Domestic oil production booming under Biden

You're also one of these clowns who spread lies about the 2020 election
Argument of the Stone fallacy.
but then were hiding out here on JPP on 1/6, the one day you could have done something about it.
Non-sequitur fallacy.
How come you hid out here on JPP on 1/6 and didn't go to DC to defend the country from the "theft" you alleged occurred for two straight months?
Void question.
It's because you don't really believe the 2020 election was stolen, don't you?
Attempted proof by void.
*We* aren't producing anything, multinational corporations are and they get to keep everything they extract and produce.

We have to break this habit of thinking We The People are in control of a global commodities industry.

'We' meaning the States, twit.
you are absolutely right, the USA doesn't produce jack shit, it's the oil companies doing the producing and the previous record set under Trump had nothing to do with that shithead. Market forces drive production and presidents have nothing to do with it.

Drilling in designated areas, twit.
But you don't really believe that Democrats committed "election fraud" because if you did, you would have gone to DC on 1/6 to do something about it.

But you parked your ass right here on JPP instead.

Doesn't seem to me that you have any truly held convictions or beliefs.

Non-sequitur fallacy. Discard of history. Argument of the Stone fallacy.
No, you're just a fucking idiot.


Privately owned, for-profit US refineries are but a fraction of the global buyers.

The US Government only owns what is in the Strategic Reserve, everything else is owned by multinational corporations.

Those corporations can sell their product to whomever they want, for as much or as little as they want.

Paradox. Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.
You sure were. Plenty of posts from you that day. But I'm wondering why you didn't go to DC to join the rest of your Nazi pals?

Obviously it's because you didn't want to go to jail for the stupidest lie ever told.

Repetition fallacy (Chanting). Non-sequitur fallacy. Discard of history. Argument of the Stone fallacy.
But you don't really believe that because if you did, you would have done something about it...if you are the person you say you are.

But so far, the kind of person you are is one that comes up with excuses for everything.

Repetition (chanting). Non-sequitur fallacy.
You're the one who said you didn't go to DC on 1/6 because you didn't want to get caught up in that...

Caught up in what, exactly? A violent attack on the Capitol. And by saying what you're saying, you're admitting to inciting that attack, even though you weren't brave enough to join it.

So you knew that your Nazi pals were going to act violently, and you still went ahead and spread the lies that incited them anyway.

That makes you a gigantic pussy.

Repeition fallacy (chanting). Non-sequitur fallacy. Buzzword fallacies. Trolling.
Wait a second. You said earlier that you didn't go to DC on 1/6 because you didn't want to get caught up in everything, but here you're saying that it wasn't meant to be a violent attack.

So what gives? Did you or did you not know what was going to happen if you kept on lying to Nazis about the election?

Non-sequitur fallacy. Repetition fallacy (chanting). Buzzworfd fallacies. Argument of the Stone fallacy.
Well a global pandemic is going to result in lower demand.

Oil companies make the most money when the price per barrel is high, so they will cut production to maintain that high price and those high profits.

The 'global pandemic' is the mildest variant of Covid so far discovered.
It is DEMOCRATS that shut the economy down, starting the current economic depression.
It doesn't matter because all of that oil belongs to the multinational companies who extract it, and they will only extract enough that assures them the highest possible profits.

Grow up.

The more supply is increased, the lower oil company profits are because the lower the price per barrel is.

That is why they don't drill...because doing so means more supply and lower prices and that runs in direct conflict with capitalism.

To put it even simpler:

What is most profitable for the company? 1,000 barrels @ $100/barrel, or 10,000 barrels @ $1/barrel? I know that's tricky math for you, but I believe in you!

Discard of history. Math error: unit error. Logic errors: False equivalence fallacy. Attempted proof by contrivance.
Inflation was global.
And YOU think the World's largest economy has no effect on the World's economy. It's strange that inflation was under control at 1.4% during Trump.
Disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan? He ended a near 20-year war, with minimal casualties.
You think leaving the Taliban BILLIONS of dollars of American weapons and abandoning American citizens and Green card holders was a good thing???? :rofl2:
No one is controlling Putin right now - Biden has handled that conflict beautifully, and kept an independent nation free from tyranny.
Putin did not attack Ukraine during the Trump administration he waited to a weak pResident a pResident that did noting when Putin took Ukrainian land the first time.
We were never "energy independent."
The experts say we were.

In November 2019, the United States became a net exporter of all oil products, including both refined petroleum products and crude oil.

He's not doing well w/ the border, imo. But the rest is pure right-wing hyperb

:rofl2: Biden is planning a trip to the border next week. What a difference a Republican house makes.

Well your opinion and $3 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks.