Does the software for this BBS have the "reputation points" option?


New member
I'm on a couple of other boards where the software provides users the ability to give "reputation points" and "reputation power" to people whose posts they like... and negative points to posts they don't like. This board is obviously not doing that... but can it? Is it an option that the board owner can turn on and off?

It's hardly a "scientific" measure. Any poster can give you points if he likes your post, or agrees with it, or thinks it's funny, or if he likes your avatar or whatever. And he can give you negative points simply because he disagrees with you (a bad reason if you ask me) or is trying to be a jerk... or because he believes you have made an exceptionally poor argument for your ideas, which is a better reason for negative points. Each person's reputation score is displayed in small characters at the top of every post he/she makes.

In the boards I've seen that allow this, it mostly works out pretty well. People who make cogent and/or pithy arguments usually wind up with higher reps than people who don't, regardless of what side they are supporting.

It's entirely user-controlled. May not always be accurate, but it's fun.

Does this board's software have that ability? And would it be OK to try it?
I could turn it on, but I choose not to as it tends to make a board lean permanently toward one or the other political side. I prefer the board to be more flexible than that. It tends to make some people who are new uncomfortable as they get neg hits and it depresses some new posts that otherwise would see light.
Well, to put it bluntly, on the boards I've seen, people who habitually make abusive or silly posts aren't the least bit restrained by the reputation-points system. They apparently couldn't care less about those little numbers up there.

In my experience, people are usually pretty decent to newcomers. Negative-rep points are VERY rare, for anyone. Even the abusers (profanity and personal attacks in most posts) tend to have positive reputations.

To each his own, though. The board owner certainly has the right to set up the board however he wants. People who don't like it can always set up their own and run it their own way, and try to attract a membership - not an easy task by any means.
I'm always on the edge of turning it on. It may be something in the future I'll give a try to.
Damo this place is so much better without it.

The places where I have seen it used it is merely a way to intimidate new posters who the majority dont like having a voice.

In the end if the poster hangs in there it means next to nothing.

Its a bully tool and many people like me have never and will never even use the negative rep points.

I have been on several sites using them and always vow never to neg rep and to this day I never have anywhere that I have been. If you cant beat someone with logic and facts then little red squares are the weasels way of getting even.

I love the fact that this site doesnt use the silly highschool level rating system.
On the other board I've seen him on, even Desh has a positive rep.

I rest my case. :D

And how did that happen?

because I left town for like a week.

It means nothing.

Its a bully tactic for people who cant win with words so they use little red squares to get back at arguements they cant refute.
There really isn't any need to to establish any type of reputation points system here as everyone tends to know who is the good, the bad and the ugly.

Besides, hasn't Grind already got his own system?
I could turn it on, but I choose not to as it tends to make a board lean permanently toward one or the other political side. I prefer the board to be more flexible than that. It tends to make some people who are new uncomfortable as they get neg hits and it depresses some new posts that otherwise would see light.

I think this was a wise decision on your part Damo…and wise decisions on your part are few and far between…don’t ruin this one by changing your mind.
I think this was a wise decision on your part Damo…and wise decisions on your part are few and far between…don’t ruin this one by changing your mind.
Yeah, they are rare, and always accidental.
new guy moves into the neighborhood and wants the neighborhood to change to match where he moved from ?

Just like city slickers moving to the country to get away from the city and then getting the same rules that messed up the city established in the country ?

In short if it ain't broke don't fix it.
Maybe, but just my opinion.
little acorn is just uposet no one here pays him much attention.

Hes used to being surrounded by like minds who pat him on the back all day long.

Here the level of his posts speak for themselves.
I'm on a couple of other boards where the software provides users the ability to give "reputation points" and "reputation power" to people whose posts they like... and negative points to posts they don't like. This board is obviously not doing that... but can it? Is it an option that the board owner can turn on and off?

It's hardly a "scientific" measure. Any poster can give you points if he likes your post, or agrees with it, or thinks it's funny, or if he likes your avatar or whatever. And he can give you negative points simply because he disagrees with you (a bad reason if you ask me) or is trying to be a jerk... or because he believes you have made an exceptionally poor argument for your ideas, which is a better reason for negative points. Each person's reputation score is displayed in small characters at the top of every post he/she makes.

In the boards I've seen that allow this, it mostly works out pretty well. People who make cogent and/or pithy arguments usually wind up with higher reps than people who don't, regardless of what side they are supporting.

It's entirely user-controlled. May not always be accurate, but it's fun.

Does this board's software have that ability? And would it be OK to try it?

The liberal-libertarian sides on this site are so dominant that I think it would scare off any conservatives.
The liberal-libertarian sides on this site are so dominant that I think it would scare off any conservatives.

On the contrary. In view of the fact that it's only the liberal-libertarian side who seems to want to avoid any record of evaluations of their posts and posting habits, I'd have to say that it's not conservatives who are "scared".
On the contrary. In view of the fact that it's only the liberal-libertarian side who seems to want to avoid any record of evaluations of their posts and posting habits, I'd have to say that it's not conservatives who are "scared".
A little preposterous, if you knew who I was on the other boards.
For the reasons stated, I'm happy with things just as they are. There are occasionally especially articulate, well reasoned posts that I'd like to give a kudo to, but beyond that, accumulated "recommendations" for individuals is fraught with insignificance.
A little preposterous, if you knew who I was on the other boards.

And you said you were "always on the edge of turning it on", Damocles.

As for the rest, the comment plainly stands.

My comments about the perquisites of the board owner, also stand.

Have you truly noticed ANY ill effects from the "rep points" system on those other boards, Damocles?
And you said you were "always on the edge of turning it on", Damocles.

As for the rest, the comment plainly stands.

My comments about the perquisites of the board owner, also stand.
I am. However, I do not "fear" the system, I just think it makes the minority more comfortable. I may test it in the future. But not now.