Do we need a Liberal Administration right now?

Right wing war hawk? They are fucking Chickenhawks. They attacked Iraq when Iraq had nothing to to with the war on terra or 9-11. Now there is scuttlebut that perhaps the Whitehouse itself forged a document linking Iraq to Al Qaeda. Russia was not and is not afraid of any Bush reaction to their invasion of Gerogia. The fact of the matter is, Putin can hang this whole affair on pre-emptive strikes against a hostile Georgia that has ambitions on seizing Russian territory. The war pinheads in power here are the ones that wrote that story chapter and verse. Now live with it.;

Putin already told Bush "sit down bitch, and talk when I tell you to talk", yesterday.

Which Bush promptly did.
we're an outlaw state. The world hates us, and doesn't look to us for any kind of leadership, anymore.

Ladies and gentlemen, another example of what you can expect from liberal leadership.

We're outlaws, everybody hates us, we can't lead, and it's not going to be Obama's fault, it will always and forever be the fault of George W. Bush, no matter how bad it gets under and Obama Administration. It could almost be considered 'sociopath' behavior.
Ladies and gentlemen, another example of what you can expect from liberal leadership.

We're outlaws, everybody hates us, we can't lead, and it's not going to be Obama's fault, it will always and forever be the fault of George W. Bush, no matter how bad it gets under and Obama Administration. It could almost be considered 'sociopath' behavior.

I don't think that Putin is going to be very succesful making Obama his bitch, the way he did Bush. I mean, "I saw his soul in his eyes"? Man, can you imagine how they were laughing over that? They must have been slapping Putin on the back "way to go making bush your bitch man", and Putin must have been like "I've seduced high school girls who gave me more trouble".

Wow, what an embarrassment.
Oh sorry Dixks, that's what being President is all about. Reacting to world crisises, not five months from now, but today.

Bush fails, again.

But the point is, an Obama Administration would not react to any world crisis, because it is so much more effective to blame Bush! This is what we can expect for the next 4 years under Obama, no action, no dealing with the crisis', just more of the same old tired bullshit of dumping on Bush and being indifferent to the problems. Even in this current situation, Bush has already strongly condemned Russia for this action, Obama simply said it needs to be resolved quickly. How exactly he would do that as President, he didn't say, and he won't, because he will do nothing. His sycophants will provide the needed cover for his inaction, by maintaining the bluster over 8 years of Bush/Cheney. As you pinheads have so eloquently proven in this thread.
But the point is, an Obama Administration would not react to any world crisis, because it is so much more effective to blame Bush! This is what we can expect for the next 4 years under Obama, no action, no dealing with the crisis', just more of the same old tired bullshit of dumping on Bush and being indifferent to the problems. Even in this current situation, Bush has already strongly condemned Russia for this action, Obama simply said it needs to be resolved quickly. How exactly he would do that as President, he didn't say, and he won't, because he will do nothing. His sycophants will provide the needed cover for his inaction, by maintaining the bluster over 8 years of Bush/Cheney. As you pinheads have so eloquently proven in this thread.

Sorry, Bush is still President, Obama can do nothing, Bush can do everything but is doing nothing.

So, back to Bush being Putin's bitch...did you see how he stopped talking when Putin told him to?
"Bush has already strongly condemned Russia for this action"

Ooooooh...ouch! Bet Putin didn't see THAT one coming....
But the point is, an Obama Administration would not react to any world crisis, because it is so much more effective to blame Bush! This is what we can expect for the next 4 years under Obama, no action, no dealing with the crisis', just more of the same old tired bullshit of dumping on Bush and being indifferent to the problems. Even in this current situation, Bush has already strongly condemned Russia for this action, Obama simply said it needs to be resolved quickly. How exactly he would do that as President, he didn't say, and he won't, because he will do nothing. His sycophants will provide the needed cover for his inaction, by maintaining the bluster over 8 years of Bush/Cheney. As you pinheads have so eloquently proven in this thread.

He strongly condemned them? Wow, talk about using the full might of the USA to stop and evil act. Hopefully both McCain & Obama are watching so they can learn how its done.

Give it a rest Dixie. You have spent as much time blaming the clintons as anyone. And the damages to this nation by Bush are pretty clear. Claiming they don't exist doesn't win your debate, it just makes you look either stupid or blind.
"Give it a rest Dixie. You have spent as much time blaming the clintons as anyone"

That's an excellent point. Dixie, you realize you have done this, and are basically projecting on this thread, correct?
He strongly condemned them? Wow, talk about using the full might of the USA to stop and evil act. Hopefully both McCain & Obama are watching so they can learn how its done.

Give it a rest Dixie. You have spent as much time blaming the clintons as anyone. And the damages to this nation by Bush are pretty clear. Claiming they don't exist doesn't win your debate, it just makes you look either stupid or blind.

Very generous of you.
He strongly condemned them? Wow, talk about using the full might of the USA to stop and evil act. Hopefully both McCain & Obama are watching so they can learn how its done.

Give it a rest Dixie. You have spent as much time blaming the clintons as anyone. And the damages to this nation by Bush are pretty clear. Claiming they don't exist doesn't win your debate, it just makes you look either stupid or blind.

What have I blamed the Clinton's for? And where have I claimed something doesn't exist? ...other than "Leadership" from Liberal anti-war Democrats.

This thread is brilliant, because it points out to everyone, exactly what we can expect for the next 4 years under an Obama Administration. Take a look for yourself, not one single solitary word about what Obama would do, or how Obama would handle this crisis, much less other crisis' which are almost certain to happen when we elect an anti-war liberal to the presidency. No, instead of leadership, we will get 4 more years of Bush-hate and obfuscation. This thread proves it.
Here's bush on the phone right after Russia invades Georgia. He is on it alright.

"This thread proves it."

This thread only proves (further) what a simplistic imbecile you are. None of us speak for Obama, work for his campaign or would be part of an Obama administration. As for foreign policy, I can only guess at what Obama would do, but we won't know until he is there, facing his first test. Based on what I've seen of the man, I think he would use good judgment & thoughtful deliberation before taking action, and would make better use of our allies than the previous admin. Other than that, there isn't a lot to go on.

It's a guessing game until they are in office; if you had asked me what Bush would do in 2000, and all I had to go on was his campaign, I would say that he would act in a way that was not geared toward nation-building, and would present the U.S. to the world in a "humble" way, since that is about all he had to say on foreign policy. It didn't quite work out that way.

Obama is smarter, more thoughtful & more shrewd; all I can tell you now is that he'll make a better President than Bush. I wish that said more about him, but it doesn't, really. Still, it does say that your contention that America "needs" the GOP for leadership right now is cracked.
Dixie must shoot dogs that cross his front lawn, pre-emptive strike.
We don't need no more freaking optional wars you arm chair general.
What have I blamed the Clinton's for? And where have I claimed something doesn't exist? ...other than "Leadership" from Liberal anti-war Democrats.

This thread is brilliant, because it points out to everyone, exactly what we can expect for the next 4 years under an Obama Administration. Take a look for yourself, not one single solitary word about what Obama would do, or how Obama would handle this crisis, much less other crisis' which are almost certain to happen when we elect an anti-war liberal to the presidency. No, instead of leadership, we will get 4 more years of Bush-hate and obfuscation. This thread proves it.

This thread proves what Obama supporters WILL do? How does it do that? This thread simply shows that people will blame Bush for things that happen under his administration.

You are really stretching here, Dix
What have I blamed the Clinton's for? And where have I claimed something doesn't exist? ...other than "Leadership" from Liberal anti-war Democrats.

This thread is brilliant, because it points out to everyone, exactly what we can expect for the next 4 years under an Obama Administration. Take a look for yourself, not one single solitary word about what Obama would do, or how Obama would handle this crisis, much less other crisis' which are almost certain to happen when we elect an anti-war liberal to the presidency. No, instead of leadership, we will get 4 more years of Bush-hate and obfuscation. This thread proves it.

The only thing this thread proves is that you are a really disturbed person who lives in an alternate reality.
This thread proves what Obama supporters WILL do? How does it do that? This thread simply shows that people will blame Bush for things that happen under his administration.

You are really stretching here, Dix

In dixieland, Obama has already taken office, Bush is retired, and Obama's supporters are running the country. On the bright side, his new medication hasn't had time to kick in yet.
Ladies and gentlemen, another example of what you can expect from liberal leadership.

We're outlaws, everybody hates us, we can't lead, and it's not going to be Obama's fault, it will always and forever be the fault of George W. Bush, no matter how bad it gets under and Obama Administration. It could almost be considered 'sociopath' behavior.
Are you really this obtuse or is the workcenter for the developementally disabled on break so you get to play on the computer. WE are not outlaws, WE are not the ones that hurt american leadership, Those things will change when their is new leadership in the whitehouse, but untill then, that is how America is viewed and it is all George W Bush's fault. Mr. Dream Jeans has fucked up things good.
Are you really this obtuse or is the workcenter for the developementally disabled on break so you get to play on the computer. WE are not outlaws, WE are not the ones that hurt american leadership, Those things will change when their is new leadership in the whitehouse, but untill then, that is how America is viewed and it is all George W Bush's fault. Mr. Dream Jeans has fucked up things good.

Apparently you missed Oncies post, where HE said we were "outlaws" and HE said we "hurt american leadership" in the post I responded to. Please don't put Oncies words in MY mouth, if you have a problem with what he said, take it up with him, I was merely responding to his assertions.

My assertion is, this is the kind of "leadership" we can expect the next 4 years, if Obama wins in November. Look at what else Oncie posts..."As for foreign policy, I can only guess at what Obama would do, but we won't know until he is there, facing his first test." Now, call me crazy, but I think it's a really bad idea to elect a man president if you don't know what he would do in a crisis situation. But you see, Obama supporters don't have to worry about it, because even if he does nothing and lets the world collapse into chaos around us, you can still sit comfortably at your keyboards blaming Bush for it, and refusing to lead. This is the plan, this is the template, this is what we can all expect with an Obama Administration for the next 4 years.
Dixie must shoot dogs that cross his front lawn, pre-emptive strike.
We don't need no more freaking optional wars you arm chair general.

Well you won't have to worry about that with Obama and the anti-war liberals in charge, we won't have ANY wars, optional or not. Military force will be taken completely off the table, and our enemies will realize it. As I said, the big dog is getting back up on the porch, and this is what we can expect out of liberal anti-war leadership. Without any possible threat of US Military action, democracies around the world will begin to fall left and right at the hands of communist and islamic aggression, and it will all be consistently blamed on Bush, as it happens.