Do you think that Gore will run?

It was so fricking close regardless that a few hundred people like me would have made the difference... There would have been no SCOTUS ruling, etc.
Jarod said:
Correct, there are countless examples of such...

They also dont care about States Rights unless its an issue where the argument benefits them.
Jarod said:
They also dont care about States Rights unless its an issue where the argument benefits them.


That one wasn't just State Rights, but also Individual Rights... It was repulsive.
Other examples are medical marijuana and assisted suicide.

States legalized medical marijuana and assisted suicide.. the Republicans fought it tooth and nail.
robdastud said:
Well you spell too good to be allexx. Jeepers maybe?? Chapdog?

I don't recognize the "voice" I am thinking it may be somebody we haven't seen in a while.
Cypress said:
I don't know.

I don't see how its possible for rational people to say Gore or Kerry "didn't come across very well", while bush is clearly the dumbest, most ill-prepared and most inarticulate candidate ever put forth by a major party. Yet all the talk remains on how Gore "didn't connect well".

If people are deciding their votes because Gore sighed too much, walked like a robot, or doesn't seem like a cool guy to have a beer with, they need to have their voter registration cards revoked ;)
Perhaps people don't feel like being ruled by elitists who think they know better than them about how to take care of themselves.
Pol Pot was a very smart intellectual too...
TheDanold said:
Perhaps people don't feel like being ruled by elitists who think they know better than them about how to take care of themselves.
Pol Pot was a very smart intellectual too...
Which is exactly why no one in their right mind could possibly vote for Bush. He's the elitists' standard bearer these days.
OrnotBitwise said:
Which is exactly why no one in their right mind could possibly vote for Bush. He's the elitists' standard bearer these days.
He is huh? Nah I'll go with cypriss and say he's more of the chummy have-a-beer-with-me kinda guy.

You can't have both, but I suppose to lefties, Bush is all bad things rolled into one and to hell if any of those things conflict brutally in anyway.