
The ad that was run in Tennessee against Harold Ford that had the white gal say 'call me' to Harold about the Playboy party was obviously giving off that white gal/black man thing. That was obvious.

That's the point of subliminal commercials. Its not supposed to be obvious.

I thought the McCain ad was dumb with Paris and Britney but if you are going to try and say Obama is a (dumb) celebrity who gets the most media/tabloid attention? It's Paris, Britney and Lindsey Lohan.

Would you say do the add with Beyonce? She doesn't fit that mold. No one fits it like those three.

Why would anyone link a harvard trained lawyer, who has proven to be highly accomplished and qualified, to young white women who are known for sex, drugs, and vapidity? That's not even remotely in the ball park of being either a valid or fair comparison. Look, if you want to say Obama is unqualified - which is bullshit anyway - why are they using young white girls? If you want a valid comparison to an laughable adult dunce, there's plenty of choices. Dan Quayle, Michael Jackson, Michael Dukkakkis, George Bush.

Political ads are all about creating an image in the voters mind. That's politics 101, Bro. Here's a clue Cawacko: They wanted to link Obama to vacuous, young pretty white girls. That's my opinion.

You're free to feel that Paris Hilton was the perfect, and logical choice to contrast with Obama's accomplishments and intellect.
That's the point of subliminal commercials. Its not supposed to be obvious.

Why would anyone link a harvard trained lawyer, who has proven to be highly accomplished and qualified, to young white women who are known for sex, drugs, and vapidity? That's not even remotely in the ball park of being either a valid or fair comparison. Look, if you want to say Obama is unqualified - which is bullshit anyway - why are they using young white girls? If you want a valid comparison to an laughable adult dunce, there's plenty of choices. Dan Quayle, Michael Jackson, Michael Dukkakkis, George Bush.

Political ads are all about creating an image in the voters mind. That's politics 101, Bro. Here's a clue Cawacko: They wanted to link Obama to vacuous, young pretty white girls. That's my opinion.

You're free to feel that Paris Hilton was the perfect, and logical choice to contrast with Obama's accomplishments and intellect.

Why would anyone equate a highly trained yale graduate to the "worst president ever"??? Yet... he is without question one of the worst...if not the worst. Toss around Harvard all you want, that does not qualify Obama to be President.

Highly accomplished? WHAT has he done that is so great? What legislation did he sponsor as a Senator that was so great? Enlighten us.

No question Obama is intelligent and a great orator. But it is not a great stretch to say that he is being over-hyped by the media as of late. The ad was dumb, no question, but the comparison was not look at the black man going after white women. It was a shot at "he is all hype and no substance" similar to the queens of such... Britney and Paris.

To add to that.... to equate Obama to Paris and Britney in that way does not mean that Obama is like them in EVERY way.
I agree with oncelor, thay are saying all sizzle no steak.
I don't agree and think the cons are deparate
There is no proof of racist intent, imo - no matter how people respond to it. It's very possible there was someone thinking "white women/black man" when the idea was originated, but it's also as possible that they were simply thinking "vapid celebrity," and Paris & Britney come immediately to mind on that.

It's a pathetic ad, any way you slice it. Even worse was Joe Lieberman's attempt on Meet the Press yesterday to argue that it was a good, fair ad, and in keeping with McCain's April pledge to keep the tone of the campaign at a high level, and not go after the person or personality.

Pretty reasonable take on it.
Why would anyone equate a highly trained yale graduate to the "worst president ever"??? Yet... he is without question one of the worst...if not the worst. Toss around Harvard all you want, that does not qualify Obama to be President.

Highly accomplished? WHAT has he done that is so great? What legislation did he sponsor as a Senator that was so great? Enlighten us.

No question Obama is intelligent and a great orator. But it is not a great stretch to say that he is being over-hyped by the media as of late. The ad was dumb, no question, but the comparison was not look at the black man going after white women. It was a shot at "he is all hype and no substance" similar to the queens of such... Britney and Paris.

To add to that.... to equate Obama to Paris and Britney in that way does not mean that Obama is like them in EVERY way.

Come on Gumby... WHAT are his accomplishments? What has he done as a Senator???.... start there
The majority of Americans, at least in the last election, liked all hype, no substance... If all of the Bush voters vote for Obama.... He should win easily.!
Bush's nickname for Rove is "turdblossom" for his ability to turn something terrable into something beautifull..

From McCain's perspective, Obama's popularity is something terrable... So...

Whats amazing to me is that is works on the American people.
Come on Gumby... WHAT are his accomplishments? What has he done as a Senator???.... start there

Being accomplished isn't limited to the amount of legislative bills one has passed superfool. I have no idea how many bills Obama passed in his 12 years in US and Illinois Senates. I realize in your republican kool aid soaked world, you'd like to limit the discussion of a persons accomplishements to the number of bills they pass. Its an argument Rush Limbaugh and your buddies in rightwing talk radio like to make.

Superfool, you aren't a good judge of who is accomplished and qualified to be president of the United States. Your laughable voting record is for Dole, Bush, Bush (again), and McCain. I don't have the time or inclination to try to convince you that Obama is better than all the choices you've made for president in your entire life. I don't give a fuck.
Being accomplished isn't limited to the amount of legislative bills one has passed superfool. I have no idea how many bills Obama passed in his 12 years in US and Illinois Senates. I realize in your republican kool aid soaked world, you'd like to limit the discussion of a persons accomplishements to the number of bills they pass. Its an argument Rush Limbaugh and your buddies in rightwing talk radio like to make.

Superfool, you aren't a good judge of who is accomplished and qualified to be president of the United States. Your laughable voting record is for Dole, Bush, Bush (again), and McCain. I don't have the time or inclination to try to convince you that Obama is better than all the choices you've made for president in your entire life. I don't give a fuck.

Fine Gumby, I will leave it to YOUR interpretation of accomplishments. WHAT is it that makes him "highly accomplished" as you stated??? WHAT has he done? I used bills because I assumed he would have done something in his term in the Senate to impress you in that regard. Championed some legislation etc... but since that is not your criteria...please enlighten us as to what it is that makes him so highly accomplished.

"I don't have the time or inclination to try to convince you that Obama is better than all the choices you've made for president in your entire life. I don't give a fuck"

Translation.... "I cannot think of anything he has actually done so I will attempt to spin my way out of this with more of my patented bullshit".
Fine Gumby, I will leave it to YOUR interpretation of accomplishments. WHAT is it that makes him "highly accomplished" as you stated??? WHAT has he done? I used bills because I assumed he would have done something in his term in the Senate to impress you in that regard. Championed some legislation etc... but since that is not your criteria...please enlighten us as to what it is that makes him so highly accomplished.

"I don't have the time or inclination to try to convince you that Obama is better than all the choices you've made for president in your entire life. I don't give a fuck"

Translation.... "I cannot think of anything he has actually done so I will attempt to spin my way out of this with more of my patented bullshit".

You don't get it, do you? Are you really this dumb, or is an act? I don't waste time anymore constructing well thought out posts to two time bush voters. I'm so beyond trying to thoughtfully engage anyone who still thinks the iraq war was a good idea, and that republican deregulation and tax policies strengthen the middle class. I only invest time engaging enlightened and interesting posters here. You're just cannon fodder; an occassional punching bag for my amusement.
Here ya go.

On the one hand, we have a few white male anonymous message board cons telling me I'm full of shit.

On the other hand, we have one of the most respected african american columnists in the nation agreeing with me.

I'm taking Bob Herbert's word, over JPP white male Cons. Bob Herbert was right on Iraq, right on Bushonomics, right on civil rights, right on pretty much everthing that Cons have universally been wrong on.

Running While Black

Published: August 2, 2008

Gee, I wonder why, if you have a black man running for high public office — say, Barack Obama or Harold Ford — the opposition feels compelled to run low-life political ads featuring tacky, sexually provocative white women who have no connection whatsoever to the black male candidates.

Spare me any more drivel about the high-mindedness of John McCain. You knew something was up back in March when, in his first ad of the general campaign, Mr. McCain had himself touted as “the American president Americans have been waiting for.”

There was nothing subtle about that attempt to position Senator Obama as the Other, a candidate who might technically be American but who remained in some sense foreign, not sufficiently patriotic and certainly not one of us — the “us” being the genuine red-white-and-blue Americans who the ad was aimed at.

Since then, Senator McCain has only upped the ante, smearing Mr. Obama every which way from sundown. On Wednesday, The Washington Post ran an extraordinary front-page article that began:

“For four days, Senator John McCain and his allies have accused Senator Barack Obama of snubbing wounded soldiers by canceling a visit to a military hospital because he could not take reporters with him, despite no evidence that the charge is true.”

Evidence? John McCain needs no evidence. His campaign is about trashing the opposition, Karl Rove-style. Not satisfied with calling his opponent’s patriotism into question, Mr. McCain added what amounted to a charge of treason, insisting that Senator Obama would actually prefer that the United States lose a war if that would mean that he — Senator Obama — would not have to lose an election.

Now, from the hapless but increasingly venomous McCain campaign, comes the slimy Britney Spears and Paris Hilton ad. The two highly sexualized women (both notorious for displaying themselves to the paparazzi while not wearing underwear) are shown briefly and incongruously at the beginning of a commercial critical of Mr. Obama.

The Republican National Committee targeted Harold Ford with a similarly disgusting ad in 2006 when Mr. Ford, then a congressman, was running a strong race for a U.S. Senate seat in Tennessee. The ad, which the committee described as a parody, showed a scantily clad woman whispering, “Harold, call me.”

Both ads were foul, poisonous and emanated from the upper reaches of the Republican Party. (What a surprise.) Both were designed to exploit the hostility, anxiety and resentment of the many white Americans who are still freakishly hung up on the idea of black men rising above their station and becoming sexually involved with white women.

The racial fantasy factor in this presidential campaign is out of control. It was at work in that New Yorker cover that caused such a stir. (Mr. Obama in Muslim garb with the American flag burning in the fireplace.) It’s driving the idea that Barack Obama is somehow presumptuous, too arrogant, too big for his britches — a man who obviously does not know his place.

Mr. Obama has to endure these grotesque insults with a smile and heroic levels of equanimity. The reason he has to do this — the sole reason — is that he is black.

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Herbert is respected among liberals and those on the left because he writes a high profile column for the NY Times. I doubt too many people are surprised that this is the conclusion he has come up with. Is he right? Again that's a matter of interpretation and opinion.
Herbert is respected among liberals and those on the left because he writes a high profile column for the NY Times. I doubt too many people are surprised that this is the conclusion he has come up with. Is he right? Again that's a matter of interpretation and opinion.

Hey Bro, I'm not lecturing you to believe everything Bob Hebert says. You can choose to believe that juxtaposing Obama with scantily clad teenage white women known for sex and drugs, was all an innocent ploy.

I was instructed by white male cons, that it what I posted was completely without merit and that it was crazy for even implying it. Evidently not. A lot of people are thinking what I'm thinking. And a lot of them are more plugged into the african american community, than any white dude on this board.

And more importantly, I choose to accept Bob Herbert's judgement, over the judgement of those who thought Bush was going to be a good president, or who thought the iraq war was a great idea. It doesn't hurt that he's more plugged into the broader african american community than me, you, or any white male cons.

Additionally, I only need to look at the history of the republican party as a foundation that supports my assertion on this ad. The GOP adopted the southern strategy four decades ago, and has made an artform out of exploiting racial fears and biases. Where have you been living, under a rock dude? Obama has been painted as unamerican, unpatriotic, and the rightwing lied about him being a radical muslim and attending an anti-white racist church. How far of a stretch is it to think they would exploit racial biases about an uppity negro and white women? Also, McCain is an unadulterated liar in this campaign, as has been pointed on on other threads. He is going for the jugular by hiring Karl Rove and Charlie Black - two dudes infamous for fear mongering and race baiting.

I really don't think the assertion I made in the first thread is that outrageous and unbelievable, which is how white male cons attempted to portray it. I think I'm on pretty solid ground. But, like I said, you're free to assume the portrayal of Obama as a celebrity negro, juxtaposed with white teenage girls, was all so very innocent.
You don't get it, do you? Are you really this dumb, or is an act? I don't waste time anymore constructing well thought out posts to two time bush voters. I'm so beyond trying to thoughtfully engage anyone who still thinks the iraq war was a good idea, and that republican deregulation and tax policies strengthen the middle class. I only invest time engaging enlightened and interesting posters here. You're just cannon fodder; an occassional punching bag for my amusement.

Translation.... I STILL cannot think of a list of his accomplishments so I will again try to spin my way out of the jam I am in until someone with actual intellect can come along and bail me out with some of the things that make Obama so accomplished.

You are quite pathetic gumby.
Translation.... I STILL cannot think of a list of his accomplishments so I will again try to spin my way out of the jam I am in until someone with actual intellect can come along and bail me out with some of the things that make Obama so accomplished.

You are quite pathetic gumby.

Not as pathetic as a guy who abandons a thread because he demands we list McCain's lies, then we do, much to the dismay of said pathetic poster (sometimes known as Superfreak).
Not as pathetic as a guy who abandons a thread because he demands we list McCain's lies, then we do, much to the dismay of said pathetic poster (sometimes known as Superfreak).

LMAO... how did I "abandon" that thread? I am not waiting on that thread hitting refresh to see how fast you respond. I am reading other threads and getting some work done as well.

So essentially you are a liar.
LMAO... how did I "abandon" that thread? I am not waiting on that thread hitting refresh to see how fast you respond. I am reading other threads and getting some work done as well.

So essentially you are a liar.

Why don't you go ahed and check out exactly what time I posted this, and what time you posted your response after several hours of avoiding the thread after we pointed out many lies (two of which you chose to address, the rest you ignored) from McCain.

You're still running away from it as far as I can tell.

Jon Stewart took idiots like Cypress to task on tonights Daily Show, making fun of the notion that it was a "subliminal racist message".