Domestic oil production booming under Biden

Ultimately, the petroleum industry itself, which is why it self-regulates to cut production when the price per barrel is low.

Do you think multinational oil companies give a shit about US demand? They are looking at it globally, and the US is just one component.

1. The U.S. is the largest user of oil.
2. The U.S. is an insignificant user of oil.
But you don't really believe that Democrats committed "election fraud" because if you did, you would have gone to DC on 1/6 to do something about it.

But you parked your ass right here on JPP instead.

Doesn't seem to me that you have any truly held convictions or beliefs.

That's just your leftist fuckbag theory with no logic involved. If I had a nickel for every time I've seen you post that shit, I'd have $5.

You wrinkled sack full of rotten fucks and bile.
Why thank you for that extensive list of government agencies that oversee the petroleum industry! :good4u:

Also I learned something new. It may now be Republicans in charge of "US Congressional Committees" related to energy in America.

That would be a good thing.

That way they can politicize even gas prices! Yay!
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No, you're just a fucking idiot.

1. The U.S. is the largest user of oil.


2. The U.S. is an insignificant user of oil.

Privately owned, for-profit US refineries are but a fraction of the global buyers.

The US Government only owns what is in the Strategic Reserve, everything else is owned by multinational corporations.

Those corporations can sell their product to whomever they want, for as much or as little as they want.
If I had a nickel for every time I've seen you post that shit, I'd have $5.

Fucking coward and loser who egged on Nazis for two months, but then chose to hide out on JPP the one day it mattered.

Obviously because you don't even believe the lie.
Fucking coward and loser who egged on Nazis for two months, but then chose to hide out on JPP the one day it mattered.

Obviously because you don't even believe the lie.

Was I even here? I knew the "Stop The Steal" people were headed for trouble. Left their thread 3 weeks before all that because they were getting kinda crazy.

And yes, that election was obviously stolen.

If not, wtf did Obama even campaign for when Dementia Joe blew him out the water without even campaigning and can't fill a HS gym with supporters?

I know you won't get that, but that's OK.
nd yes, that election was obviously stolen.

But you don't really believe that because if you did, you would have done something about it...if you are the person you say you are.

But so far, the kind of person you are is one that comes up with excuses for everything.
You sure were. Plenty of posts from you that day. But I'm wondering why you didn't go to DC to join the rest of your Nazi pals?

Obviously it's because you didn't want to go to jail for the stupidest lie ever told.

They weren't Nazis, Nazi.

And petitioning the government for a redress of grievances is in the 1st amendment. :|
But you don't really believe that because if you did, you would have done something about it...if you are the person you say you are.

But so far, the kind of person you are is one that comes up with excuses for everything.

But I really do:

^That's a big one, WITH Obama stumping for the potato.

Biden vs. Trump in Tampa. 300 cars vs. 15K people.

But Biden got more legit votes than Obama. :laugh:

If you believe that, you're an all-day sucker.
How did you know that if you didn't already know that they would act violently, and that wasn't your goal?

You've now dipped off into kookookadoo land. Time for you to go fuck yourself with a cactus, you lying leftist commie shitbag!
I didn't chop out any data, I used the entire dataset, including the months when Biden inherited an unstable and underperforming economy from Trump.

What happened to Trump's claim that there would be a massive economic Depression if Biden were elected?

The bottom line is that domestic oil production increased under Biden by 11.3% since Trump left office (data range= Jan 2021 to Oct 2022).

If your property value or bank CD increased or gave you a rate of return of more than 11 percent in 19 months you would be very pleased.
When consumption is low oil companies decrease production that is the reason production fell from 13,000,00 to a low of 9,713,000 during the Trump administration but consumption started to increase and production was steadily recovering. Going from 9.713,000 to 11,124,000 when Biden took over. When Biden took over Trump had left him with 3 vaccines and therapeutics to fight COVID with and things began to ease up with COVID. Oil consumption rose and production rose with it.

The best indicator is DUC which has fallen under the Biden administration and is a bad sign.
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So you're a medical doctor and now you're a petroleum expert.
My medical practice partner is a petroleum geologist he put himself through med school putting together oil leases to sell to a producer. I am invested in several of his leases. I only invest in a lease if he is also putting his money into the lease Before I invested I educated myself on the oil industry. So yes I probably know more about the oil industry than the average person does.