Domestic oil production booming under Biden

The reason Trump lost was because of your big, fat mouth...specifically, your big, fat mouth spreading COVID lies.

Every single COVID lie you spread caused at least 2 people to vote for Biden.

If you had simply just shut the fuck up and let the professionals handle it, Trump would probably still be President.

But you lack all self-control.

So by posting lies after lies, you alienated yourself and your Nazi friends, and cost Trump and his Nazi pals the 2020 election and the 2021 GA runoffs.

And you're STILL running your mouth, even after the massive failure that was the non-existent "red wave" in 2022.

Inversion fallacies. Argument from randU fallacy. Omniscience fallacy. Argument of the Stone fallacy. 'Expert' worship. Paranoia. Discard of history. Repetition. No argument presented. Trolling. Spamming.
You're just coming up with bullshit excuses to avoid the debate because you ultimately don't believe any of the shit you're saying, and that will come out over the course of the debate.

So you're getting ahead of it to spare yourself the humiliation.

You are not debating. Void argument fallacy.
You don't get to exclude the parts of the data you don't like.

Others I could claim every Democratic president of the last 100 years has only seen positive GDP growth and no recessions.

The title of the thread said oil production is booming.

If economic GDP is 4.4% growth we can say it's booming, even if peak GDP was 4.5% five years earlier.

Random numbers are not data. Base rate fallacies.
Matt are you still bumming about Biden bringing gas prices down?????

"Presidents have no control over gas prices" (except for "Putin's Price Hike"), REMEMBER?

You thought I'd forget that doozy of a paradox and lie from Demonkkkrats, but I didn't...
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The economy entered a recession in Feb 2020 before any COVID lockdowns:

Recession officially started in February, researchers say
June 8, 2020

And manufacturing had been in a recession for all of 2019, thanks to the Russia Tax Cut you supported:

U.S. manufacturing was in a mild recession during 2019, a sore spot for the economy
January 17th, 2020

Oh, and business investment declined as well thanks to you and Trump:

A Decline in Capital Investment Reveals the False Promise of Trump’s Tax Bill
July 30, 2019

All that shit happened before COVID.


From your own link:

"Taking the two and a half years of the Trump Administration as a whole, business investment has expanded at an annual rate of about five per cent. That is a step up from the last few years of the Obama Administration, when a slide in oil prices led to big cutbacks in the capital-intensive energy industry, which previously had been expanding at a rapid clip. In 2017 and 2018, the first two years of the Trump Administration, oil prices recovered, and so did capital spending in the energy industry."

Trump shook up a lot of things with tariffs, and there was some adjustment, but no recession. That's a lie.

A little later the steel industry boomed, now that's all over because Biden's undone everything good that Trump did, with total disregard as to how it negatively affects the American economy and people, might I add.

And it doesn't affect them any other way but negatively.
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Covid19 is a real virus. The mildest variant of the Covid/SARS series so far discovered. The fear mongering by Democrats is the hoax. It is DEMOCRATS that shut the economy down, causing the current economic depression. It wasn't an isolated drop in demand.

The economy entered a recession in February 2020, a month before any COVID lockdowns started.

We are also nowhere near a depression since there hasn't even been two consecutive quarters of GDP contraction.
Biden cancelled the permits, dumbass.

No he didn't. They have thousands they aren't using, and the reason they aren't using them is because doing so would result in a decrease in the price per barrel, and thus lowering their profit margin.

All oil companies act the same way; they adjust their production in order to achieve the highest possible profit margins.

None of that oil belongs to We The People; only what is in the Strategic Reserve.
Your call for civil war is noted (again).

You don't believe a single thing you post on JPP because when the time came for you to stand behind it, you ran and hid here behind your socks and behind the shadow of anonymity JPP provides you.

I see right. Fucking. Through you. And I know you're a loser.
Never said they were. Oil wells are in the States, dumbass.


First of all, yes you did say that.

Secondly, now you're retconning what you said before to say that the oil wells are IN the states.

LMAO! Well no shit, Sherlock.

Those oil wells don't belong to the states they are in, they belong to the company that owns them.

What a goober.
Argument of the Stone fallacy. Repetitious call for civil war. ...and the usual 'sock' accusations.What a loser.

Civil War? You're the one who lied about election fraud for two months but then didn't join the people you were lying to when it mattered.

That speaks volumes about the kind of shitty person you are.

You're the kind of person who incites people to do the things you're too chickenshit to do yourself.

Fucking goober.
Insulting people does not make a paradox go away. You are still locked in paradox. You must clear it. Arguing both sides of a paradox is irrational.

You don't believe in shit.

You don't believe a single fucking thing you write here.

It's all for show, all for your ego.

When push comes to shove, you do not have one single, truly held personal belief.

It's all just bullshit that I see right fuckin' through...and I'm not the only one who sees through it.
Repetition (chanting).

Now you act in bad faith because you don't want to answer for your absence from DC on 1/6 despite your false, vehement claims about the election being stolen for two months prior.

You just have a big, fat, fucking mouth that you can't control.
Repetition (chanting). Calling for civil war again.

Civil War? Remind me, which one of us lied to Nazis for two straight months in the hopes they would attack the Capitol on our behalf? Oh right, that was you.

But you didn't even believe it yourself, which is why you didn't join them.

So you helped set up a bunch of Nazis to get thrown in jail over a lie that was so stupid, you didn't even buy it.