Domestic oil production booming under Biden

You've now dipped off into kookookadoo land. Time for you to go fuck yourself with a cactus, you lying leftist commie shitbag!

You're the one who said you didn't go to DC on 1/6 because you didn't want to get caught up in that...

Caught up in what, exactly? A violent attack on the Capitol. And by saying what you're saying, you're admitting to inciting that attack, even though you weren't brave enough to join it.

So you knew that your Nazi pals were going to act violently, and you still went ahead and spread the lies that incited them anyway.

That makes you a gigantic pussy.
My medical practice partner is a petroleum geologist he put himself through med school putting together oil leases to sell to a producer. I am invested in several of his leases. I only invest in a lease if he is also putting his money into the lease Before I invested I educated myself on the oil industry. So yes I probably know more about the oil industry than the average person does.

Who in the world believes this shit?
It was to be a mass oral petition.

Wait a second. You said earlier that you didn't go to DC on 1/6 because you didn't want to get caught up in everything, but here you're saying that it wasn't meant to be a violent attack.

So what gives? Did you or did you not know what was going to happen if you kept on lying to Nazis about the election?
When consumption is low oil companies decrease production that is the reason production fell from 13,000,00 to a low of 9,713,000 during the Trump administration but consumption started to increase and production was steadily recovering. Going from 9.713,000 to 11,124,000 when Biden took over. When Biden took over Trump had left him with 3 vaccines and therapeutics to fight COVID with and things began to ease up with COVID. Oil consumption rose and production rose with it.

The best indicator is DUC which has fallen under the Biden administration and is a bad sign.

Average daily oil production has increased 11.3% since Trump was kicked out of office.

But this is how the hyperventilating rightwing portrays it -->

Average daily oil production has increased 11.3% since Trump was kicked out of office.

But this is how the hyperventilating rightwing portrays it -->
And it still has not reached peak production it reached during the Trump administration.

During the Trump administration oil production started Jan 2017 at 8,875,000 barrels then increased to 11,124,000 by Jan 2021 that is a 25.3% increase in production. and Trump's production peaked a 13,000,000 barrels a day a point that Biden still has not reached.
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And it still has not reached peak production it reached during the Trump administration.

You and your gods in the rightwing media didn't scream:

"Biden hasn't hit peak production yet!"

You screamed:

"Biden is destroying destroying domestic oil production!"

Since you are keen to Cherry pick your favorite year, oil production in 2022 is only 4% lower than in 2019. And when the data for November and December are reported, it will be even closer than that.

If you consider yourself an honest person, can you honestly say that sounds like Biden has destroyed domestic oil production?
And it still has not reached peak production it reached during the Trump administration.

It doesn't matter because all of that oil belongs to the multinational companies who extract it, and they will only extract enough that assures them the highest possible profits.

Grow up.

The more supply is increased, the lower oil company profits are because the lower the price per barrel is.

That is why they don't drill...because doing so means more supply and lower prices and that runs in direct conflict with capitalism.

To put it even simpler:

What is most profitable for the company? 1,000 barrels @ $100/barrel, or 10,000 barrels @ $1/barrel? I know that's tricky math for you, but I believe in you!
Well a global pandemic is going to result in lower demand.

Oil companies make the most money when the price per barrel is high, so they will cut production to maintain that high price and those high profits.
And yet the price of oil was less during the Trump administration and production was higher.
You and your gods in the rightwing media didn't scream:

"Biden hasn't hit peak production yet!"

You screamed:

"Biden is destroying destroying domestic oil production!"

Since you are keen to Cherry pick your favorite year, oil production in 2022 is only 4% lower than in 2019. And when the data for November and December are reported, it will be even closer than that.

If you consider yourself an honest person, can you honestly say that sounds like Biden has destroyed domestic oil production?
Taking the starting point of January 2017 and including the ENTIRE 4 years till 2021 the Trump administration increased domestic production by 25.3% . Using you calculation Biden has increased it 11.3%.
yet less than 19 before covid, next
You cherry picked your favorite year from the Trump administration.

That kind of cherry picking of data would get you laughed out of any advanced college or graduate school class.

You and your gods in the rightwing media didn't scream:

"Biden hasn't hit peak production yet!"

You screamed:

"Biden is destroying destroying domestic oil production!"

Since you are keen to cherry pick your favorite year, oil production in 2022 is only 4% lower than in 2019. And when the data for November and December are reported, it will be even closer than that.

That doesn't even remotely comport well with the hyperventilating claims that Biden is destroying domestic oil production
Kinda close 3 years later.

I seem to remember some changing circumstances during that time.

Regardless, you are definitely undermining the right-wing narrative that Biden is some disaster as President. He really isn't. I'm not a huge fan, but he inherited some unreal circumstances and has handled them like a pro for the most part.
I seem to remember some changing circumstances during that time.

Regardless, you are definitely undermining the right-wing narrative that Biden is some disaster as President. He really isn't. I'm not a huge fan, but he inherited some unreal circumstances and has handled them like a pro for the most part.
On the edge of war with Russia, disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, Inflation, Border crisis with 5 million illegal immigrants in two years, price of gasoline up, price of natural gas up , The Strategic Petroleum Reserve depleted. no longer energy independent . That is disastrous enough for me.
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