Do we need a Liberal Administration right now?

It wouldn't matter which post I chose, all I see is a bunch of bitter ranting about Bush, and how everything is his fault, happened on his watch, and not Obama's responsibility. This is exactly what we will hear for the next 4 years, if Obama wins. I just want America to get a good dose of it now, and understand what an Obama Administration will be like. Instead of solutions to problems and resolution of crisis, we will have more of what we've had the past 7+ years, bashing and blaming Bush for everything, while offering no viable alternative. Anything that comes up, will be cast in the light of... 'well, if Bush hadn't done this... or Bush hadn't done that...maybe Obama could do something...' This is the "leadership" everyone is apparently ga-ga over, and contemplating for our future.

Translation: I know that Bush is doing jack shit about this, but I'm just going to keep talking about Obama supporters, and hope no one notices.
He ain't going to do shit. First of all, what he did in Iraq is too similar, so who is he, or we, to talk? Secondly, we are broke and so is our military. The only people afraid of us are Canadians, because we could move there enmass and bring down property values.

McCain on the other hand is going to stand in front of a podium with flags, pretending that he is already president - which is apparently not presumptious when white people do it - and go "hardline" on the, Russians. Begging the question: Are Americans dying for the chance to return to the days of nuclear holocaust as a real possibility they had to live with?

I'm betting no. McCain and Dix are betting yes. Let's see.

...And yet another example of the obfuscation and excuses we can expect from an Obama Administration. The message of "hope and change" is all good and well, but there is going to be no change, or hope for change, with an Obama Administration. We will simply have 4 years of the anti-war, anti-American liberal socialists in power, blaming Bush and Cheney for all the problems that arise. Leadership will take a backseat to this incessant rant about how we are too weak, too broke, too discredited, to effect any change on the world stage, so we may as well sit and pout and feel sorry for ourselves, and blame it all on Bush.

And as far as I know, McCain hasn't ripped off the presidential seal, like Obama did, so no need to play the race card, sweetheart. He does have the American flag around the podium, unlike Obama, who apparently can't stand the sight of it. I'm not a McCain supporter, which I know many of you find hard to believe, but it's true. I just oppose Obama, because I think an Obama Administration would be a catastrophe for this nation, and the world. We would be just as well off to elect Cyndi Shehan.
Translation: I know that Bush is doing jack shit about this, but I'm just going to keep talking about Obama supporters, and hope no one notices.

I am sure Bush will do whatever he can in the few remaining months he has in office. My concern is, what is the next president going to do when Putin decides to pump his ego some more? If he had the balls to take out Georgia with a bunch of right-wing war hawks in power, what the hell might he attempt with flower-child liberals running the show? And what would their response be? It would be precisely what we are getting here, a series of rants and criticisms of the Bush Administration, and a 4 year pass on leadership from Obama.
It wouldn't matter which post I chose, all I see is a bunch of bitter ranting about Bush, and how everything is his fault, happened on his watch, and not Obama's responsibility. This is exactly what we will hear for the next 4 years, if Obama wins. I just want America to get a good dose of it now, and understand what an Obama Administration will be like. Instead of solutions to problems and resolution of crisis, we will have more of what we've had the past 7+ years, bashing and blaming Bush for everything, while offering no viable alternative. Anything that comes up, will be cast in the light of... 'well, if Bush hadn't done this... or Bush hadn't done that...maybe Obama could do something...' This is the "leadership" everyone is apparently ga-ga over, and contemplating for our future.
That is NOT what I am saying dilweed. Bush has till January of 2009 to use all the powers available to him to apply pressure to the Russians. You already are blaming Obama for things that Bush has full control over right now. So tell your president to get on it and get Russia to tow the US line or else. Quit blaming Obama for things that he has no control over now.
Dixie, the whole premise of your post is that we can't trust that peacenik liberal excuse for leadership during such challenging global times; by implication, you're basically inferring that the GOP can offer strong, steady leadership & good judgment on foreign policy. The gist of most of the responses here is that you are not living in reality, and if you had even one day over the past 7 years where you were able to think clearly, you would see that the GOP has offered nothing of the sort.

In short, there is nowhere to go but up. Yeah, Obama's SUPPORTERS may continue to moan & complain about Bush, but you're just being intentionally obtuse if you think a President Obama will not react to anything going on in the world, save for a "Damn that George Bush." Will it be a different kind of leadership? Most assuredly. Kiss cowboy diplomacy goodbye. Kiss "shoot first, ask questions later" goodbye. Kiss alienating important allies goodbye. Kiss the whole damned Bush doctrine goodbye.

Now, as Soc pointed out, the President YOU elected is in charge of this situation until January. How do you think he'll respond?
Dixie said in a way to equivicate for Mr. Dream Jeans:

I am sure Bush will do whatever he can in the few remaining months he has in office.
Notice how that equivication seeks to lower the bar for Bush. He will "do what he can" which means not much of shit and whatever he does has the chance of being one more fuck up in the realm of foreign policy.
Will it be a different kind of leadership? Most assuredly. Kiss cowboy diplomacy goodbye. Kiss "shoot first, ask questions later" goodbye. Kiss alienating important allies goodbye. Kiss the whole damned Bush doctrine goodbye.

Kiss American leadership on the world stage GOODBYE!
I am sure Bush will do whatever he can in the few remaining months he has in office. My concern is, what is the next president going to do when Putin decides to pump his ego some more? If he had the balls to take out Georgia with a bunch of right-wing war hawks in power, what the hell might he attempt with flower-child liberals running the show? And what would their response be? It would be precisely what we are getting here, a series of rants and criticisms of the Bush Administration, and a 4 year pass on leadership from Obama.

So Bush is going to do nothing.

Boy that was like pulling teeth.
Kiss American leadership on the world stage GOODBYE!

Leadership on the world stage? Is that what America was providing the past 7+ years?

Dixie - we're an outlaw state. The world hates us, and doesn't look to us for any kind of leadership, anymore.

You're so weird.
...And yet another example of the obfuscation and excuses we can expect from an Obama Administration. The message of "hope and change" is all good and well, but there is going to be no change, or hope for change, with an Obama Administration. We will simply have 4 years of the anti-war, anti-American liberal socialists in power, blaming Bush and Cheney for all the problems that arise. Leadership will take a backseat to this incessant rant about how we are too weak, too broke, too discredited, to effect any change on the world stage, so we may as well sit and pout and feel sorry for ourselves, and blame it all on Bush.

And as far as I know, McCain hasn't ripped off the presidential seal, like Obama did, so no need to play the race card, sweetheart. He does have the American flag around the podium, unlike Obama, who apparently can't stand the sight of it. I'm not a McCain supporter, which I know many of you find hard to believe, but it's true. I just oppose Obama, because I think an Obama Administration would be a catastrophe for this nation, and the world. We would be just as well off to elect Cyndi Shehan.

Well you've got eight years under the worst president in history to make excuses for, so it's good you're getting started early.

Not one more Supreme Court pick, in your life time Dixie. Did I thank you for that yet today? :clink:
That is NOT what I am saying dilweed. Bush has till January of 2009 to use all the powers available to him to apply pressure to the Russians. You already are blaming Obama for things that Bush has full control over right now. So tell your president to get on it and get Russia to tow the US line or else. Quit blaming Obama for things that he has no control over now.

Yes, the little worm has started to snake around in the dirt early. Already blaming Obama for things Bush can't accomplish.

You know he was blaming Clinton for things Bush did up until six months ago. So, history has finally turned a page in Dixk's book.
Notice how that equivication seeks to lower the bar for Bush. He will "do what he can" which means not much of shit and whatever he does has the chance of being one more fuck up in the realm of foreign policy.

Well there is honestly not much any president can do about Russian aggression in 5 months. He's pretty much kept it in check the past 7+ years, but I am afraid this is not a problem that can be fixed in a few months, since Russia has had a pretty long history of such aggressive acts. So it appears Obama will inherit this type of behavior from Russia, regardless of what Bush does or doesn't do about the conflict in Georgia. My question remains, if Putin is this bold and daring with right-wing war hawks in power, what will he do when anti-war pinheads are in power?
Well there is honestly not much any president can do about Russian aggression in 5 months. He's pretty much kept it in check the past 7+ years, but I am afraid this is not a problem that can be fixed in a few months, since Russia has had a pretty long history of such aggressive acts. So it appears Obama will inherit this type of behavior from Russia, regardless of what Bush does or doesn't do about the conflict in Georgia. My question remains, if Putin is this bold and daring with right-wing war hawks in power, what will he do when anti-war pinheads are in power?

Oh sorry Dixks, that's what being President is all about. Reacting to world crisises, not five months from now, but today.

Bush fails, again.
Well there is honestly not much any president can do about Russian aggression in 5 months. He's pretty much kept it in check the past 7+ years, but I am afraid this is not a problem that can be fixed in a few months, since Russia has had a pretty long history of such aggressive acts. So it appears Obama will inherit this type of behavior from Russia, regardless of what Bush does or doesn't do about the conflict in Georgia. My question remains, if Putin is this bold and daring with right-wing war hawks in power, what will he do when anti-war pinheads are in power?

Kept it in check for 7+ years?? wtf?

The russians haven't paid any attention to use in 7 years.

Oh, I guess your response will be "Well they haven't been aggressive, so it must be the USA keeping them from it."

Guess what! I am responsible to keeping Downtown Atlanta, Downtown Nashville, and all of the greater Cleveland area free from attacks by wild tigers. And if you will notice, there have been NO ATTACKS BY WILDTIGERS IN ANY OF THOSE AREAS!!
Well there is honestly not much any president can do about Russian aggression in 5 months. He's pretty much kept it in check the past 7+ years, but I am afraid this is not a problem that can be fixed in a few months, since Russia has had a pretty long history of such aggressive acts. So it appears Obama will inherit this type of behavior from Russia, regardless of what Bush does or doesn't do about the conflict in Georgia. My question remains, if Putin is this bold and daring with right-wing war hawks in power, what will he do when anti-war pinheads are in power?
Right wing war hawk? They are fucking Chickenhawks. They attacked Iraq when Iraq had nothing to to with the war on terra or 9-11. Now there is scuttlebut that perhaps the Whitehouse itself forged a document linking Iraq to Al Qaeda. Russia was not and is not afraid of any Bush reaction to their invasion of Gerogia. The fact of the matter is, Putin can hang this whole affair on pre-emptive strikes against a hostile Georgia that has ambitions on seizing Russian territory. The war pinheads in power here are the ones that wrote that story chapter and verse. Now live with it.;
"He's pretty much kept it in check the past 7+ years,"

I just spit out my coffee, dammit.



I think he masturbates to thoughts of Bush keeping him safe from Russian aggression for the past 7+ years. (and i'm really sorry for inflicting that visual on you)