Domestic oil production booming under Biden

You have no subject. You are just trolling and chanting.

My subject is very clear: your bullshit.

It's bullshit that you think the 2020 election was stolen; you don't actually believe that. If you did, you would have done something about it other than hide out on JPP.

That's how I know you don't really believe any of didn't stand behind it when it mattered.

So since you didn't stand behind it then, why would you ever?
Inversion fallacies. Argument from randU fallacy. Omniscience fallacy. Argument of the Stone fallacy. 'Expert' worship. Paranoia. Discard of history. Repetition. No argument presented. Trolling. Spamming.

There is nothing you have said on JPP that you would stand behind.
Taking the two and a half years of the Trump Administration as a whole, business investment has expanded at an annual rate of about five per cent.

What was business investment beginning once the tax cut started? Because that started year 2 of Trump, not year 1.
Trump shook up a lot of things with tariffs, and there was some adjustment, but no recession.

Not only was there a recession, but it was entirely due to the fact that you lied about COVID.

And the tariffs? You mean the one that we ended up having to spend $30B to bail out farmer trash because the tariffs killed their businesses?
Biden's undone everything good that Trump did, with total disregard as to how it negatively affects the American economy and people, might I add.

All Trump did was plunge the economy into a recession because he couldn't control his big, fat, fucking mouth and neither can you.

Trump ended the longest period of economic expansion in US history, he ended the longest period of consecutive job growth in US history, and he ended the longest bull market in US history.

The economy entered a recession in February 2020, a month before any COVID lockdowns started.

We are also nowhere near a depression since there hasn't even been two consecutive quarters of GDP contraction.

We are in an economic depression and have been since the covid19 lockdowns. DEMOCRATS caused it by locking down the economy. An economic depression has nothing to do with the GDP.
No he didn't. They have thousands they aren't using, and the reason they aren't using them is because doing so would result in a decrease in the price per barrel, and thus lowering their profit margin.

All oil companies act the same way; they adjust their production in order to achieve the highest possible profit margins.

None of that oil belongs to We The People; only what is in the Strategic Reserve.

Discard of history. Discard of executives orders by Biden. Argument of the Stone fallacy.
Discard of executives orders by Biden

Oil companies only extract the exact amount of oil that achieves the highest profit margin because they are capitalists and that's what capitalists do.

Nothing POTUS does changes that.

Increasing production increases supply, and increased supply leads to lower prices which are good for consumers, but not good for an oil company's bottom line.

You are going to keep running into that dissonance until you accept the basic truth of the global oil markets.