Do you think that Gore will run?

Jarod said:
Kerry comes from a rich Boston family. They are related to the Forbes pubilshing family. How do you think he got to be a congressman?

That is easy. Care thinks he is just a good guy.

maineman said:
will you retract that lie?

What makes you say it was a lie? People do make mistakes, Maine. That simply could have been a mistake. Couldn't it have been?

Liberals! Always calling people who make mistakes liars. Sheesh!!


excuse me.... perhaps he could retract that obviously incorrect statement.

It would be like me saying that Bill Clinton was related to Thomas Jefferson with no other reason to make such a claim other than the fact that his middle name is "Jefferson".

Perhaps calling Jarod a liar is too harsh.... I can back that down to moronic's that work for you?
maineman said:
excuse me.... perhaps he could retract that obviously incorrect statement.

It would be like me saying that Bill Clinton was related to Thomas Jefferson with no other reason to make such a claim other than the fact that his middle name is "Jefferson".

Perhaps calling Jarod a liar is too harsh.... I can back that down to moronic's that work for you?

I would accept the retraction of the incorrect statement. Calling him a moronic idiot for making a mistake makes you sound like other liberals who believe they don't make them. You're not like those others and that is a good thing.


PS that is not to say that all liberals are that way. I'm talking about a few who I know.
I just get so tired of Bush apologists and Kerry bashers.... and Gore bashers, for that matter.... this pissant president has led us to the brink of HELL and those on the right - with the noteable exception of YOU,Immie - don't seem to give a shit.
maineman said:
I just get so tired of Bush apologists and Kerry bashers.... and Gore bashers, for that matter.... this pissant president has led us to the brink of HELL and those on the right - with the noteable exception of YOU,Immie - don't seem to give a shit.

If you will look, you will see, I was saying Kerry was a much better choice than Bush, even though he is an elitest.
maineman said:
I just get so tired of Bush apologists and Kerry bashers.... and Gore bashers, for that matter.... this pissant president has led us to the brink of HELL and those on the right - with the noteable exception of YOU,Immie - don't seem to give a shit.

I don't think I am that much of an exception. I think there are millions of Americans that feel the way I do. I just happen to be here and they aren't. Here there are even some other Gore Basher/Bush Supporters on our (Sorry SR not trying to claim ownership just a figure of speech) sites that are no longer supporting Bush and in fact many who are keeping their mouths shut about Gore as well.

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Jarod said:
If you will look, you will see, I was saying Kerry was a much better choice than Bush, even though he is an elitest.

I see you claiming that he is related to the Forbes Publishing family....which is untrue
maineman said:
I see you claiming that he is related to the Forbes Publishing family....which is untrue

Ive seen that in print several times. Maybe I am wrong. I voted for him regardless.
maineman said:
will you retract that lie?

Kerry is related to the FORBES FAMILY of Boston, but NOT the Forbes Publishing Family of scotland.

I too, thought they were one and the same.... until I just went in to wikipedia to look up both Forbes Family geneology.

It's an HONEST mistake Maineman, not a lie of any sort, but a misconception.

Now that I know the difference, I will never confuse the two again, I promise! ;)

Care4all said:
Kerry is related to the FORBES FAMILY of Boston, but NOT the Forbes Publishing Family of scotland.

I too, thought they were one and the same.... until I just went in to wikipedia to look up both Forbes Family geneology.

It's an HONEST mistake Maineman, not a lie of any sort, but a misconception.

Now that I know the difference, I will never confuse the two again, I promise! ;)


Kerry is related to the FORBES FAMILY of Boston, but NOT the Forbes Publishing Family of scotland.

That's what I said yesterday.
*sigh* Either way the guy had connections others didn't. Anybody who was on the Kennedy Yacht cannot claim they don't have those connections...
Cypress said:
Kerry is related to the FORBES FAMILY of Boston, but NOT the Forbes Publishing Family of scotland.

That's what I said yesterday.
OH! missed it! sorry....I still thought it was the SAME family, until I just looked it up because I noticed maineman making a comment to Jarrod about the "lie", that this was not true....


Bottom line:

Kerry's family was upper middle class - his dad was a mid-level government beauracrat. They weren't Thurston Howell, III millionaires. Kerry got an ivy league education, and he speaks and talks like he did. Good on him. That's an expensive education that shouldn't be wasted.

Bush did come from a legitimately blue blood and fantastically wealthy spite of dressing up like a cowboy, and talking like a rube.
Damocles said:
*sigh* Either way the guy had connections others didn't. Anybody who was on the Kennedy Yacht cannot claim they don't have those connections...

This is true. Kerry's dad was a Foreign service officer in the Eisenhower and Kennedy adminstrations.

In spite of not being a wealthy man, he probably knew people in the upper echelons of both the eisenhower and kennedy adminstrations. It was the nature of his job.
Damocles said:
*sigh* Either way the guy had connections others didn't. Anybody who was on the Kennedy Yacht cannot claim they don't have those connections...

He had been introduced by a friend to a Kennedy family member and was on a date with her....

Kennedy was a Harvard man and made a comment to Kerry, to be at ease and not to worry that he was a "lesser", Yale man.....or something humorous like that.... there were 6 to 8 others on the boat and that was basically the extent of their lengthy relationship....

Kerry's family was upper middle class.....a GREAT Aunt paid for his education, not even an Aunt, but at a farther distance in relations, a Great Aunt.

Becuase of her, he had the opportunity to be well educated and to run in higher circles through aquaintances I would suppose....

He worked through all years of college for his own spending money and perhaps for books.

He was fortunate enough to know the lifestyle of the middle class and the lifestyle of the rich and famous through distant family members....