

Jon Stewart took idiots like Cypress to task on tonights Daily Show, making fun of the notion that it was a "subliminal racist message".

He is known as an intellectual powerhouse.

I wonder if he knows why they had the Washington Monument and the Leaning tower of Pisa in the ad? I'd like to hear an explanation. I think that between Bob Herbert and Jon Stewart, I give Herbert more intellectual respect.

But if Jon Stewart is now the final arbitrator of who is and who is not an idiot in this country - that explains a lot about why we are where we are.

He's a comedian. Sometimes, he's pretty funny. Why don't you read a book tonight Epic. Surprise yourself.

Jon Stewart took idiots like Cypress to task on tonights Daily Show, making fun of the notion that it was a "subliminal racist message".

Here's a quote from Obama in 2005: "I'm so overexposed, I'm making Paris Hilton look like a recluse."

Could this quote imply Obama is a self-hating racist black man?

Then again Bob Herbert could see a picture of Barack and the white side of his family and think there is subliminal racism in that as well.
Here's a quote from Obama in 2005: "I'm so overexposed, I'm making Paris Hilton look like a recluse."

Could this quote imply Obama is a self-hating racist black man?

Then again Bob Herbert could see a picture of Barack and the white side of his family and think there is subliminal racism in that as well.

You act almost as if the Republican party hadn't risen, and thrived on racial politics. Almost as if you are completely ignorant of all of that, history. Is it possible?

Taking that history into account, it's really hard to say what the point of a black guy, two blondes known to be whores, and two large phallic symbols was supposed to be.

Guess what? We're allowed to ask! Too bad.
Why don't you go ahed and check out exactly what time I posted this, and what time you posted your response after several hours of avoiding the thread after we pointed out many lies (two of which you chose to address, the rest you ignored) from McCain.

You're still running away from it as far as I can tell.

LMAO.... I wasn't even on line at that time. I don't sit on line 24/7 waiting for responses you moron. You see, some people actually have a life outside of the internet. Face it.... by the standards of that thread, you are a liar.
Here's a quote from Obama in 2005: "I'm so overexposed, I'm making Paris Hilton look like a recluse."

Could this quote imply Obama is a self-hating racist black man?

Then again Bob Herbert could see a picture of Barack and the white side of his family and think there is subliminal racism in that as well.

Cawacko, I hope you're not suggesting some off handed comment obama made somehow is the underlying justification for a TV ad showing a black man who fancies himself a uppity celebrity, with two sexy white women, and three phallic symbols.

Context is everything, surely you understand that. Especially in terms of race, gender, and social issues.

Look, like I said, you're free to believe this ad was all on the up and up, and no subliminal racial content was intended. I never said you were an idiot for believing that. I think you might be naive.

The point is, it was stated or implied (interestingly, by white male cons) that I was an outright idiot or loon for even making the assertions I did.

When, in fact, I think I'm on pretty solid ground when one looks at the history of the GOP in race baiting, the presence of race baiters like Charlie Black and Karl Rove in the McCain campaign, and the issues that Bob Herbert brought up, in that column I found. It points to the possibility that there is some subliminal race baiting going on. Who on God's green earth would profess shock that republicans race bait? Its what they do.

I could be wrong on this ad, but I think I'm on solid ground, and I reject with extreme prejudice any assertions that I'm an idiot for suspecting race baiting in a republican TV ad.
Cawacko, I hope you're not suggesting some off handed comment obama made somehow is the underlying justification for a TV ad showing a black man who fancies himself a uppity celebrity, with two sexy white women, and three phallic symbols.

Context is everything, surely you understand that. Especially in terms of race, gender, and social issues.

Look, like I said, you're free to believe this ad was all on the up and up, and no subliminal racial content was intended. I never said you were an idiot for believing that. I think you might be naive.

The point is, it was stated or implied (interestingly, by white male cons) that I was an outright idiot or loon for even making the assertions I did.

When, in fact, I think I'm on pretty solid ground when one looks at the history of the GOP in race baiting, the presence of race baiters like Charlie Black and Karl Rove in the McCain campaign, and the issues that Bob Herbert brought up, in that column I found. It points to the possibility that there is some subliminal race baiting going on. Who on God's green earth would profess shock that republicans race bait? Its what they do.

I could be wrong on this ad, but I think I'm on solid ground, and I reject with extreme prejudice any assertions that I'm an idiot for suspecting race baiting in a republican TV ad.

Cawacko’s off line now. This is the time he usually updates his blog “Cawacko Unplugged”. You must know about that right? I can’t be the only JPP person he sent an invite to? You should see the shit he has been saying about certain people there. He’s been nice to me…so far.
Cawacko, I hope you're not suggesting some off handed comment obama made somehow is the underlying justification for a TV ad showing a black man who fancies himself a uppity celebrity, with two sexy white women, and three phallic symbols.

Context is everything, surely you understand that. Especially in terms of race, gender, and social issues.

Look, like I said, you're free to believe this ad was all on the up and up, and no subliminal racial content was intended. I never said you were an idiot for believing that. I think you might be naive.

The point is, it was stated or implied (interestingly, by white male cons) that I was an outright idiot or loon for even making the assertions I did.

When, in fact, I think I'm on pretty solid ground when one looks at the history of the GOP in race baiting, the presence of race baiters like Charlie Black and Karl Rove in the McCain campaign, and the issues that Bob Herbert brought up, in that column I found. It points to the possibility that there is some subliminal race baiting going on. Who on God's green earth would profess shock that republicans race bait? Its what they do.

I could be wrong on this ad, but I think I'm on solid ground, and I reject with extreme prejudice any assertions that I'm an idiot for suspecting race baiting in a republican TV ad.

I'd have to look at what I wrote yesterday but I have no recollection of implying that you were an idiot for believing it I just felt you were wrong. That of couse is just my opinion.
I'd have to look at what I wrote yesterday but I have no recollection of implying that you were an idiot for believing it I just felt you were wrong. That of couse is just my opinion.

No, not you Bro. You and me are buds from way back. The only times you've ever offended me, were the times you hit on me when you were drunk on the board.

I'm talking about my small cadre of obsessive white male Con fans, who feel the need to be contrarian on every thing I write, and shout "idiot" or "partisan hack" from the peanut gallery.