Domestic oil production booming under Biden

You don't get to chop off the part of the data you don't like.

The economy was still unstable and recovering when Biden took office, and I still included that data.

The moral of the story is that domestic oil production was not destroyed - diminished - reduced by Biden...and the massive economic Depression Trump predicted if Biden was allowed to take office never happened.

You don't get to lie and not have me prove you wrong.
I imported the raw data into Excel and did the following calculation:

Average daily domestic oil production under Trump, Jan 2017 to Jan 2021

--> 10.99 million barrels oil/day

Average daily domestic oil production under Biden, Jan 2021 to October 2022

--> 11.5 million barrels oil/day
To be fair when Trump took over oil production was only 8,875,000 barrels a day (thus hurting his average) and he grew it to a high of 13,000,000 barrels. When Biden took over production was 11,124,000 barrels a day (helping his average) and has grown to 12,381,000 barrels a day.

So Trump increased production by 4,125,000 a day in 4 years or a growth of 1,031,250 a year.. Biden has increased production by 1,257,000 in 2 years or a growth of 628,500 barrels a day. . So oil production has grown by about 60% as much as it did during the Trump administration.
You chopped off the part of the Trump data you didn't like.

Oil production does not follow a simple aggregate linear trend, which is what you are assuming.

Biden inherited an unstable and underperforming economy from Trump and I still included those months for Biden without chopping that data out.
I took the place where Trump started and the peak production under his administration you are doing the EXACT same thing. I took the point to where production had fallen because of weak consumption and a COVID economy and went to Biden's peak production.
I took the place where Trump started and the peak production under his administration you are doing the EXACT same thing.

I didn't chop out any data, I used the entire dataset, including the months when Biden inherited an unstable and underperforming economy from Trump.

What happened to Trump's claim that there would be a massive economic Depression if Biden were elected?

The bottom line is that domestic oil production increased under Biden by 11.3% since Trump left office (data range= Jan 2021 to Oct 2022).

If your property value or bank CD increased or gave you a rate of return of more than 11 percent in 19 months you would be very pleased.
I took the place where Trump started and the peak production under his administration you are doing the EXACT same thing. I took the point to where production had fallen because of weak consumption and a COVID economy and went to Biden's peak production.

None of this matters because we ultimately do not control any of the oil that is extracted from under our feet; multi-national corporations do, and the oil belongs to them and they can sell it to whomever they want, for as much or as little as they want.

We only control what is in the Strategic Reserve, and nothing else.

All the facts and figures you and others are providing are for private, multi-national corporations.

Unless you nationalize the US oil industry, we are always going to be subject to the whims of OPEC.

OPEC can very easily increase, match, or cut their production depending on what the US does; and they did just that in 2015 when they increased production, thus driving down the price per barrel and forcing billions in fossil fuel bankruptcies.
And oil production is STILL lower than is was over 3 years ago. During the Trump administration oil production rose from a low of 8,875,000 to a high of 13,000,000 barrels. So Biden took over with 11,124,000 and has grown to 12,381,000 . If production grew at the same rate during the Biden administration as it did during the Trump administration Biden should have them producing 16,294,310,000 barrels a day. And libratards are crowing about Biden when he hasn't even achieved the same peak production Trump had 3 years ago. :rofl2:

So you're a medical doctor and now you're a petroleum expert.
And oil production is STILL lower than is was over 3 years ago. During the Trump administration oil production rose from a low of 8,875,000 to a high of 13,000,000 barrels. So Biden took over with 11,124,000 and has grown to 12,381,000 . If production grew at the same rate during the Biden administration as it did during the Trump administration Biden should have them producing 16,294,310,000 barrels a day. And libratards are crowing about Biden when he hasn't even achieved the same peak production Trump had 3 years ago. :rofl2:

Production is determined by the multi-national corporations extracting oil from under our feet, and they extract the exact amount necessary to lead to profit.

It's not government policy to cut back or ramp up production; it is the corporation that makes that decision.

So if a corporation is cutting back on what it's extracting, it's likely doing so in order to drive up the price per barrel.

None of this has anything to do with government policy; you want to know why production dropped? Because the oil companies wouldn't make as much profit if production remained high.

Once you understand this about the oil industry you realize that we have no control over what happens.
Production is determined by the multi-national corporations extracting oil from under our feet, and they extract the exact amount necessary to lead to profit.

It's not government policy to cut back or ramp up production; it is the corporation that makes that decision.

So if a corporation is cutting back on what it's extracting, it's likely doing so in order to drive up the price per barrel.

None of this has anything to do with government policy; you want to know why production dropped? Because the oil companies wouldn't make as much profit if production remained high.

Once you understand this about the oil industry you realize that we have no control over what happens.

I already know why production dropped. EO 13990 and the EPA.

You're so full of shit. You gotta be a colon.
You don't read so well do you? You useless crack whore

I use graphs for a living. It's called how one processes DATA, dimbulb.

I get it, you don't have much need for data at the glory hole at the gas station where you work, but graphs are actually pretty useful in understanding trends.
His constrictive foreskin is cutting off circulation to his tiny brain.

Hey Looky! Internet "Doctor" finally figures out what paraphimosis is! AND he learns the difference between the penis and the testicles!

I bet the "patients" at Dr. ExpressLane's "Clinic" are going to be CELEBRATING that he's learned something about MEDICINE! SELAH!
You're so full of shit. You gotta be a colon.

The fantasy Conservatives have is that POTUS has some kind of sway on oil production, but the reality is that corporations extract only the exact amount of oil that turns the highest profit.

So what happens if you increase production? You drop the price per barrel and thus, your profits.

So what happens if you decrease production? You increase the price per barrel and thus, your profits.

This isn't that hard to understand; it's all about global supply and demand.

The US refineries (also privately owned) do not buy oil in a separate, exclusive market; they buy oil the same place everyone else in the world buys it.
:nono: You're just mad because I can disprove all your bullshit.

You didn't disprove anything, you just interjected a barnyard animal noise.

We do not control oil production at all, corporations do, and they only extract the amount of oil necessary to turn the highest profit.

Energy companies do not care about you, they do not care about domestic demand, they do not care about your personal needs.

All they care about is making a profit.

And they achieve that by decreasing production in order to turn the highest profit.