Domestic oil production booming under Biden

I seem to remember that circumstance also hit Trump and Trump started out with no vaccines and no therapeutics. At least he left Biden with 3 vaccines and therapeutics.

mRNA shots are not a vaccine. They are a treatment. The ones you refer to program your cells to manufacture covid19.
Once the rolling/laughing emojis come out, the debate has been won.

EDIT: and the huge # of typos. It's like someone is pounding their keyboard.
Inflation was global.
No, it isn't. Inflation is normal for any fiat currency. In the States, money was devalued in a single year by approx. 30% due to hyperprinting by the Fed under orders from Congress (Democrats).
Disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan?
Yes. Biden gave weapons to the enemy in time of war and abandoned U.S. civilians. Treason.
He ended a near 20-year war, with minimal casualties.
He ended no war. It still continued, slaughtering U.S. allies. Biden surrendered.
No one is controlling Putin right now - Biden has handled that conflict beautifully,
Biden is weak, embolding Putin to attack Ukraine. Biden has done NOTHING to help Ukraine.
and kept an independent nation free from tyranny.
WRONG. Biden IS tyranny.
We were never "energy independent."
Yes we were. We are not anymore.
He's not doing well w/ the border, imo. But the rest is pure right-wing hyperbole.
Minimalizing the effective erasure of the southern border by Biden is LEFT WING hyperbole.
Once the rolling/laughing emojis come out, the debate has been won.

EDIT: and the huge # of typos. It's like someone is pounding their keyboard.

If you catch typos award yourself an internet star!!!BTW internet rule # 1. If the party that you are debating becomes a Spelling teacher and starts correcting spelling or grammar instead of the substance of the debate you have won the debate.
Trump wanted to ignore COVID.
He didn't. He acted by shutting down air travel with China. DEMOCRATS at the time were ignoring it. Only AFTER did DEMOCRATS see an opportunity and shut down the economy to make Trump look bad. Trump did NOT shut down the economy. DEMOCRATS DID.
Democrats started the current economic depression.
He handled his only crisis horribly, and left the economy in a shambles as a result.
DEMOCRATS CAUSED the current economic depression and the crisis.
The vaccines?
There are none.
The righties here always post that they're terrible.
They don't exist.

The J&J and Pfizer shots (and boosters) are not vaccines. They are treatments. They program your cells to manufacture covid19.
If you catch typos award yourself an internet star!!!BTW internet rule # 1. If the party that you are debating becomes a Spelling teacher and starts correcting spelling or grammar instead of the substance of the debate you have won the debate.

I normally don't care - but you don't normally have a lot of them, so that response was clearly emotional.
Wow - speculate much w/ all of that about Russia & the Ukraine?

As for Trump not leaving billions of dollars of equipment in Afghanistan, that's because he didn't have the courage to stop that war. The equipment wasn't in safe territory on pallets, waiting to be airlifted - so tell me, how many American lives would you have been willing to sacrifice to retrieve it?

Biden didn't stop any war.
Well, I do have to call a company that buys mineral rights tomorrow and see if they'll bump their bid up a bit so I can make another 6-figure profit off some I have in Texas. I suppose I should thank Joke for raising gas prices. And, no, I'm not stupid enough to buy an EV with that cash...

New year, new tax issues. Had to wait until that happened...
Well a global pandemic is going to result in lower demand.

Oil companies make the most money when the price per barrel is high, so they will cut production to maintain that high price and those high profits.

Then why was that never done for 100-plus years, dumbfuck?!

Slap yourself for me.
So Biden farts more than Trump. Meh.

No one has yet given a credible explanation for how Biden is supposedly destroyed the petroleum industry when domestic oil production is near historic highs and domestic natural gas production is going gangbuster and setting all-time historic records
No one has yet given a credible explanation for how Biden is supposedly destroyed the petroleum industry when domestic oil production is near historic highs and domestic natural gas production is going gangbuster and setting all-time historic records

I see your tune has modulated now. Good.

And a slight uptick is not all that to crow about, especially when prices are up 50% and that hurts people directly.
I see your tune has modulated now. Good.

And a slight uptick is not all that to crow about, especially when prices are up 50% and that hurts people directly.

Either Biden is destroying the peteoleum industry, or he's not.

I see you have backtracked, retreated, changed your tune, and modulated from that claim.

Record all-time high natural gas production, and domestic oil production that is increasing and near all-time highs does not qualify as destruction of an industry in even the remotest Sense.