Domestic oil production booming under Biden

Oil companies only extract the exact amount of oil that achieves the highest profit margin because they are capitalists and that's what capitalists do.

Nothing POTUS does changes that.

Increasing production increases supply, and increased supply leads to lower prices which are good for consumers, but not good for an oil company's bottom line.

You are going to keep running into that dissonance until you accept the basic truth of the global oil markets.

Discard of history. Repetition (chanting).
Discard of history.

Yes, you are discarding history.

During the lockdown here in GA, I was able to shop via Instacart and get every single thing I wanted from the supermarket.

I was able to log on to Amazon and order cat and dog food with ease.

I was able to go to and get an XBox.

I was able to order pizza.

I was even able to watch the NBA in the bubble.

I was able to watch Black Widow on Disney+, and I was able to watch Mortal Kombat on HBO Max.

I was able to get my car detailed.

I was able to get my hair cut.

I was able to go on a plane and fly.

Nothing changed other than access, but that access was made up for by the internet.

So no, the economy was never shut down.
History, which you discard.

How does "history" prove we are in a depression?

This is getting to exactly my point from we get deeper into this debate, we start to discover that you don't really know what you're talking about and that you're just saying things for the sake of saying them, you don't actually believe any of it.

That's why when asked for proof, you choked right here...because there is no proof of what you're saying and you know that because you don't believe any of it because there is no proof.
Yes, you are discarding history.

During the lockdown here in GA, I was able to shop via Instacart and get every single thing I wanted from the supermarket.

I was able to log on to Amazon and order cat and dog food with ease.

I was able to go to and get an XBox.

I was able to order pizza.

I was even able to watch the NBA in the bubble.

I was able to watch Black Widow on Disney+, and I was able to watch Mortal Kombat on HBO Max.

I was able to get my car detailed.

I was able to get my hair cut.

I was able to go on a plane and fly.

Nothing changed other than access, but that access was made up for by the internet.

So no, the economy was never shut down.

Apparently you weren't able to pull your head out of your ass and still aren't. :rolleyes:
All Trump did was plunge the economy into a recession because he couldn't control his big, fat, fucking mouth and neither can you.

Trump ended the longest period of economic expansion in US history, he ended the longest period of consecutive job growth in US history, and he ended the longest bull market in US history.


You just lie all the time. We're done here. :|

I can control your mouth, make you have to have that motherfucker wired shut, punkass bitch. I ain't the one to fuck with.

Come fuck with me the next time you wanna be eating through a straw for 2 mos. I'll most certainly oblige ya.

By selling the oil in the strategic reserve,
So you're trying to tell me that the "STRATEGIC reserve" is really just an oil based pawn shop?

Biden lowered gas prices by increasing the supply,
The amount of oil that was slowly released was negligible in terms of "increasing the supply".

and netted the US $4B.
How can there be a "$4B net" when the sold supply has yet to be replenished?

You're just regurgitating stupid shit that you read from the #1 search result that you googled because you can't think for yourself.
You just lie all the time. We're done here.

I don't lie on JPP because I don't need to.

I don't need to lie about personal wealth or accomplishments like you because I'm secure in my life.

But you are very insecure, and it seems you measure your self worth based on anonymous posters on JPP.

That is fucking pathetic.

2019 was when it happened.

Now remind me dipshit, does 2019 come before or after 2020?

" Compared to the trade balance one year ago, the September 2020 steel trade
gap has narrowed by 52.0%.
o From August to September 2020, the volume of U.S. steel exports increased by
17.2% " Steel Executive Summary - December 2020.pdf\

Trump policies benefitted the steel industry shortly after he left office, but Biden nuked alll of that; So it's all fucked now, you fucking shitbird turd.

It's about to all take a plunge towards the abyss.
So you're trying to tell me that the "STRATEGIC reserve" is really just an oil based pawn shop?

Yeah pretty much.

The amount of oil that was slowly released was negligible in terms of "increasing the supply"

It was enough to affect gas prices in the US, so it did what it was supposed to do; strategically lower the price of gas by incrementally increasing the supply of oil.

How can there be a "$4B net" when the sold supply has yet to be replenished?

Are you really this fucking stupid or is it an act?

Is it more of this unbelievable bullshit you are peddling on everyone?

So you know how Biden made that $4B? He bought oil when it was cheap, and then sold it off when the oil companies gouged the price.

Again, you're welcome for lower gas prices.
" Compared to the trade balance one year ago, the September 2020 steel trade
gap has narrowed by 52.0%.
o From August to September 2020, the volume of U.S. steel exports increased by
17.2% "

Great! Manufacturing still lost 300,000 jobs in 2019, before COVID was even a thing.
Yeah pretty much.

It was enough to affect gas prices in the US, so it did what it was supposed to do; strategically lower the price of gas by incrementally increasing the supply of oil.

Are you really this fucking stupid or is it an act?

Is it more of this unbelievable bullshit you are peddling on everyone?

So you know how Biden made that $4B? He bought oil when it was cheap, and then sold it off when the oil companies gouged the price.

Again, you're welcome for lower gas prices.

Biden bought no oil "when it was cheap", you fucking dishonest idiot.