Domestic oil production booming under Biden

do you have a prediction of when it will finally get back to its peak under Trump?.....

I accept your tacit confession that Biden is not destroying the peteoleum industry. Why does the rightwing lie about it then?

So I see English is your second language, and you did not understand the simple English words in the thread title.

One can say the economy is booming if GDP is 4%, even if it peaked at 4.2% three years earlier.
I accept your tacit confession that Biden is not destroying the peteoleum industry. Why does the rightwing lie about it then?
you see, that's the difference between hate Trump even though he fulfilled more of his campaign promises than any other president we've ever had........yet when Biden makes a campaign promise and tries, you deny both the promise and the attempt......
Either Biden is destroying the peteoleum industry, or he's not.

I see you have backtracked, retreated, changed your tune, and modulated from that claim.

Record all-time high natural gas production, and domestic oil production that is increasing and near all-time highs does not qualify as destruction of an industry in even the remotest Sense.

I think the Biden administration must've changed their tune after begging the Saudis and Iran for oil and coming up with bupkis.

(and suffering humiliation)
My medical practice partner is a petroleum geologist he put himself through med school putting together oil leases to sell to a producer. I am invested in several of his leases. I only invest in a lease if he is also putting his money into the lease Before I invested I educated myself on the oil industry. So yes I probably know more about the oil industry than the average person does.

You cherry picked your favorite year from the Trump administration.

That kind of cherry picking of data would get you laughed out of any advanced college or graduate school class.

You and your gods in the rightwing media didn't scream:

"Biden hasn't hit peak production yet!"

You screamed:

"Biden is destroying destroying domestic oil production!"

Since you are keen to cherry pick your favorite year, oil production in 2022 is only 4% lower than in 2019. And when the data for November and December are reported, it will be even closer than that.

That doesn't even remotely comport well with the hyperventilating claims that Biden is destroying domestic oil production

demand was down during your cherry picking nitwit
And yet the price of oil was less during the Trump administration and production was higher.

Not during the entire Trump administration, and certainly not by the end.

You probably shouldn't have called COVID a hoax, because that's what led to the drop in production because of the drop in demand.

So once again, your big, fat, fucking lying mouth caused problems for everyone that you couldn't solve.
Biden cancelled the permits, dumbass.

Well, the oil companies already have 1000's of permits they aren't drilling on because drilling on them would lower the price per barrel and thus, lower their profits.

Oil companies will only extract and produce the exact amount of oil necessary to achieve the highest possible profit.

Our energy needs and the global energy needs do not factor into an oil company's decision to increase or decrease production.

It is solely, exclusively, 100% based on the profit margin.
'We' meaning the States, twit.

Not one single oil well is owned by "the States".

Everything is owned by private, multi-national corporations.

They get to keep and sell 100% of what they extract to whomever they want, for however much or little they want.

The only oil We The People control is what is in the Strategic Reserve.
Non-sequitur fallacy. Discard of history. Argument of the Stone fallacy.

Your habit is to act in bad faith whenever your dissonance is called out.

You lied about "election fraud" for two months, then didn't join the people you had been lying to on the one day you could have done something about it.

I don't believe you believe any of the shit you say here. You won't stand behind any of it.

And then you switch between your socks, but sometimes you forget which sock you're using.
Repetition fallacy (Chanting). Non-sequitur fallacy. Discard of history. Argument of the Stone fallacy.

Well you ran your big mouth for two months about a "stolen election", but then chickened out on JPP the one day it mattered.

So when the call was put out to "save the country", you screened it and let it go to voicemail.

Some "patriot" you are...
Non-sequitur fallacy. Repetition fallacy (chanting). Buzzworfd fallacies. Argument of the Stone fallacy.

I want to know why you personally posted lies about a "stolen election" here for two months under your various socks but didn't join any of the people you were lying to on the one day it mattered?
The 'global pandemic' is the mildest variant of Covid so far discovered.

The reason Trump lost was because of your big, fat mouth...specifically, your big, fat mouth spreading COVID lies.

Every single COVID lie you spread caused at least 2 people to vote for Biden.

If you had simply just shut the fuck up and let the professionals handle it, Trump would probably still be President.

But you lack all self-control.

So by posting lies after lies, you alienated yourself and your Nazi friends, and cost Trump and his Nazi pals the 2020 election and the 2021 GA runoffs.

And you're STILL running your mouth, even after the massive failure that was the non-existent "red wave" in 2022.