Does Obama have an advantage....

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
.....other than his incumbancy? It would appear so. This is an interesting article in which Obama's past experience as a community organizer is comming into play in his re-election campaign. Does his ability to organize people at a grass roots level provide him an advantage? This is a skill that money can't buy (though money sure as hell does help!). In terms of organizing grass roots support Romney all ready lags far behind Obama, particularly in swing states. Will this advantage be a crucial one for Obama?
Yes, Damo, we are all aware of the Republican parties unconscienable spending habits and the disproportionate amount of the national debt they are responsible for and that Republicans are alienating vast numbers of moderates, independents and women while they focus on right wing conservative social issues but what does that have to do with my question?

Does Obama's superior grass roots organizing skills put him at an advantage?

It's your party, Cochese.

And DEBT was a good campaign issue when the economy was supremely shitty because people think DEBT is a proxy for the economy (even though it isn't). Now that the economy is picking up, DEBT doesn't have the same panache it used to have.
Yes, Damo, we are all aware of the Republican parties unconscienable spending habits and the disproportionate amount of the national debt they are responsible for and that Republicans are alienating vast numbers of moderates, independents and women while they focus on right wing conservative social issues but what does that have to do with my question?

Does Obama's superior grass roots organizing skills put him at an advantage?

LOL. Says the dude that supports the man who just projected a 1.3 Trillion dollar deficit spending for the next 20 years and called it savings...

Do you actually read what you write? It makes me laugh.

I remember when you were virtually "screaming" about Bush's 400 Billion dollar deficit...

Anyway,,,, you entirely missed the point of the cartoon. It was a concise picture of what I think is wrong with what the Republican Candidates are doing... and believe that such foolishness will give Obama an advantage.
LOL. Says the dude that supports the man who just projected a 1.3 Trillion dollar deficit spending for the next 20 years and called it savings...

Do you actually read what you write? It makes me laugh.

I remember when you were virtually "screaming" about Bush's 400 Billion dollar deficit...

Anyway,,,, you entirely missed the point of the cartoon. It was a concise picture of what I think is wrong with what the Republican Candidates are doing... and believe that such foolishness will give Obama an advantage.
Say what you want but even though the majority of Americans are not happy with Obama's economic record a large majority of them blame Republicans for both the debt crises and the recession as well they should.

Still, it's a segue. What about my question?
Say what you want but even though the majority of Americans are not happy with Obama's economic record a large majority of them blame Republicans for both the debt crises and the recession as well they should.

Still, it's a segue. What about my question?

I didn't answer your question because I don't find it all that important. I think if that is an advantage it is only one of many and added what I believe to be another advantage.

The incredible deficit spending and projected continuation of it is a huge ball and chain, even with those advantages, real or perceived. It will be interesting to see that particular perceived advantage pitted against those who organized the grass roots TEA Party events, do I see it as an advantage? I'm not sure yet. It depends on what the response is.
LOL. Says the dude that supports the man who just projected a 1.3 Trillion dollar deficit spending for the next 20 years and called it savings...

Do you actually read what you write? It makes me laugh.

I remember when you were virtually "screaming" about Bush's 400 Billion dollar deficit...

Anyway,,,, you entirely missed the point of the cartoon. It was a concise picture of what I think is wrong with what the Republican Candidates are doing... and believe that such foolishness will give Obama an advantage.

Well, in order to credibly campaign on the debt issue, they'd have to first come up with a credible plan for dealing with debt and deficits. But this is the Republican primary and you have to propose tax cuts for rich people if you want to stand a chance at all. The trouble is that cutting taxes for rich people eliminates the possibility of offering a credible plan for dealing with the debt. Thus, the present state of affairs.
Well, in order to credibly campaign on the debt issue, they'd have to first come up with a credible plan for dealing with debt and deficits. But this is the Republican primary and you have to propose tax cuts for rich people if you want to stand a chance at all. The trouble is that cutting taxes for rich people eliminates the possibility of offering a credible plan for dealing with the debt. Thus, the present state of affairs.

That and the incomprehensible focus on religious issues to their own detriment. I certainly am not one to say that the republicans haven't added to our debt. In fact I've been talking about it for as long as you've "known" me. But when the President puts out a budget that increases the deficit from last year by 100 to 200 Billion then calls it a cut and project deficits above a trillion for the next 20 years it isn't hard to put forward a better plan. Instead they are arguing about gay marriage and letting others paint them as against contraception and change the argument into the inane idea that if it isn't given to you for free it means your right to obtain it is curtailed.
I didn't answer your question because I don't find it all that important.

HEY...I like that!

I'm going to use that bailout every time someone asks me something I don't feel like answering!

Of course, he didn't ask what you thought of his question...
HEY...I like that!

I'm going to use that bailout every time someone asks me something I don't feel like answering!

Of course, he didn't ask what you thought of his question...
I think the article has a valid point. I think the skills Obama has learned as a community organizer give him a significant advantage. Of course it doesn't hurt that he has the advantage of incumbancy and that the Republicans are currently engaged in a circular firing squad. It does not appear that Republicans have learned from their mistakes in 2008 either.

Still this election is going to come down to the independent votes in suburbia primarily and Obama currently has a huge lead in terms of grass roots organization. This can't hurt!
HEY...I like that!

I'm going to use that bailout every time someone asks me something I don't feel like answering!

Of course, he didn't ask what you thought of his question...

Nah, he just demanded I answer it. So, though there was no real compelling reason, I then did anyway. I realize that you won't find that satisfactory because you'd rather act petty and foolish, but it is what happened and fully comprehend that you understand that because you carefully removed it from the post you quoted.

I thought he was smart enough to understand what I was saying, my mistake.
I didn't answer your question because I don't find it all that important. I think if that is an advantage it is only one of many and added what I believe to be another advantage.

The incredible deficit spending and projected continuation of it is a huge ball and chain, even with those advantages, real or perceived. It will be interesting to see that particular perceived advantage pitted against those who organized the grass roots TEA Party events, do I see it as an advantage? I'm not sure yet. It depends on what the response is.
I don't find many of your questions important either but I do give you the courtesy of an answer or at least I attempt one.
Nah, he just demanded I answer it. So, though there was no real compelling reason, I then did anyway. I realize that you won't find that satisfactory because you'd rather act petty and foolish, but it is what happened.

I thought he was smart enough to understand what I was saying, my mistake.
Don't put words in my mouth. I didn't demand anything from you. I asked you a question and then I asked you about the question again.
I don't find many of your questions important either but I do give you the courtesy of an answer or at least I attempt one.

Does my second paragraph escape your eyes in some way? I answered your question. While I didn't think it all that compelling, I explained I don't know yet and am waiting to see it pitted against the organizational impetus of the TEA Party organizers.

The reality is you do not answer every question I post here, nor do I expect you to. That's just exaggerated nonsense... Nobody can answer every question posted on the site.
Don't put words in my mouth. I didn't demand anything from you. I asked you a question and then I asked you about the question again.


And I answered it after explaining why I didn't the first time. Who pissed in your Wheaties today?
I think the article has a valid point. I think the skills Obama has learned as a community organizer give him a significant advantage. Of course it doesn't hurt that he has the advantage of incumbancy and that the Republicans are currently engaged in a circular firing squad. It does not appear that Republicans have learned from their mistakes in 2008 either.

Still this election is going to come down to the independent votes in suburbia primarily and Obama currently has a huge lead in terms of grass roots organization. This can't hurt!

I think the "community organizer" angle is overstated. Obama benefits from having run a national general election campaign in 2008 and from the fact that Mitt or whoever on the Republican side has to spend time and energy winning the nomination before setting up the ground game for the general. It's certainly an Obama advantage.
I think the "community organizer" angle is overstated. Obama benefits from having run a national general election campaign in 2008 and from the fact that Mitt or whoever on the Republican side has to spend time and energy winning the nomination before setting up the ground game for the general. It's certainly an Obama advantage.

I think he is saying that it is an advantage above and beyond incumbency which certainly hold the advantages you list here. I would agree with these statements. Being without a Primary opponent it is very much an advantage to an incumbent due to these very reasons.