Domestic oil production booming under Biden

This based on what? Its just a graph.

Based on data.

The link has the raw monthly data for average daily domestic oil production. Ninth grade math skills allows one to calculate the increase in production since January 2021
Based on data.

The link has the raw monthly data for average daily domestic oil production. Ninth grade math skills allows one to calculate the increase in production since January 2021

What data? It's a picture of a graph that coukd have been drawn by a sixth grader like Brandon.
What data? It's a picture of a graph that coukd have been drawn by a sixth grader like Brandon.

Scroll below the graph and the raw data is staring you in the face, unless there's something wrong with your browser
Based on data.

The link has the raw monthly data for average daily domestic oil production. Ninth grade math skills allows one to calculate the increase in production since January 2021

And look, there's a moron now! That didn't take long.
Too dumb to even know he's looking at raw data even when it's staring him in the face?

He's a low-IQ troll. Trolls don't care about data. They're only here to get some sick satisfaction from trolling.

For the less-trollish Reichwingers, they seem to have problems understanding that the pandemic caused the price of oil -- and refined products made from it -- to crash due to lack of demand. Remember when the price per barrel in 2020 was a negative number? When the vaccines came out and people went back to work, started going on trips again, and otherwise using more gasoline/oil products, demand rose and so did prices. The RW idiots seem incapable of understanding how supply and demand work. Demand --> high = supplies lower = higher prices. It's not that hard.

It's much easier to blame the president, esp. if he comes with a (D) after his name. They'll refuse to give him equal credit for this. In reality, he has earned neither blame nor credit. It's market forces.
He's a low-IQ troll. Trolls don't care about data. They're only here to get some sick satisfaction from trolling.

For the less-trollish Reichwingers, they seem to have problems understanding that the pandemic caused the price of oil -- and refined products made from it -- to crash due to lack of demand. Remember when the price per barrel in 2020 was a negative number? When the vaccines came out and people went back to work, started going on trips again, and otherwise using more gasoline/oil products, demand rose and so did prices. The RW idiots seem incapable of understanding how supply and demand work. Demand --> high = supplies lower = higher prices. It's not that hard.

It's much easier to blame the president, esp. if he comes with a (D) after his name. They'll refuse to give him equal credit for this. In reality, he has earned neither blame nor credit. It's market forces.

It's the same reason they were convinced there would bea Glorious Red Tsunami last November. They are only capable of memorizing what rightwing media personalities tell them to think, rather than looking at impartial data and reporting from reputable sources.
He's a low-IQ troll. Trolls don't care about data. They're only here to get some sick satisfaction from trolling.

For the less-trollish Reichwingers, they seem to have problems understanding that the pandemic caused the price of oil -- and refined products made from it -- to crash due to lack of demand. Remember when the price per barrel in 2020 was a negative number? When the vaccines came out and people went back to work, started going on trips again, and otherwise using more gasoline/oil products, demand rose and so did prices. The RW idiots seem incapable of understanding how supply and demand work. Demand --> high = supplies lower = higher prices. It's not that hard.

It's much easier to blame the president, esp. if he comes with a (D) after his name. They'll refuse to give him equal credit for this. In reality, he has earned neither blame nor credit. It's market forces.

This from a moron who elected an imbecile that said democrats prefer truth to facts. Fucking idiot
It's the same reason they were convinced there would bea Glorious Red Tsunami last November. They are only capable of memorizing what rightwing media personalities tell them to think, rather than looking at impartial data and reporting from reputable sources.

You just copied something from a left wing propaganda machine with no context. I gave you context and you can't do anything but spew more stupidity. This is precisely why people see leftists as useless pieces of shit.
Average daily domestic oil production is now 11.3% higher now than when Biden took over from Trump in January 2021.

In the middle of Covid lockdowns, you fucking either disingenuous or obtuse moron.

That's NOT a false dichotomy either, motherfucker. You're either being intentionally deceptive or stupid. Which is it, hmm?

Now do 11/19. :rolleyes:

Oh, and don't forget EO 13990 signed by Biden on day 1 of his tenure in office. :nono:
In the middle of Covid lockdowns, you fucking either disingenuous or obtuse moron.

That's NOT a false dichotomy either, motherfucker. You're either being intentionally deceptive or stupid. Which is it, hmm?

The fact that domestic oil production has increased by a significant 11.3% under Biden does not comport with the relentless claims of Trump dick-suckers that Biden is destroying/diminishing/reducing domestic oil production.

Domestic oil production is very near historic highs in the United States
It's the same reason they were convinced there would bea Glorious Red Tsunami last November. They are only capable of memorizing what rightwing media personalities tell them to think, rather than looking at impartial data and reporting from reputable sources.

Have you noticed how good news ruins their WoeIsMeWe'reAllDoomed narrative? You'd think they'd be pleased at how inflation is dropping, including prices for food and gas, while unemployment remains at historically low levels. That's good for Americans. But how they hate that.
In the middle of Covid lockdowns, you fucking either disingenuous or obtuse moron.

That's NOT a false dichotomy either, motherfucker. You're either being intentionally deceptive or stupid. Which is it, hmm?

Now do 11/19. :rolleyes:

Oh, and don't forget EO 13990 signed by Biden on day 1 of his tenure in office. :nono:

Lockdowns were over by January 2021. You willingly-ignorant moron.