Domestic oil production booming under Biden

Biden bought no oil "when it was cheap", you fucking dishonest idiot.

Fine! Then he had the savvy to wait until the price got high, then sold off the oil that was bought at a lower price and netted $4B in profit while lowering gas prices.

Trump never netted ANY profit for the US. In fact, Trump added $8T to the debt in 4 years.

I'm old enough to remember you shitting your pants over Obama adding that much in 8 years.
False authority fallacy. Discard of history.

You act in bad faith whenever your dissonance rears its ugly head.

It's like a pattern with you; it always happens the same way.

You start off saying something dumb or wrong, someone corrects you, but instead of defending your point, you just spam the thread with avoidance tactics because you ultimately don't know what you're talking about because you don't believe any of the shit you're saying.

Not at all. Not even a little bit. It's totally disingenuous.
Fine! Then he had the savvy to wait until the price got high, then sold off the oil that was bought at a lower price and netted $4B in profit while lowering gas prices.

Trump never netted ANY profit for the US. In fact, Trump added $8T to the debt in 4 years.

I'm old enough to remember you shitting your pants over Obama adding that much in 8 years.

Fiction. Discard of history.
You act in bad faith whenever your dissonance rears its ugly head.

It's like a pattern with you; it always happens the same way.

You start off saying something dumb or wrong, someone corrects you, but instead of defending your point, you just spam the thread with avoidance tactics because you ultimately don't know what you're talking about because you don't believe any of the shit you're saying. Not at all.

Bulverism fallacy.
Yes, you are discarding history.
LIF. Grow up.
During the lockdown here in GA, I was able to shop via Instacart and get every single thing I wanted from the supermarket.

I was able to log on to Amazon and order cat and dog food with ease.

I was able to go to and get an XBox.

I was able to order pizza.

I was even able to watch the NBA in the bubble.

I was able to watch Black Widow on Disney+, and I was able to watch Mortal Kombat on HBO Max.

I was able to get my car detailed.

I was able to get my hair cut.

I was able to go on a plane and fly.

Nothing changed other than access, but that access was made up for by the internet.

So no, the economy was never shut down.

Special pleading fallacy. The economy was shut down.
For some reason this has been wiped from the National Archives, that's disturbing.

There ya go, and fuck you! Traitorous evil shitbag. You're a POS.

Oh're in trouble now because what you linked to not only explains how capitalism is to cause for the Steel industry, but also the oil industry:

The artificially low prices caused by excess capacity and unfairly traded imports suppress profits in the American steel industry, which discourages long-term investment in the industry and hinders efforts by American steel producers to research and develop new and better grades of steel.

Now substitute "oil" for "steel" here and you'll all of a sudden magically understand what I've been talking about this whole time.

Artificially low prices caused by excess capacity of steel = Artifically low prices caused by excess capacity of oil.

And excess capacities are not good for profit margins, like your link says.

So...that means that drilling more and producing more oil reduces the profit margin of the oil companies, so they constrain supply to keep the price high.

I should get paid for explaining Capitalism to idiots.
Repetition (chanting). RQAA. Void argument fallacy.

Actions speak louder than words and your actions have been to flee, to hide, to avoid, and to bullshit.

You don't believe a single fucking thing you write here and I know that because you don't stand behind any of it, even when its held to the lowest possible scrutiny.
Yeah pretty much.
A safety net is not a pawn shop.

It was enough to affect gas prices in the US, so it did what it was supposed to do; strategically lower the price of gas by incrementally increasing the supply of oil.
It had a negligible, if any, effect on gas prices in this nation. Biden merely depleted the safety net for political reasons.

Are you really this fucking stupid or is it an act?
That's a question I should be asking YOU.

So you know how Biden made that $4B?
Biden did not make $4B. That's a lie.

He bought oil when it was cheap,
Biden didn't buy that oil, nor was it bought during the Biden era. That oil was bought during the Trump era at dirt cheap prices.

and then sold it off
... and has yet to replenish it, so there is no "$4B profit". There is still a huge loss, as that oil is now no longer in the reserves. A safety net is not a pawn shop.

when the oil companies gouged the price.
Why do the oil companies ever stop "gouging the price"? Wouldn't they make more money by constantly "price gouging"? Why stop doing it? And what is "price gouging" anyhow??

Again, you're welcome for lower gas prices.
What "lower gas prices"? They are still higher than they ever were during the entirety of Trump's term...
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