Does Obama have an advantage....

I don't find many of your questions important either but I do give you the courtesy of an answer or at least I attempt one.

And therein lies one of the most basic of differences between the Left and the Right.

Common courtesy.

Liberals still practice it.
I think he is saying that it is an advantage above and beyond incumbency which certainly hold the advantages you list here. I would agree with these statements. Being without a Primary opponent it is very much an advantage to an incumbent due to these very reasons.
Yes, that is exactly what I am asking. Does his community organizing skills provide Obama an advantage above and beyond his incombancy?
Yes, that is exactly what I am asking. Does his community organizing skills provide Obama an advantage above and beyond his incombancy?

And I answered. We'll see. At this point I don't know as I have yet to see those skills pitted against those who used much of the same skills to get millions of people across the nation to simultaneously protest.
And I answered. We'll see. At this point I don't know as I have yet to see those skills pitted against those who used much of the same skills to get millions of people across the nation to simultaneously protest.
Tea vs Grass....hmmmm sounds a bit to herbal to me!
Nah, he just demanded I answer it. So, though there was no real compelling reason, I then did anyway. I realize that you won't find that satisfactory because you'd rather act petty and foolish, but it is what happened and fully comprehend that you understand that because you carefully removed it from the post you quoted.

I thought he was smart enough to understand what I was saying, my mistake.

Funny, but it doesn't appear to me that he's "demanding" anything...just asking a question and then asking a second time.

Then, in order to continue ducking him, you made a false allegation and put words in his mouth.

I understand you think you're better than many here, but at least try and keep things honest.
the problem is, after you've used it thirty or forty times the novelty will wear off......

Possibly, but if I decide to use it sparingly, such as whenever the guy who used it earlier tries to ask me anything...anything at all...I bet I can make "the novelty" last for MONTHS!
What do you mean by "going to"? :palm:
You were already using it as your mantra. :)

Really?!? Really?!

My "mantra" is to tell people I won't answer their question because "I don't find it all that important"?

Well what a surprise, does anyone here NOT know this drill by now...

I'd ask you to cite some examples, but as everyone is WELL don't do "proof". wouldn't be able to cite one instance of my using Damo's dismissive little retort before he first hurled it.
Wow, way to make a mountain out of a mole hill. I came in the thread to give my opinion on why Obama has an advantage, it isn't because of his experience as a community organizer, it's because the republicans routinely walk into the trap where they try desperately to out-religious everybody after somebody says something stupid about gays or something at all about the pill...
Wow, way to make a mountain out of a mole hill. I came in the thread to give my opinion on why Obama has an advantage, it isn't because of his experience as a community organizer, it's because the republicans routinely walk into the trap where they try desperately to out-religious everybody after somebody says something stupid about gays or something at all about the pill...
OH know how thread hijacking is a tradition at JPP. :)
Yes, that is exactly what I am asking. Does his community organizing skills provide Obama an advantage above and beyond his incombancy?

My God, Derp.....having 99% of the media, all media, on your side is about all the advantage anyone could possibly want or need......
Its been 3+ years and its obvious Obama has no skills other than an out going and rather friendly personally.....hes on TV and using AF1 just about EVERY DAY since he was're branded a racist by the friendly media to speak out against him in any way......he has the entertainment liberals in his back pocket and that just solidifies
the fact that all exposure on network tv will be positive from Saturday kiddy shows to sitcoms to talk shows like the View or Ellen........

His advantages are too numerous to count.