Domestic oil production booming under Biden

Yeah, you keep rolling with your Daily Kook theory. FACT: Fuel prices rose to the highest EVER after Biden implemented policy.

It's not a theory, it's capitalism.

Oil companies make the most profit when the price of oil is at its highest, so they will do whatever they can to keep it high, including decreasing production to decrease supply.

You're not arguing with me here, you're arguing with capitalism and oil companies.
YFACT: Fuel prices rose to the highest EVER after Biden implemented policy.

What implemented policy? What are you talking about?

Fuel prices rose to their highest levels because you and Trump called COVID a hoax and that led to a pandemic that resulted in decreased demand. Then, when demand started rising, there wasn't supply to fill it so the prices went up.

And again, the US doesn't drill anything, multinational corporations do and they own whatever they extract.
What implemented policy? What are you talking about?

Fuel prices rose to their highest levels because you and Trump called COVID a hoax and that led to a pandemic that resulted in decreased demand. Then, when demand started rising, there wasn't supply to fill it so the prices went up.

And again, the US doesn't drill anything, multinational corporations do and they own whatever they extract.

"Executive Order 13990 of January 20, 2021
Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring
Science To Tackle the Climate Crisis "

"Sec. 7. Other Revocations. (a) Executive Order 13766 of January 24, 2017
(Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals For High Priority Infrastructure Projects), Executive Order 13778 of February 28, 2017 (Restoring
the Rule of Law, Federalism, and Economic Growth by Reviewing the ‘‘Waters
of the United States’’ Rule),
Executive Order 13783 of March 28, 2017
(Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth), Executive Order
13792 of April 26, 2017 (Review of Designations Under the Antiquities
, Executive Order 13795 of April 28, 2017 (Implementing an AmericaFirst Offshore Energy Strategy), Executive Order 13868 of April 10, 2019
(Promoting Energy Infrastructure and Economic Growth), and Executive Order
13927 of June 4, 2020 (Accelerating the Nation’s Economic Recovery from
the COVID–19 Emergency by Expediting Infrastructure Investments and Other
are hereby revoked. Executive Order 13834 of May 17, 2018

(Efficient Federal Operations), is hereby revoked except for sections 6, 7,
and 11.
(b) Executive Order 13807 of August 15, 2017 (Establishing Discipline
and Accountability in the Environmental Review and Permitting Process
for Infrastructure Projects)
, is hereby revoked. The Director of OMB and
the Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality shall jointly consider
whether to recommend that a replacement order be issued.
(c) Executive Order 13920 of May 1, 2020 (Securing the United States
Bulk-Power System)
, is hereby suspended for 90 days. The Secretary of
Energy and the Director of OMB shall jointly consider whether to recommend
that a replacement order be issued.
(d) The Presidential Memorandum of April 12, 2018 (Promoting Domestic
Manufacturing and Job Creation Policies and Procedures Relating to Implementation of Air Quality Standards)
, the Presidential Memorandum of October 19, 2018 (Promoting the Reliable Supply and Delivery of Water in
the West)
, and the Presidential Memorandum of February 19, 2020 (Developing and Delivering More Water Supplies in California), are hereby revoked.
(e) The Council on Environmental Quality shall rescind its draft guidance
entitled, ‘‘Draft National Environmental Policy Act Guidance on Consideration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions,’’ 84 FR 30097 (June 26, 2019). The
Council, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, shall review,
revise, and update its final guidance entitled, ‘‘Final Guidance for Federal
Departments and Agencies on Consideration of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
and the Effects of Climate Change in National Environmental Policy Act
Reviews,’’ 81 FR 51866 (August 5, 2016).
(f) The Director of OMB and the heads of agencies shall promptly take
steps to rescind any orders, rules, regulations, guidelines, or policies, or
portions thereof, including, if necessary, by proposing such rescissions
through notice-and-comment rulemaking, implementing or enforcing the Executive Orders, Presidential Memoranda, and draft guidance identified in
this section, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law "

Section 7 is the most relevant. They even get into regulating appliances before that, AND the Keystone pipeline. The whole thing is a huge wad of "Fuck You" to America.

Yes, but the government most certainly can hamper fuel production by revoking releases, slow-walking permits, and onerous regulations. Controlling appliance manufacture now?

All in the name of the "Climate Crisis" that isn't. :palm:

I'm gonna enlarge the names of the good things he revoked for your pleasure..All the big bolded things were revoked right there and then that day.

There's even a big FU to CA getting a stable water supply in there.

Don't tell me you didn't know about this, fucktard.
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OK, so you need to demonstrate how this legislation affected fuel prices when oil companies own all the fuel already.

Do you think the government of the United States owns oil wells?

JUST STFU! Go away, pissant excuse maker.

The results speak for themselves, bitch.

Those EOs worked very well when Trump implemented them. 40 years and no president fixed the fuel supply since Carter, but Trump did. :hand:

Biden revoking them worked very well too, to the detriment of the welfare of Americans.

Might could be called a violation of the Oath of Office it's so blatantly against Amercans' best interests.
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The results speak for themselves, bitch.

Yes, they certainly was probably a mistake to call COVID a hoax for a year because that is what led to the global pandemic and the decline in energy demand for two years, leading to the high prices today.

Again, it's not me you're debating, it's capitalism.

I still think it's really funny that you think oil companies aren't in it for the profit.
You're the one who makes excuses all the time like...

The excuse for not going to DC on 1/6


The excuse for not following through on a meet up YOU requested

You're foul here. I wouldn't touch you with a 10 foot pole in person.
OK, so you need to demonstrate how this legislation affected fuel prices when oil companies own all the fuel already.

Do you think the government of the United States owns oil wells?

What regulates the petroleum industry in America?
The OP sure doesn't sit too well with you does it.

No, because it's lies, and I know it's lies.

What's worse is Cypress has some intelligence and knew it was all a lie before he posted it, yet did anyway.

It would be different if it was you and you had just run with whatever HuffPo article you just read that got ya all riled up.

That's infinitely more excusable. Idk if you achieve that level of deliberate deception. You might be wrong sometimes most times, but this is next-level wrong here.

This is wrong on purpose and lying. :nono:

I don't feel like you deliberately set out to deceive like that. You're just wrong a lot.
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No, because it's lies, and I know it's lies.

What's worse is Cypress has some intelligence and knew it was all a lie before he posted it, yet did anyway.

It would be different if it was you and you had just run with whatever HuffPo article you just read that got ya all riled up.

That's infinitely more excusable.

So, if it isn't a pro-Trump post then it's a lie.
What regulates the petroleum industry in America?

Ultimately, the petroleum industry itself, which is why it self-regulates to cut production when the price per barrel is low.

Do you think multinational oil companies give a shit about US demand? They are looking at it globally, and the US is just one component.
This based on what? Its just a graph.

BTW nice job not being a coward and banning people anymore.

The US is now pumping more oil than at ANY time under Trump. We are approaching 12.7 million barrels per day while the record under Trump was 12.3 million barrels per day.
Tell that to the EPA, faggot.

The EPA isn't the reason oil companies refuse to drill on the permits they already have; the profit motive is.

It is less profitable for an oil company to increase production than it is to decrease it.

What has more value? 1000 barrels @ $100/barrel or 10,000 barrels @ $1/barrel? That's advanced math for you, I know, but I believe in you and think you can do it if you try really hard!