enough racism in this country, to give you four more years of that. But the Senate and House are gone, and they’re not coming back - if you read enough what you discover is that young voters are self-identifying as Democrats, and very alarmingly for your kind, so are Hispanics.

You're old. You’re done darlin. You’ll never get another one. It’s all downhill from here.
The White House is always more mercurial, and it’s possible that there is still enough racism in this country, to give you four more years of that. But the Senate and House are gone, and they’re not coming back - if you read enough what you discover is that young voters are self-identifying as Democrats, and very alarmingly for your kind, so are Hispanics.

You're old. You’re done darlin. You’ll never get another one. It’s all downhill from here.

I try to avoid reading too much, you tend to start believing all of what you read and become a pinhead that way. As for racism, unfortunately, it doesn't confine itself to a single political party, if it did, perhaps we could eliminate it. I know of more Democrat racists than Republican racists, but I think it may just be the region I live in. One interesting aspect to racism is, most racists will hide their true feelings behind a false screen of 'anti-racist' rhetoric, like you have done here, for example.

Young "voters" historically don't turn out to vote, this is the case in almost every national election, and the trend will likely not change in OUR lifetime. The fact that most of them identify with the Democrat party, just means they are uninformed and ignorant, nothing more. Hispanics can go either way, but this is why your party favors giving illegal immigrants a vote, you think it will "help" your cause. Careful what you wish for, dear.

As for me being "old" ...that is a matter of opinion. I don't think of myself as "old" at all, I am a relatively young 48. Now, I could die tomorrow, and your prediction would be true, or I could outlive you and enjoy a ripe old age, in which case, I wouldn't have the pleasure of throwing your inaccurate prediction in your face. But alas, such is life.
Wow, Dixie is only 48? Man he totally comes off like he’s 68. He sounds like my grandfather! SF, this is your future, keep it up. Look at what being a right wing hack does to you, the worst thing in the world! Ages you prematurely.

The rest of your post is filled with your usual "facts" pullled straight out of your ass Dix.

I guess if you live a very long time, like say, to 80, you might get to see an R congress again. You don't smoke, do you?
Actually Condi was on vacation and cut it short to fly in and help negotiate a cease fire resolution, and is still working to get that implemented. Under an Obama Administration, we would likely still be hearing grandiose speeches about how this needs to be resolved quickly. Whatever pinhead crony he appointed SoS, would probably still be trying to find Georgia on a map, if he wasn't already sitting in Plains, GA with Jimmah Cahtah, waiting for the rest of the dignitaries to arrive so they could have refreshments and talk it over.

And my undies are fine, I think that smell is coming from your direction.
LOL. Dang, Dix went and bought some humor!
"Young "voters" historically don't turn out to vote, this is the case in almost every national election, and the trend will likely not change in OUR lifetime"

Well, the way I look at it, it's a pretty generational thing. These young voters, or non-voters, as it were, have all formulated political opinions that they will hold for a lifetime during the Bush years. And eventually, sometime pretty soon, they'll start voting more.

You do the math.
"Young "voters" historically don't turn out to vote, this is the case in almost every national election, and the trend will likely not change in OUR lifetime"

Well, the way I look at it, it's a pretty generational thing. These young voters, or non-voters, as it were, have all formulated political opinions that they will hold for a lifetime during the Bush years. And eventually, sometime pretty soon, they'll start voting more.

You do the math.

And I read (being a pinhead, I do that) that political identities formed in your early 20’s hold steady a majority of the time.

And as for the Hispanic vote –well that’s just getting bigger and bigger, and the R’s are doubly f’d there.
And I read (being a pinhead, I do that) that political identities formed in your early 20’s hold steady a majority of the time.

And as for the Hispanic vote –well that’s just getting bigger and bigger, and the R’s are doubly f’d there.

"If you are a conservative at 20, you have no heart... If you are liberal at 40, you have no brain." --Winston Churchill

Yes, when you count people who broke the laws and came into our nation illegally, the number is very high, and democrats are certainly courting those potential votes, aren't they? Unfortunately, we've never allowed felons the right to vote, but your party is working on changing that, isn't it? It doesn't speak well of your ability to fool law abiding citizens of the US into supporting you, that you have to resort to this kind of thing, but I suppose it's better than your previous attempts to count the votes of the dead, huh?
Not a real Churchill quote Dix. And not even the real ages from the actual quote.

I've heard it attributed variously to Winston Churchill, Ernest Hemmingway, and John Steinbeck
"If you are a conservative at 20, you have no heart... If you are liberal at 40, you have no brain." --Winston Churchill

Yes, when you count people who broke the laws and came into our nation illegally, the number is very high, and democrats are certainly courting those potential votes, aren't they? Unfortunately, we've never allowed felons the right to vote, but your party is working on changing that, isn't it? It doesn't speak well of your ability to fool law abiding citizens of the US into supporting you, that you have to resort to this kind of thing, but I suppose it's better than your previous attempts to count the votes of the dead, huh?

First of all, Churchill never said that, but most importantly - the disgusting assumptions you just made about hispanic voters, is exactly WHY they are going to be a big part of keeping you where you belong - the miniority. Thanks again Dix.
Seemed Bush was courting those illegal future voters pretty heavily himself, but I guess that's A-okay with Dix.
First of all, Churchill never said that, but most importantly - the disgusting assumptions you just made about hispanic voters, is exactly WHY they are going to be a big part of keeping you where you belong - the miniority. Thanks again Dix.

First off, the quote in question is attributed to Winston Churchill, go look it up! Whether he ACTUALLY said it or not, I have no idea, that's who it's attributed to more often than not. Secondly, it's beside the point whether he said it or not, it is the truth of the matter, we tend to become more conservative as we get older and wiser, that is a fact that statistics will support. And most importantly, I didn't make ANY disgusting assumptions about "Hispanics" in my comments, I made a factual statement about Hispanics who are here illegally, and I do not favor letting them vote, regardless of which political party they would vote for.

Epi, no it's not A-okay with Dix, the Bush policy of "they're doing the work Americans won't do" is utter bullshit, and one of the biggest complaints I have about Bush and his policies. I am also not in favor of John McCain's "amnesty" policy either. I want comprehensive immigration reform, which STOPS illegal immigration FIRST, and deals with what to do with the lawbreakers already here, LAST! I think a vast majority of Americans agree with me, except for the hard core left, who think we need to issue them driver's licenses, sign them up for Social Security, and register them to vote!
"Whether he ACTUALLY said it or not, I have no idea, that's who it's attributed to more often than not. Secondly, it's beside the point whether he said it or not"

Mmm, hmmm.

And there you have the Republican motto folks. Whether or not it's true is besides the point! How many people believe it's true is what matters!
"I try to avoid reading too much..."

Dixie doesn't read much? A real shocker there!

On a different note, the reason republicans will or won't die out has nothing to do with Bush. The voters have too short a memory for that to do anything but screw up this (and perhaps the next) election.

Typically it boils down to money. When you are young and have your whole life ahead, you have plans to make lots of money, or you don't need much money, or you don't mind paying taxes to fund such good works. Then you get older and realize how much it takes to survive, how quickly it goes away, and you start wanting to be taxed less so you can retire someday and not have to eat canned dogfood to live.

The war, the environment, immigration, education, terrorism, and the rest of the issues eventually take a backseat to who is going to tax you harder and take more of your money.