Do you think that Gore will run?


Staff member
Does anybody think that Gore will ever run again for President? History shows that if he does he is likely to win again, of course he could set precedent by being the first to win popular vote and lose electorally to not get elected on the second shot... but I doubt it. Would the Ds actually not consider him?

What do you all believe?
robdastud said:
funny how you say "win again"

Yeah... he won the popular vote. He, however, did not get elected as our Constitution requires electoral victory.

In the past times this has happened the candidate always came forward again and was later elected electorally as well as popularly on the second time. I was wondering why Gore hasn't really thrown his hat in the ring as of yet.... Is he waiting for them to beg him?
I don't think he can win unless he shows great growth as a candidate.

He just comes off as similar to most of the Democratic candidates who have been blasted out of Presidential elections in recent decades.
Adam Weinberg said:
I don't think he can win unless he shows great growth as a candidate.

He just comes off as similar to most of the Democratic candidates who have been blasted out of Presidential elections in recent decades.

He has also been positioning himself as a one-issue candidate lately which limits his exposure to only that one image.
I think that the democrat wins the "foreign policy/war in Iraq" issue by default. We have another nasty hurricane season and let the talk of global warming ramp up geometrically, and Gore's ONE issue becomes THE issue beyond the war....

A lot can happen between now and '07
I dont think he will run again, he seems happy in his position as party elder.
maineman said:
I think that the democrat wins the "foreign policy/war in Iraq" issue by default. We have another nasty hurricane season and let the talk of global warming ramp up geometrically, and Gore's ONE issue becomes THE issue beyond the war....

A lot can happen between now and '07

I think the border and ports will trump that issue. It is all part and parsel of the "WOT"... without borders there is no nation. Gore's one issue can become THE issue for people who focused in that area before, but it won't become 'the' issue for most of the nation...

I would be interested to see him run.. It isn't like the GOP has any supergreat candidate that will gaurantee a victory any more than the Ds have...
Id like him to run, think he has a better chance at winning than Sennator Clinton... I just dont think he will.
Jarod said:
Id like him to run, think he has a better chance at winning than Sennator Clinton... I just dont think he will.

I think many are put off by seeing the same names over and over again... I, for one, am tired of these legacy presidencies. Out of 300 million people these legacy families are the best we can come up with?
Agreed. Id like to see some new names in the mix.

I wish Christine Whitman would run...

Of corse thats not a new name, she is a direct decendent of Abraham Lincon's wife.
Jarod said:
Agreed. Id like to see some new names in the mix.

I wish Christine Whitman would run...

Of corse thats not a new name, she is a direct decendent of Abraham Lincon's wife.

That is more than fine... Long enough and far away. Not a legacy like Father/Son... Brother... Wife/Husband... There has to be qualified and good choices outside of these elites!
borders and ports are all part of the WOT and, like I said...the D candidate wins that issue in '08 by default. if we have two horrific hurricane seasons, the environment could jump up big...and Gore owns that issue
maineman said:
borders and ports are all part of the WOT and, like I said...the D candidate wins that issue in '08 by default. if we have two horrific hurricane seasons, the environment could jump up big...and Gore owns that issue

I don't think they will win by default. Right now neither side is taking our borders seriously and it is hurting the credibility of both parties. This issue is beyond party at this moment and is likely just to get larger. One or the other must take a strong and very real stand on this or all we will have is more of the same...

They may win on Iraq by default, but not on the border and it is larger than either side is willing to admit at this moment. Tom Tancredo will likely run to pull that issue out into the open in the R Party, who will step up for the Ds?
robdastud said:
well maine lets also not forget the selling of military weapons to foreign nations.
the military industrial complex has been doing that for a tidy profit since WWII...what is your point?
borders, ports and Iraq.... we tie them all together...we show how much we could have done to secure ports and borders if we hadn't pissed away billions and billions in Iraq..... we wrap the whole thing up in one big package...Tancredo will look like a one issue racist...
maineman said:
borders, ports and Iraq.... we tie them all together...we show how much we could have done to secure ports and borders if we hadn't pissed away billions and billions in Iraq..... we wrap the whole thing up in one big package...Tancredo will look like a one issue racist...

I never said he will win, he'll just pull attention to the actual borders/ports and get it to the front of the debate within the party. He won't win and, in fact, doesn't expect to nor want to. In fact he hopes that another will bring this forward so he doesn't have to even run at all.

You don't wrap it in one package. You as a Party, in fact, have decried the rules as too restrictive already and promote an even more open and less restrictive policy. That is not border security. Ignore it at your peril it is shaping up to be a huge issue in the next Presidential election and whomever truly convinces others that they are serious on this issue is likely to win regardless of the Iraq war... Home is more important than Iraq every time.
I doubt he'll run. But like Jarod, I'd prefer him to Clinton. I'd be more apt to nominate someone like Feingold.
Adam Weinberg said:
I don't think he can win unless he shows great growth as a candidate.

He just comes off as similar to most of the Democratic candidates who have been blasted out of Presidential elections in recent decades.

I'm always astonished when I hear about how a democratic candidate just "doesn't come off well".

Why are Dems held to such a higher standard? Bush "comes across" as a clueless, uniformed boob. A frat-boy prankster at best. But, perhaps a boob you'd have a beer with. Gore and Kerry at least seemed like well informed and competent people, who were capable of articulating their own thoughts and postions.