Does evil exist?


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Lots of people see the presence of evil as an obstacle to belief in God. They say if God created everything and evil exists then God created evil and thereby they cannot believe. But does evil actually exist or is it merely a way humans describe the absence of God? From a science standpoint cold doesnt exist as temperature measures the relative presence of heat not cold and cold is just the way described the absence of heat.
exactly as intellectually intended daily from within the species itself since dawn of civilization started recording laws that commanded each generation to teach their children to obey faith now isn't eternity or else. Works in every alternate reality today.
Lots of people see the presence of evil as an obstacle to belief in God. They say if God created everything and evil exists then God created evil and thereby they cannot believe. But does evil actually exist or is it merely a way humans describe the absence of God? From a science standpoint cold doesnt exist as temperature measures the relative presence of heat not cold and cold is just the way described the absence of heat.
You are evil.
You are evil.
This is rich coming from a piece of garbage like you that hoped I would be violently murdered. Do you really think I shouldn't shit on you every chance I get? Do you really think I should.treat you decently? Even you can't be that stupid can you?
Lots of people see the presence of evil as an obstacle to belief in God. They say if God created everything and evil exists then God created evil and thereby they cannot believe. But does evil actually exist or is it merely a way humans describe the absence of God? From a science standpoint cold doesnt exist as temperature measures the relative presence of heat not cold and cold is just the way described the absence of heat.

In a framework that includes God it seems reasonable to describe evil as "the absence of God".

The "Problem of Evil" (the larger question of "why would God create a universe that allows the existence of evil) doesn't necessarily HAVE to be resolved in this fashion, however. I kind of lean toward Leibniz's "Best of all Possible Worlds" scenario (that every evil thing/event that exists is required because of whatever God's ultimate plan for the Universe, this is the only configuration of "good and evil" things that will result in that final plan--as I loosely understand it).

I'll agree this is a form of "throwing one's hands up in the air" and making an unfalsifiable hypothesis, but at least it kind of dispenses with one of the theological critiques of God.
This is rich coming from a piece of garbage like you that hoped I would be violently murdered. Do you really think I shouldn't shit on you every chance I get? Do you really think I should.treat you decently? Even you can't be that stupid can you?
You are evil.
In a framework that includes God it seems reasonable to describe evil as "the absence of God".

The "Problem of Evil" (the larger question of "why would God create a universe that allows the existence of evil) doesn't necessarily HAVE to be resolved in this fashion, however. I kind of lean toward Leibniz's "Best of all Possible Worlds" scenario (that every evil thing/event that exists is required because of whatever God's ultimate plan for the Universe, this is the only configuration of "good and evil" things that will result in that final plan--as I loosely understand it).

I'll agree this is a form of "throwing one's hands up in the air" and making an unfalsifiable hypothesis, but at least it kind of dispenses with one of the theological critiques of God.
why do you presume a plan?

morality is just humans working together and outlawing human on human predation.

a circle of trust.

it's very basic.

this is good.

the opposite is evil.
In a framework that includes God it seems reasonable to describe evil as "the absence of God".

The "Problem of Evil" (the larger question of "why would God create a universe that allows the existence of evil) doesn't necessarily HAVE to be resolved in this fashion, however. I kind of lean toward Leibniz's "Best of all Possible Worlds" scenario (that every evil thing/event that exists is required because of whatever God's ultimate plan for the Universe, this is the only configuration of "good and evil" things that will result in that final plan--as I loosely understand it).

I'll agree this is a form of "throwing one's hands up in the air" and making an unfalsifiable hypothesis, but at least it kind of dispenses with one of the theological critiques of God.
Well if we accept that evil doesnt exist just lile cold doesn't exist, as is shown here, then evil is just a human concept created to explain a phenomenon we encounter.
why do you presume a plan?

I only "presume a plan" in a hypothetical in which God exists. I'm an atheist so this is purely hypothetical for the purposes of my point.

morality is just humans working together and outlawing human on human predation.

a circle of trust.

it's very basic.

this is good.

the opposite is evil.

I was answering the question in the spirit it was asked (ie in the framework of a universe in which God is real)
You are evil.
And you are not worthy of respect. That is reserved for decent people. You know decent people who might say something in frustration but then realize it's not really nice to say such things and apologize. But you apparently lack the decent gene so I will continue to shit on you as long as you remain a piece garbage
Well if we accept that evil doesnt exist just lile cold doesn't exist, as is shown here, then evil is just a human concept created to explain a phenomenon we encounter.

I am not entirely certain, in this hypothetic where God is real, that this would make evil a "human construct" but rather an identifiable different state from those states where God is present.

Like painting a checkerboard pattern and calling all the white squares "evil" and all the black square "good". In this case God would have painted the checkerboard.

I'm not sure how to cast this hypothetical in terms of a universe where God does not exist since Good and Evil then kind of do take on a certain degree of subjectivity to the human mind.
And you are not worthy of respect. That is reserved for decent people. You know decent people who might say something in frustration but then realize it's not really nice to say such things and apologize. But you apparently lack the decent gene so I will continue to shit on you as long as you remain a piece garbage
So, you are not a Christian.
I am not entirely certain, in this hypothetic where God is real, that this would make evil a "human construct" but rather an identifiable different state from those states where God is present.

Like painting a checkerboard pattern and calling all the white squares "evil" and all the black square "good". In this case God would have painted the checkerboard.

I'm not sure how to cast this hypothetical in terms of a universe where God does not exist since Good and Evil then kind of do take on a certain degree of subjectivity to the human mind.
Well cold does not exist. Temperature is a measure of the relative presence of heat. Thr concept of cold is a concept that is strictly human in nature. Same with evil.
Well if we accept that evil doesnt exist just lile cold doesn't exist, as is shown here, then evil is just a human concept created to explain a phenomenon we encounter.
what phenomenon is it that we encounter that causes moral thoughts to occur?

human on human predation.

some people are not your friends.