Do you think that Gore will run?

Cypress said:
I'm always astonished when I hear about how a democratic candidate just "doesn't come off well".

Why are Dems held to such a higher standard? Bush "comes across" as a clueless, uniformed boob. A frat-boy prankster at best. But, perhaps a boob you'd have a beer with. Gore and Kerry at least seemed like well informed and competent people, who were capable of articulating their own thoughts and postions.

It has to do with expectations.

People expect Democrats to be smart and intelectual. They expect Reublicans to be a bit redneck...
no kiddin'....Gore WRITES books and he "doesn't come off well".....

Bush can barely READ books and he's the guy you want to have a beer with and want to lead the free world! One would never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the average american.
Jarod said:
It has to do with expectations.

People expect Democrats to be smart and intelectual. They expect Reublicans to be a bit redneck...

I don't know.

I don't see how its possible for rational people to say Gore or Kerry "didn't come across very well", while bush is clearly the dumbest, most ill-prepared and most inarticulate candidate ever put forth by a major party. Yet all the talk remains on how Gore "didn't connect well".

If people are deciding their votes because Gore sighed too much, walked like a robot, or doesn't seem like a cool guy to have a beer with, they need to have their voter registration cards revoked ;)
Cypress said:
I don't know.

I don't see how its possible for rational people to say Gore or Kerry "didn't come across very well", while bush is clearly the dumbest, most ill-prepared and most inarticulate candidate ever put forth by a major party. Yet all the talk remains on how Gore "didn't connect well".

If people are deciding their votes because Gore sighed too much, walked like a robot, or doesn't seem like a cool guy to have a beer with, they need to have their voter registration cards revoked ;)

I thought he was articulate and well-spoken. I just thought his politics were wrong. Even the most intelligent person can be 100% wrong...

Had I to do it all over again in the Gore/Bush election I would have gone Libertarian...
Damocles said:
I thought he was articulate and well-spoken. I just thought his politics were wrong. Even the most intelligent person can be 100% wrong...

Had I to do it all over again in the Gore/Bush election I would have gone Libertarian...

which would have meant nothing since it libertarians have no real following.
Damocles said:
I thought he was articulate and well-spoken. I just thought his politics were wrong. Even the most intelligent person can be 100% wrong...

Had I to do it all over again in the Gore/Bush election I would have gone Libertarian...

Right. but, my original response what to adam(?), whose only point was that democrats aren't putting forward candidates who "come across well".

WTF? Compared to bush, the come across like rocket scientists!
I don't believe he'll run, though I kind of wish he would. First, he's pretty clearly enjoying his role now. Second, I don't believe he wants to challenge Hillary: they share a closet and know one another's skeletons on a first name basis.
OrnotBitwise said:
I don't believe he'll run, though I kind of wish he would. First, he's pretty clearly enjoying his role now. Second, I don't believe he wants to challenge Hillary: they share a closet and know one another's skeletons on a first name basis.


I think Gore wants to work first and foremost on issues he's passionate about: alternative energy, technology. and global warming. As a private citizen he can dedicate himself to a few issues he really cares about.
robdastud said:
but bush still would have won

How many others feel the same as I do? I won't vote for Ds but I won't vote for another "compassionate conservative" ever again. If there were enough of us Bush wouldn't have beat Gore. Shoot if there are only a couple hundred in Florida......
robdastud said:
gore won florida... come on. fer real...

Couple hundred less and even if he did it would have been the same in the numbers that counted...

Don't be so disingenuous. People who would normally support an R that change their vote to something else effect elections.
There are a lot of ways to look at the ballots.. depending on how you count them Gore appears to have won Florida by about 750 votes. If you dont count the ballots that were dimpled or hanging Bush won Florida by about 157. If you just use the votes turned in by the deadline Bush won by about 1500.
Jarod said:
There are a lot of ways to look at the ballots.. depending on how you count them Gore appears to have won Florida by about 750 votes. If you dont count the ballots that were dimpled or hanging Bush won Florida by about 157. If you just use the votes turned in by the deadline Bush won by about 1500.

If you count the overvotes (which were legal under florida law), Gore won the state by thousands.

Overvotes are those ballots were somebody punched the hole for gore, but also handwrote "Gore" in the write-in space.