Do you think that Gore will run?

Bush is truely an elitest who acts like a have-a-beer with kinda guy. Ha in fact he does not even drink. He thinks he is too good to be asked a question from a guy who has sunglasses on. He comes from an elitest northeast snob family, and I think he fits in!
Well sounds like conflicting stereotypes to me, but I don't really care. Bush has been a colossal failure as a Conservative and his biggest contribution will be proving that the only thing leftists hate more than a Conservative Republican is a Liberal one.
maineman said:
no kiddin'....Gore WRITES books and he "doesn't come off well".....

Bush can barely READ books and he's the guy you want to have a beer with and want to lead the free world! One would never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the average american.

I'd love to have a beer with President Bush. Maybe I could talk some sense into him. It would be quite interesting. Then again, I would have liked to have a friendly dinner with John Kerry when he was running for President. You can't "know" a candidate by what they say for the cameras. A little one on one chat with either one of them might bring about a different view of them as people.

Bush is no liberal... long shot. A liberal would not have attacked Iraq, would not have appointed those loosers to the S.Ct., would never have lowered taxes on those most able to pay (while increasing spending), would never have vetoed stem cell research, would never have appinted that looser to the UN...
TheDanold said:
Well sounds like conflicting stereotypes to me, but I don't really care. Bush has been a colossal failure as a Conservative and his biggest contribution will be proving that the only thing leftists hate more than a Conservative Republican is a Liberal one.

Bush is a good actor, not a good president.
Jarod said:
Bush is truely an elitest who acts like a have-a-beer with kinda guy. Ha in fact he does not even drink. He thinks he is too good to be asked a question from a guy who has sunglasses on. He comes from an elitest northeast snob family, and I think he fits in!

I think you mis-typed Kerry in the begining of that first sentence.

Oh and to answer the question of the thread, I would take a whole new look at Presidential Candidate Al Gore in 2008 than I did in 2000 after the last eight years.

That is not to say that I would vote for him for sure, but I would give him a different look now than I did back then.

Jarod said:
I have more respect for the guy who is himself than the guy who pretends to be something he is not.

Ummm, while Kerry is well educated and has married a rich women, he didn't grow up "elistist" in the thurston howell-sense of the word.

His father was a mid-level government bureacrat. And I don't think his mom had a career. So, he was well off (not rich), and got a ivy league education, and speaks like he has an ivy league education.

But, it doesn't compare to a family of millionaires like the kennedys and bushs.
Cypress said:
Ummm, while Kerry is well educated and has married a rich women, he didn't grow up "elistist" in the thurston howell-sense of the word.

His father was a mid-level government bureacrat. And I don't think his mom had a career. So, he was well off (not rich), and got a ivy league education, and speaks like he has an ivy league education.

But, it doesn't compare to a family of millionaires like the kennedys and bushs.
It all hinges on what we're calling "elitist" now doesn't it. My general observation is that conservatives are more likely to call an educated person, especially an academic, "elitist" whereas liberals are more inclined to so label someone who believes in the perogatives of wealth.


Personally, I call Bush an elitist, not because of his birth and wealth, but because of his beliefs. Of course, it's likely that his beliefs result from his birth and wealth, but that's another question.
Cypress said:
Ummm, while Kerry is well educated and has married a rich women, he didn't grow up "elistist" in the thurston howell-sense of the word.

His father was a mid-level government bureacrat. And I don't think his mom had a career. So, he was well off (not rich), and got a ivy league education, and speaks like he has an ivy league education.

But, it doesn't compare to a family of millionaires like the kennedys and bushs.

His family was not rich....a relative from his mother's side of the family, paid for his schooling and college because his family did not have the money....

It just so happens that his Mother, had relatives names Forbes....

from what I have read...
Care4all said:
His family was not rich....a relative from his mother's side of the family, paid for his schooling and college because his family did not have the money....

It just so happens that his Mother, had relatives names Forbes....

from what I have read...

Kerry comes from a rich Boston family. They are related to the Forbes pubilshing family. How do you think he got to be a congressman?
Jarod said:
Kerry comes from a rich Boston family. They are related to the Forbes pubilshing family. How do you think he got to be a congressman?

"On his mother’s side, Kerry’s blueblood middle name, Forbes, refers not to the family of magazine publishing fame but traces back to the Reverend John Forbes, a Scotsman who held an important colonial position in East Florida and was a loyalist during the Revolution"
Cypress said:
I don't know.

I don't see how its possible for rational people to say Gore or Kerry "didn't come across very well", while bush is clearly the dumbest, most ill-prepared and most inarticulate candidate ever put forth by a major party. Yet all the talk remains on how Gore "didn't connect well".

If people are deciding their votes because Gore sighed too much, walked like a robot, or doesn't seem like a cool guy to have a beer with, they need to have their voter registration cards revoked ;)

Really. I was cringing with embarrassment for bush during his debates with Kerry. I mean, I hate that guy, and I was still embarrassed for him. It was the humanity of it all.

And the dopes put him back in office. Kerry didn't come off good? Give me a break. Grind would have looked good up there next to bush, and think about that for a minute, ok?
Cypress said:

I think Gore wants to work first and foremost on issues he's passionate about: alternative energy, technology. and global warming. As a private citizen he can dedicate himself to a few issues he really cares about.

I think he wants it, and in a normal year, I'd be willing to put money down saying he runs.'d truly have to be crazy to want to take over after this maniac leaves. Any idea what the next guy is going to have to deal with???? It's actually insurmountable. So the question becomes, is Gore nuts? And that I don't know.
OrnotBitwise said:
It all hinges on what we're calling "elitist" now doesn't it. My general observation is that conservatives are more likely to call an educated person, especially an academic, "elitist" whereas liberals are more inclined to so label someone who believes in the perogatives of wealth.


Personally, I call Bush an elitist, not because of his birth and wealth, but because of his beliefs. Of course, it's likely that his beliefs result from his birth and wealth, but that's another question.

Ornot! Who's your daddy? Is that what you're going for there?

Who's your daddy?! How un-Ornot! lol
Darla said:
Really. I was cringing with embarrassment for bush during his debates with Kerry. I mean, I hate that guy, and I was still embarrassed for him. It was the humanity of it all.

And the dopes put him back in office. Kerry didn't come off good? Give me a break. Grind would have looked good up there next to bush, and think about that for a minute, ok?

When I was overseas and heard him campaigning in 2000 I cringed with embarrasment. By 2004, I'd distanced myself so much from him and his administration, I had no feeling of empathy for the chimp.