Domestic oil production booming under Biden

It is DEMOCRATS that shut the economy down, starting the current economic depression.

The economy entered a recession in Feb 2020 before any COVID lockdowns:

Recession officially started in February, researchers say
June 8, 2020

And manufacturing had been in a recession for all of 2019, thanks to the Russia Tax Cut you supported:

U.S. manufacturing was in a mild recession during 2019, a sore spot for the economy
January 17th, 2020

Oh, and business investment declined as well thanks to you and Trump:

A Decline in Capital Investment Reveals the False Promise of Trump’s Tax Bill
July 30, 2019

All that shit happened before COVID.
Discard of history. Math error: unit error. Logic errors: False equivalence fallacy. Attempted proof by contrivance.

You're just coming up with bullshit excuses to avoid the debate because you ultimately don't believe any of the shit you're saying, and that will come out over the course of the debate.

So you're getting ahead of it to spare yourself the humiliation.
The economy entered a recession in Feb 2020 before any COVID lockdowns:

Recession officially started in February, researchers say
June 8, 2020

And manufacturing had been in a recession for all of 2019, thanks to the Russia Tax Cut you supported:

U.S. manufacturing was in a mild recession during 2019, a sore spot for the economy
January 17th, 2020

Oh, and business investment declined as well thanks to you and Trump:

A Decline in Capital Investment Reveals the False Promise of Trump’s Tax Bill
July 30, 2019

All that shit happened before COVID.

Both excellent, and true.

Meanwhile, we are still waiting for the recession under Biden that the Reichwingers have been screaming about since January 2021. lol
demand was down during your cherry picking nitwit

You don't get to exclude the parts of the data you don't like.

Others I could claim every Democratic president of the last 100 years has only seen positive GDP growth and no recessions.

The title of the thread said oil production is booming.

If economic GDP is 4.4% growth we can say it's booming, even if peak GDP was 4.5% five years earlier.
Are you drunk? That is ALL they've been doing for 100+ years, you stupid fuck.


Then why did it take until Biden, the worst president ever, instituting the worst plicies ever, for fuel prices to hit the most they ever had been before?

Last time it was this bad, it was Carter. Know what happened after Carter? No Democrats for 12 years.
Not during the entire Trump administration, and certainly not by the end.

You probably shouldn't have called COVID a hoax, because that's what led to the drop in production because of the drop in demand.

So once again, your big, fat, fucking lying mouth caused problems for everyone that you couldn't solve.

Covid19 is a real virus. The mildest variant of the Covid/SARS series so far discovered. The fear mongering by Democrats is the hoax. It is DEMOCRATS that shut the economy down, causing the current economic depression. It wasn't an isolated drop in demand.
Well, the oil companies already have 1000's of permits they aren't drilling on because drilling on them would lower the price per barrel and thus, lower their profits.

Oil companies will only extract and produce the exact amount of oil necessary to achieve the highest possible profit.

Our energy needs and the global energy needs do not factor into an oil company's decision to increase or decrease production.

It is solely, exclusively, 100% based on the profit margin.

Biden cancelled the permits, dumbass.
Not one single oil well is owned by "the States".

Everything is owned by private, multi-national corporations.

They get to keep and sell 100% of what they extract to whomever they want, for however much or little they want.

The only oil We The People control is what is in the Strategic Reserve.

Never said they were. Oil wells are in the States, dumbass.
The Strategic Reserve is gone, squandered for political reasons by Biden.
Your habit is to act in bad faith whenever your dissonance is called out.

You lied about "election fraud" for two months, then didn't join the people you had been lying to on the one day you could have done something about it.

I don't believe you believe any of the shit you say here. You won't stand behind any of it.

And then you switch between your socks, but sometimes you forget which sock you're using.

Argument of the Stone fallacy. Repetitious call for civil war. ...and the usual 'sock' accusations.

What a loser.
No, you're just a fucking idiot who acts in bad faith because ultimately, you don't believe in anything.

Insulting people does not make a paradox go away. You are still locked in paradox. You must clear it. Arguing both sides of a paradox is irrational.
Well you ran your big mouth for two months about a "stolen election", but then chickened out on JPP the one day it mattered.

So when the call was put out to "save the country", you screened it and let it go to voicemail.

Some "patriot" you are...

Repetition (chanting). Calling for civil war again.